Tuesday, December 20, 2022

By the Skinstitch of their Teeth

Erevel led the party up the stairs to the next level with Gavril close behind.  The rest of the party trailed along on the staircase.  As she reached the top of the stairs Erevel could smell the room before seeing it.  The overwhelming stench of bleach, ammonia, and other unidentifiable chemicals filled the air.

The chamber seemed a veritable museum. Dozens of books, jars, and glass containers of various sizes lay on nearly every horizontal surface.  Some of the largest containers were draped with a thick brown cloth. But her sight was drawn to two hulking things which seemed to be a patchwork of rotten cloth and grotesque skin, with stray bits of straw poking out the seams.  There was a buzzing drone coming from the area of the creatures as they went about browsing the shelves and checking out jars.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Unsettling Painting

The party heard Armania's statement detailing the placement of the magic paintings.  Since one was next to Erevel at the bottom of the second stairway she took a closer look at it.

It depicted a gruesome cloaked figure standing in a blasted alien landscape. Snakes writhed from beneath the folds of its cloak, and it reached a clawed hand out from its billowing sleeves. The creature seemed to move and its cloak seemed to blow in the wind if looked at from the corner of the eye.

Erevel felt a jolt of fear shoot down her spine as the figure in the painting looked directly at her.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Mun's Macabre Study

After being escorted back to The Sword Point, Armania cast invisibility and fly on herself and followed the Cassomir Watch as they left the inn.  The guards moved through Pharasma's Pulpit and then headed to Swift Prison.  At this point the four Watchmen marched to the Three Gates district where they patrolled the streets for 3 hours.

Apparently at the end of their watch the group headed to the Admiralty Citadel where they met a new group of Watch headed out for patrol.  The group Armania was following entered the Citadel and didn't exit again.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Hastur Revisited

"Who are these guys?  And where is the City Watch?" Paullus cried out facing the horned tiny devil and the conjurer.

"We can't rely on the City Watch, we are foreigners and maybe under suspicion," Ciprian answered.

Meanwhile Gavril and Ursina continued puking their guts out while under attack from the tiny horned devils.

Two of the conjurers started spell casting while the third fired magic missiles at the blind Erevel.  The Air Walking Leader moved out of sight of Ciprian and began casting a spell.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Esoteric Knights of Evolvement

"How long does it take to upgrade equipment?" Gavril inquired

"It depends on what update.  It will take 1 day per 1000 GP upgrade cost." Ciprian responded.

The group then spent two days finding blacksmiths to upgrade their equipment.  They were about selling items to finance new acquisitions.  The higher priced items were beyond their finances.

As the group was out they noticed six uniformed watchers who seemed to follow them around Cassomir.  Asking around, they learned that these were members of the Cassomir City Watch.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


"This group seems to be tough," Erevel declared as she moved to attack two of the Raiders.

A raider fired at Paullus to no avail. "Not that tough!" he retorted.

The archer on top of the far building disappeared, though only Armania saw that.

Armania, Ciprian, Paullus and Ursina were all taking bleeding damage but Ciprian attacked in any event.

Ursina cast a Prayer on the party while Armania cast Boneshaker down upon the Captain.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Docks of Cassomir

Armania and Paullus welcomed the rest of the party back to the Sellen Starling.

"What happened?  Did you defeat those phantoms of us?" inquired Paullus.

Before anyone could answer Armania jumped in, "Did you hear noises and a voice in your heads?"

"Yes we defeated all our Animate Dreams,"  Erevel exclaimed.

"Those voices were strange.  Did you see the vision of a strange city also?" Gavril asked.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Who You Are

A glistening pool lay before the party in the valley between three dunes. A small wooden hut stood near the water, and an immense tree shaded the pool and the hut, with large, lumpy fruits hanging near the ground.

No activity was observed.  Paullus sent Barnabas to scout the area.  Barnabas returned saying that only scorpions and small creatures were seen.  No people or creatures were evident.

