Tuesday, November 8, 2022


"This group seems to be tough," Erevel declared as she moved to attack two of the Raiders.

A raider fired at Paullus to no avail. "Not that tough!" he retorted.

The archer on top of the far building disappeared, though only Armania saw that.

Armania, Ciprian, Paullus and Ursina were all taking bleeding damage but Ciprian attacked in any event.

Ursina cast a Prayer on the party while Armania cast Boneshaker down upon the Captain.

Then Ciprian was attacked by the raider and began to feel faint.  The pirate captain approached Erevel and slashed away with daggers in both hands.

Arrows flew from the north at Erevel and she fell to the ground as the archer appeared in the street. and then moved between two buildings.

Gavril finished off the raider attacking him and readied himself to flank with Paullus who had advanced to hack at close range with another raider.  Ursina moved up to apply healing to Ciprian who then cast Blistering Invective followed by beginning his Dirge of Doom.  

Armania moved down to the alleyway and cast a lightning bolt which dropped the Captain and badly singed one of the raiders.

The raiders then began to retreat from Ciprian, three left without tail but Paullus tracked one down and killed him from the distance.  Gavril was moving to help Erevel, but seeing the enemy run away he moved on up to the alley the archer had entered but found it empty.

Ursina hurried to Erevel and applied Rebuke Death, followed by a Cure Serious Wounds.  Erevel returned from unconscious and sat up slowly.

Gavril decided not to open a door he found in the alley since he did not sniff and magic. The whole party gathered for healing and looking for magic.  Both the Captain and the raiders had several magic items, along with some fine looking weapons.

Armania found a note in the Captain's pocket with a good description of the six adventurers and a note that they would be arriving on a ship soon.

"Are you all okay?" said a man dressed in the robes of Abadar.  He approached the party cautiously.  "Ihope everyone is fine."

"Who are you and how do you know us?" Paullus replied.

"I am a messenger from the Temple of Abadar.  I am here to tell you of your reward!"

"Reward.  Who would have left us a reward?"

"Also how do you know us?  What led you to come to the docks just now?" Armania, clearly shaken, asked.

"We were given a description and an indication you would be arriving on the Sellen Starling with Captain Skywin Freeling.  When the lookouts at Treacherous Jack saw the ship sailing in, they notified us," he replied.  "The reward is collectable at the temple of Abadar just to the south and west from here."

"Where is the city guard?  Why weren't they here to investigate?" Gavril queried.

"I am not sure where the Watch is.  I have a message for Captain Skywin also."

At the mention of Skywin Ciprian hustled to the Sellen Starling to make sure everyone was uninjured as the lightning bolt had extended all the way to the ship.  Luckily he found Skywin, the crew and the scholars uninjured.  Skywin was just as perplexed about the lack of Cassomir Watch.  Wrebben and Gossa were just happy to get off the ship without injury.

The messenger talked to Skywin and Ciprian overheard the terms "docking fee", "waived" and "years".  He left with the scholars talking with them about Libraries and the availability of research.  

Armania was interested in speaking with the Captain through the use of the Confabulation Plates that Gavril had.  Ciprian used the bag of holding to carry the Pirate Captain to wherever their lodgings would be.

Erevel was hopping to go and collected the reward and was followed by everyone but Ciprian.  They went to the temple where they received the groups 10,000 GP reward along with healing for the party.  The mention of Miacknian Mun brought the cleric to recall that name but he knew nothing of the man.  Seems he was secretive about his work.

Ciprian took the scholars to the University and then visited The Sword Point Inn, renting a small suite for 2 GP a night.  He then left to visit several taverns trying to learn more about Miacknian Mun.

When Ciprian was out the rest of the party arrived at the Inn and took over the suite ordering baths and food.  Ciprian meanwhile was met with blank looks at the mention of Mun's name at the first two pubs.  Those who did know the name had no idea where he lived. Just as he was going to give up, a man at the third pub said that Mun was occasionally seen in the company of a group of visionaries called the Esoteric Knights of Evolvement who meet at the Sceptered House—a reading room and lounge within the Abbey Green District.

DM's Notes: The heroes earned 2733 XP for the night and now have 107,354 and are at 10th level.  Tonight they also completed "Dreams of the Yellow King" the third book of the AP.

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