Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Docks of Cassomir

Armania and Paullus welcomed the rest of the party back to the Sellen Starling.

"What happened?  Did you defeat those phantoms of us?" inquired Paullus.

Before anyone could answer Armania jumped in, "Did you hear noises and a voice in your heads?"

"Yes we defeated all our Animate Dreams,"  Erevel exclaimed.

"Those voices were strange.  Did you see the vision of a strange city also?" Gavril asked.

The party discussed each ones remembrance of the voice and each members version agreed.  They determined that someone or something was trying to ?help? them.  

"Does anyone else seem to have recovered their memories?" Ciprian asked.

Everyone acquiesced that they had recovered their memories.  Ciprian shared his origin in Tamrivena and adventures in the Worldwound.  He had gone on adventures into the high mountains fighting the unspeakable one.

Ursina related growing up in Ardis, where she did not realize she was a Changeling until a local witch befriended her and taught her about her heritage.  This witch later died and Ursina visited her grave where she somehow traveled to the Dreamlands finding horrible monsters which she barely escaped from.

Gavril said he was from Magnimar, where is family had escaped, hiding their Kelish background.  He chose to enhance his skills at slaying and was kidnapped by the Cult of the Black Stars because of his skills.  He was later traded to Lowls by the Magnimar city council.

Armania told of her time at Iris Hill, learning new spells used to torture people.  Ursina then said that she was Lowls priest and Lows tried to turn her to the worship of Hastur.  She felt her mind begin to turn in that direction but she now feels free of the taint.

Ciprian, who was Lowls researcher, talked of many books he had studied and a play The King in Yellow that Lows was keen to find.  Ciprian indicated that Lowls was thought of as a hack academic who was trying to redeem his shattered reputation.  He had found some information about a Great Old One, Xhamen-Dor and apparently had been infected.  Melisenn was trying to activate the Star Stelae in Thrushmoor.  These stelae could be used to transplant Thrushmoor and Neruzavin, or possibly all of Golarion into Carcosa.  Carcosa is apparently on another world far away in the sky.

Slavery apparently is not allowed in Ustalav but Lowls was never challenged by anyone from Thrushmoor about the status of the party members in his household.  Ciprian said,  "I could walk around Thrushmoor freely but apparently if I left there would have been people after me."

"That would have been me," Erevel replied.

Paullus declined to add any information about the "horrible" jobs he had to perform under Lowls.

 Sailing the final days down the river Sellen allowed for rest and possible reduction of the severity of some madness.  Of course new madness became became active for some party members and Ciprian went as far as returning to the Forsaken Caravanserai to see if the Yellow King could help him with the Night Terrors he began to exhibit.  At the Caravanserai all was quiet and a walk-through found that the whole building was deserted.  With disappointment Ciprian returned to the Sellen Starling.

Finally Skywin let the party know that they would sail into the port of Cassomir the next day.  The party returned the wand of restoration to Wrebben.  They then asked Wrebben and Gossa about Cassomir.  Where might they get help for the mental issues, where were the magic shops, where were the best accommodations?

Abbey Green is home to artisans, scholars, former military officers, merchants, and craftsmen. Pharasma's Pulpit in Old Cassomir is surrounded by the temples, Pharasma being the largest. The Sword Point is a pricey inn located near the northwest corner of the Old Cassomir district. Most blacksmiths are located in the Imperial Naval Shipyards.

Gossa gives the heroes a map of Cassomir with major areas annotated.

"Do we know where to find Miacknian Mun?" queried Paullus.

"We don't have any idea which area he lives or works in," Ciprian responded.

"This is a large city, we probably need to find someone to ask about Mun," Ursina added.

"Look toward the western shore.  We approach Cassomir," Skywin said encouragingly to the group.

A city towers at the edges of Blackwood Swamp. A mouth of rickety buildings grins like rotten teeth around a calm harbor crammed with vessels. A great castle overlooks this bay, proudly flying the flag of Taldor. Yet just beyond the dike that surrounds the city, the swampland gropes outward, hungrily drawing buildings into its belly.  Perched at the mouth of the mighty Sellen River, Cassomir was built upon reclaimed swampland. Despite its age, the city has an air of impermanence; it is damp and busy and transient.

As the party made set to leave the Sellen Starling, Skywin said "Thank you all for your help during our voyage.  Your help made the trip much easier than usual.  I wish you well in your search."

As the group moved up the dock toward the grouping of pubs and inns that stood at the shore, two archers moved out into the breach and fired at Erevel and Gavril.  A battle was started as Erevel charged up to find the enemy who had stepped back behind the buildings.  As the shocked party was arraying themselves to repel the attack, Armania wondered aloud, "This is the city's idea of a warm welcome!"

As the battle continued a door opened and a pirate looking character came out of a pub to flank Erevel, who actually resisted the flank.  The pirate attacked with a dagger in each hand.  Another enemy appeared out of an alleyway and through a javelin, that exploded into a lightning bolt, hitting Ursina, Armania, Paullus and Ciprian.  Then arrows flew from the roof on an inn and hit each of the same characters.

Gavril and Erevel fought their enemies, Erevel finding two enemies around the corner.  Ciprian charged the javelin thrower while Armania Dimension stepped to the roof of the pub and threw a lightning bolt at the archer on the roof.  Ursina blessed the party.  Then two more spear wielding characters jumped out of an open window of the pub, one flanking Gavril the other ready to fire at Paullus.

DM's Notes:  No additional XP were gained for this night.  At the end of the current battle, assuming they survive, the heroes will be at 10th level.


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