Armania moved forward and looked at the entire scene through the gem of seeing, no differences were observed through the gem.  Ciprian circled wide around the hut and ended at the northeast where he approached cautiously. Erevel and Gavril moved closer toward the hut, noting that the fruit vaguely resembled human heads.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Moon Music

Gavril moved to a flanking position with a grizzly bear on Ahrkh-Nar. Unfortunately he found that the amorphous body of the Moon Beast was not affected by his precision damage.

Ahrkh-Nar then attacked with the tentacles and then applied rend by twisting and turning the tentacles after hitting.  Gavril felt his wisdom draining from the attack.  Finally the bear was hit by a claw.

Yath-Kheph then attacked Ciprian with its claws, destroying one image but hitting the Bard with his other.  Then against his nemesis, Ursina, he released the tentacles and Ursina also felt her wisdom drain from her head.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Twin Lives

The western twin moved to the middle of the north end of the room and started dancing.  Erevel, Paullus and Ursina appeared to stare toward the dancer.  The other twin appeared to regenerate some health and then touched Gavril causing damage as she appeared to heal more of her damage.

Armania tried the wand of scorching ray once again and this time the spell actually fired and affected the twins but not very heavily. 

Erevel looked confused and hit herself with her sword.  Gavril then took his attacks with both hands, but only managed to actually hit the twin once.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dragon's Breath

The party saw Torture devices filling the large chamber, from racks and iron maidens to spiked chairs and vises. Most of the implements were stained with fresh blood, and a coppery tang filled the air. A wide staircase in the northeast corner led down. Double doors stood in the south and west walls. The western wall of the room is dominated by a large apparatus with conical brass horns, fluted pipes piercing the ceiling, and oily tubes snaking from the apparatus to each of the torture devices. An odd, low wailing emanated from the machine like a faraway scream.

A redheaded woman had just transformed into an ebony dragon with red frills.  The dragon appeared terribly contorted and trailed shadows.  

As the dragon moved toward the center of the room it bellowed "You shall not pass!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Moon Beasts and Dragons

"This wand is of Searing Light," stated Armania as she looked at the remains of one of the Denizens of Leng.

"It can really hurt the target!  I felt it," added Gavril.

The party started to heal the members who took damage in the battle and Restoration was performed on Gavril and Erevel to restore Dexterity and Health.

"Should we go up to see the frog like creature or look for another way in?" queried Ciprian.  "I believe that the creature could be a Moon Beast, but I am not sure."

"The wands that Gavril found are wands of Scorching Ray, but they have limited charges left," Armania related.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Prisoner of Leng

A semi-canine humanoid with rancid green flesh and hoof like feet faced the party. Its eyes sparkled with the gleam of intelligence.  Was this the creature from the guardhouse?

Gavril, taking no chances charged right up to the creature and missed badly.

The creature took a 5 foot step away from Gavril, read from a scroll and a glowing, pea-sized bead streaked from its hand.  A searing explosion of flame that detonated with a low roar, occurred in the midst of the party.  All the party but Gavril found themselves singed skin and burnt clothing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

To the Moon

Erevel was raring to go, she wanted to get back to the roof and on to the Moon.

"Slow down, wait for the rest of us to gather," Ciprian demanded, "There are probably two Denizens of Leng in there and who knows what else."

The rest of the party ambled to back up Erevel, who stepped through the secret door and moved left in the hallway.  Gavril followed into the hall and crept up to the door to the office on the right. Cracking open the door he saw a room filled with bookshelves, a desk and chair.  The bookshelves were loaded with books.  

There was a human standing in the room apparently reading one of the books.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Nightgaunts Attack

Facing two Denizens of Leng Ciprian cast Blistering Invective causing the enemy to be Shaken.  Neither caught afire though.  Then he began a Dirge of Doom Bardic Perfomance which caused the Leng Denizens to leap over the staircase railing to the first floor.

Below the party heard Ciprian begin his performance noting that this was a bad sign.  Armania collected Paullus, Gavril and Ursina around her to Dimension Door to the top of the rubble pile.  Erevel demurred saying she was headed in a different direction.

As Erevel approached the Dutch Door of the Guard Post she saw two hounds through the now ruined door.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Return to the Caravanserai

"That seems to be the end of them," Armania exclaimed as she began her search for magic in the bunkhouse.

Ursina and Gavril were searching the "bodies" of the plant/skeleton creatures finding some gold and silver coins.

"There is a magic item in that woodpile, and several in the bedroom where the Swamp Mummy originally was," she continued.

The magic item in the woodpile was scroll of blink.

"Gavril, come here and check this trunk and lockbox for traps," Armania suggested.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dry Dock

Erevel and Paullus both awoke not feeling any effects of their Night Terrors.  This was a blessing for Paullus as he seemed to always be fatigued lately.

Armania and Ursina sat down to memorize spells for the day while Ciprian was bugging everyone to choose which magic items they wished to have.  Gavril sat at the back of the Sellen Starling just watching the water of the river flow past.

Skywin approached Ciprian and asked if he could gather all the group at the front of the ship, she had a proposal to for them,

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Wamp Fever

"Lets get this last trip to the Dreamlands underway," Ciprian suggested as night started to fall.

"I'd rather wait until the next day.  Maybe I won't be so tired," Erevel countered.

"I'd rather wait also," Paullus entered his vote.  "These damned nightmares are causing a passel of problems."

"Okay," replied Ciprian as he headed to the cabin to continue his reading of the Pnakotic Manuscripts.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Captain Vadrack and Fiends

The Bloodwind continued its inexorable movement forward allowing more Mercenaries to board the Sellen Starling in response to Captain Vadrack's imploring.  They moved through the cabins to access the far side of the Starling.  Another of the Mercenaries jumped to the roof of the cabin to attack from above.

Armania tried to swipe the Tricorne hat from Vadrack but this time the ploy didn't succeed.  Ciprian, relieved that one of his images was hit instead of himself identified the beast in front of him as a Wraith and then attacked with his mace doing only partial damage to the incorporeal being.  The Wraith touched the real Ciprian on his next turn doing damage and draining his Constitution.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Transformation of Skywin

"Ah, the free air of the Sellen.  I hope to make it out of Galt so that I may continue to support its people," Emilo said with hope in his voice.

"We will do our best for you," Skywin replied.

The heroes were helping the sailors get the Sellen Starling under way.  Ciprian was preparing to continue his research, with Armania and Ursina, into the Red Webbed Foot.  The previous day's failure notwithstanding he was enthused to start down a new track in the collection of books.

Paullus, Erevel and Gavril were continuing with their training to hone their skills.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Emilo Daldamane

After spending the evening, the crew arose ready to continue their journey and research into the Captain's Tricorne.

Ciprian, Armania and Ursina finished the research with the following information.

The proper phrase allows the group to use the Dreamlands excursion occult ritual to arrive near the Bloodwind, is Bloodwind.

"We know that Denizens of Leng are, and they are dangerous as we discovered at Iris Hill," Ciprian stated worriedly. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Creepy Rill Creeper

"Seems too late in the day to continue with research, so we should just wait and try later," Ciprian bemoaned the lateness of the day.

"Tomorrow we will be close to the tributary entry, so we will need to be alert.  We will all need to study the shore and waters," asked Skywin.

"We will be ready," Erevel announced seconded by Paullus.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Glower's Glower

Ciprian and Ursina sat in the small sumptuous room discussing how to proceed.

"You can cast discern lies when we interview these subjects," state Ciprian.  "I will try and play the bad cop, hopefully someone else will be the good cop."

"Should we watch them as they enter.  One of them may try and trigger the trap, or maybe find out why it didn't work." added Ursina.

Armania was looking around at all the suspects plus Quaveandra with her gem of seeing.  It did not show her any thing out of the ordinary.  She then went to the private room and noted a secret door in the north wall, but not any way to open it.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Quaveandra's Problem

Striding across the rickety pier was a wide-eyed elf, his patched robe and mud-spiked hair swung around his rail-thin frame. A coterie of women followed a few paces behind him. The man thrust his hands into the air and shouted “The Water Rat delivers, but in his own time!  I have seen you in murky reflections and I would impart Hanspur’s sodden wisdom to you with private words—let us speak of strange dreams, red sails, and dead fisherfolk!”

Skywin jumped to the pier and approached the elf.

"Naerel, we are just here to resupply and make some quick repairs on the Sellen Starling.  We were attacked by some strange water creature.  There is a small amount of damage on the ship."

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Vagrant Attack

The party gathered around Ciprian worried about any effects from dying in the Dreamlands.

"I feel fine, just a headache.  What was that monster that hit me?" Ciprian said groggily.

"We didn't stay around to find out.  The whole city seemed as if it were going to be destroyed by huge waves from the lake.  Whatever the creature was, it was very powerful."  Paullus related.  "It seemed to affect our ability to wake up!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Bokrug Arrives

Chaos reigned as all the party goers started moving in random directions trying to get away from the sickly green, frog faced humanoids.  The creatures attacked from above flying down to and killing several party goers.

On such creature touched Ursina and she felt wracking burns and a wave of doom that quickly passed.  

Armania moved slightly toward the center of the party, which was spread out across the room.  She found moving difficult as the randomly running party goers impeded movement.  She finished by using her wand of Scorching Ray at the closed creature.  It seemed to do minimal damage.

Paullus fired his bow at another and though it seemed to hit the ghostly figure, it did no damage.  Ursina backed away and cast Ghostbane Dirge to cause the seemingly incorporeal figure to coalesce to a semi-physical state.  Unfortunately the spell failed.

Gavril moved as quickly as he could but could not reach one of the creatures.  Ciprian identified the monsters a Ib Shades, undead with a Doom Ability.  He moved into a pocket of party goers next to Armania and cast Good Hope on the party.  Erevel then moved to the nearest enemy and found that even her greatsword did half damage.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Gug, Ghoul, Ghoul

Ciprian hurriedly cast invisibility on himself and jumped up to the roof of the tomb.  Gavril began to move toward the tomb after hearing Ciprian's plea for help.  Erevel moved back, hoping the Gug had not seen her.  She waited at the far corner of the tomb.  Paullus moved up to the opening into the Plaza of Bones followed by Armania.  Ursina kept building her wall of bones.

The Gug, following Ciprian's voice came around the northern side of the tomb and looked right at Erevel.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones

"Well now let us see what these magic items are," declared Ciprian.

Between Ursina and Armania they determined that they had a +1 Greatsword, which Erevel grabbed immediately.  There was +1 Chain mail, a +1 Ring of Protection, a +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, and a +1 Cloak of Resistance.

The unknown potions were of Jump.  All the healing potions were distributed among the party.  The throwing axes and MW Scimitars were given to the ships crew.  Healing was then spread around the party.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Faith Barge

Gavril finished off the Tree Tiger that had Ursina grappled.  

"Thanks friend, I knew that flanking was worth something," Ursina yelled at Gavril.

Meanwhile Nestor fired Scorching Ray at the larger Tree Tiger, which was still exhausted.

Paullus moved up to try the Vorpal Scimitar once again, it just did damage, no beheadings yet.

Ciprian identified the other Tiger as a Dire version of the Tree Tigers and asked Armania to drop him.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Meet Nestor Bindlay

While the party discussed who should have the Belt of Might Consitution Paullus was scouting the area looking for a good path through the tree branches to the east.  The woods was lush and full which made seeing any distance an issue.

Using the Gem of Seeing Armania did not make out any unusual or unknown beings.  

After Erevel took the Belt the party headed off to the east to try and find the Tree Tigers.  The Zoogs were definitely afraid of the creatures so the party was cautious as they headed toward the next huge tree.

The leaves and branches of the forest canopy opened to the deep blue sky above and were bathed in bright sunlight.  On a large leaf ahead of the party they saw a human male who was bound, gagged, and staked to a leaf with wide thorns.  His eyes moved toward the party as he tried not to move a muscle.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Enchanted Wood

"I will get rid of this darkness," Armania stated as she pulled out a light rock.

There was a catwalk across the upper part of the ballroom.  The area around the catwalk was filled with webs.  

"We should get prepared," said Armania as Ursina cast Bless, Armania cast Haste and Ciprian cast GoodHope.

Armania then cast Purge Invisibility as the party moved on down the catwalk.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Viscount's Gala

"Not now I am busy researching these book from Lowl's estate," growled Ursina to Paullus.  Paullus had tried to get Ursina to at least take a break to eat but she refused again.

"You really have to eat or you won't make it to Cassomir," repeated Paullus for the fourth time.

Armania was treating the scholars to another round of training, and then asked them if they knew how to cast Restoration.  "You see, Erevel is in need of Restoration. She lost some Wisdom in our tour through the desert Caravanserai in the Dreamlands."

"You actually went to the Dreamlands?" Wreben queried, "I don't want to set foot anywhere near that dimension."

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Yellow King

The Huge creature unwound a oozing neck, opened its dark maw and bit and grabbed Armania.  Then it attacked Gavril and Erevel with its tendrils.

A howl went up from the three party members in the Baths area altering the rest of the party in the hallway to their situation.  Ciprian cast Haste and moved to the doorway but stayed in the hall not wishing to rush in just yet.

Back in the Baths, Gavril studied the huge monstrosity and attacked with Red Destiny hitting the monsters head but finding that less damage was done than expected.

"It has damage resistance of some sort," he cried out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Haunted Dining

As the party looked around Erevel moved to the western set of double doors.  Since no sounds had been heard, she pushed open the door.  A blast of cool air hit Erevel in the face as she peered into a shadowy room and hallway leading west.  To the south was a basin raised on three foot high carved sleepwalkers statues.

The remaining party moved up toward the now open door as Erevel moved further into the room.  As she moved past he basin she could see that it was empty.  Dry, except for the dust, it certainly could have held water in the past.  The floor was covered in dust with no footprints evident.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Only Ciprian, Gavril and Ursina were aware as four Vooniths clambered up unto the deck of the Sellen Starling.  Ciprian started his Bardic Performance as he had seen such a creature previously at Briarstone.  He also cast Good Hope on the party.

The first Voonith let out a Blood-Freezing Howl which dazed Paullus, Skywin and two of the shipmates. The second attacked Gavril as the third let out its Howl, which dazed the other two shipmates.  The fourth attacked Erevel and tripped her with its bite attack, then it clawed with all four claws.

Armania stepped away and fired a magic missile at one of the brightly colored, long necked amphibian.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Sellen Starling

Armania and Ciprian were arguing over the wand of scorching ray that was found on Melisenn.  

"Well, I guess you can just take it ALL!" exclaimed Armania frustrated with Ciprian's continued collection of magic items.

"OK, OK, you can have it," Ciprian responded with a huge sigh.

"We need to get Erevel a few more items also.  I think she needs the ring of protection and some more potions.  She is always up front in every fight." Armania continued.  Erevel concurred silently with a nod.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Court of the Unspeakable One

Paullus was hurting back in the stairwell while Armania also needed some healing.  Erevel was under attack from the Byakhee.  Ciprian was buffing the party to the best of his abilities while Gavril was looking to fire arrows at Melisenn.  Ursina, still invisible was trying to assure that none of the party would die.

Melisenn seeing Erevel peeking out from behind the throne moved over to cast Boneshatter on her.  Even though Erevel saved against the spell, the resulting damage was enough to knock her unconscious.  

With their main fighter sprawled on the throne the party was becoming unsure of their survival.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Hallucinations Abound

From Erevel's back the pitcher plant suddenly attacked slamming her with the whole of its body.

"The damnable plant has attacked me," she hollered.

Ciprian, standing in the ledger room suddenly wrapped his arms around his body, "I'm melting, I'm melting," he yelled trying to hold himself together.

Gavril moved up into the bedroom and studied the plant target.  Armania moved up and cast a flame strike on the plant.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

It's All In Your Mind

Erevel began walking toward the gatehouse as Armania was heading to the bathhouse.  Paullus in confusion started to trail Erevel while Asa and Daelene followed Armania.  Asa was as determined as ever to coax Armania into a sensual situation.

"I hear she is into that kind of thing." Gavril whispered to Asa.

Asa chuckled while still leering in her direction.

Armania suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, although no one saw any action or heard anything from either Asa or Daelene.

Ciprian was dogging Daelene while Gavril kept after Asa.  Ursina headed to the north of the outbuilding hiding behind a corner.