Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Hastur Revisited

"Who are these guys?  And where is the City Watch?" Paullus cried out facing the horned tiny devil and the conjurer.

"We can't rely on the City Watch, we are foreigners and maybe under suspicion," Ciprian answered.

Meanwhile Gavril and Ursina continued puking their guts out while under attack from the tiny horned devils.

Two of the conjurers started spell casting while the third fired magic missiles at the blind Erevel.  The Air Walking Leader moved out of sight of Ciprian and began casting a spell.

Armania, now sighted once again, fired magic missiles at the leader, but he continued with his spell.
The three Quasits attacked, mostly missing with their bites and claws.

Blindly Erevel moved forward and attacked the space in front of him, hitting and dropping the Conjurer in that spot. After swinging wildly into space Erevel recovered her sight also. Ciprian then moved around to find the Leader and began a Dirge of Doom followed by a Ear Piercing Scream, but the spell casting continued.

Gavril continued being sick while stepping slightly to move around the Quasit.  Paullus continued attacking the Quasit which apparently had some damage reduction.  Two Hellhounds appeared, one near Paullus and Ciprian, the other behind Erevel.  Breathing fire they damage all three heroes.  The the two remaining Conjurers fired Magic Missiles at Erevel and Paullus.  The Conjurer next to Erevel had not moved away and was promptly killed by Erevel's reaction.  The Hellhounds attempted to bite Erevel and Ciprian.

Ursina no longer nauseated or sickened, attacked the Quasit with her Holy Book, killing it for good

measure.  A Bearded Devil appeared behind Ciprian and began attacking the many copies. The Cult Leader then Channeled Negative Energy on the all the heroes except Erevel who was just outside the area. Armania continued the barrage of Magic Missiles at the Cult Leader.  Erevel began attacking the Hellhound and dispatched it quickly and Ciprian followed up moving away from the Bearded Devil after attacking with his mace.

Gavril still was sick but Paullus was still fencing with the Quasit close to him.  The remaining Conjurer attacked Paullus with a dagger as the Hellhound tried to bite the many Ciprians.  Ursina continued assaulting  the Quasit in front of her. The Cult Leader moved to flank Ursina and flayed her with his Morningstar.  Armania cast flaming sphere on the Bearded Devil, to no avail.  

Erevel, seeing the grease and Glitter Dust still blocking the roadway, moved to a building, clambered up and over jumping down on the far side to attack the Quasit.  Ciprian continued using his mace to batter the remaining HellHound.  Ursina again attacked the Quasit and killed it just before she again felt the Morningstar attack.  The Cult Leader moved back one step to allow the Bearded Devil access to Ursina.  Its two claws hit and just as its spiky, filthy beard lashed at her, Ursina fell to the ground unconscious.  Erevel, Paullus and Ciprian finished off the Hellhound, Quasit and Conjurer.  Gavil recovered enough to attack the Bearded Devil and find himself caught by both claws and the beard which did additional damage.

The Cult Leader again Channeled Negative Energy as the party converged on him and the Bearded Devil.  The battle finally ended as the two were dispatched.  Immediately Ciprian began attending to the downed Ursina, while Gavril and Armania were dazzled by the display of magic on the enemies.  Weapons, armor, rings, cloaks, rods, scrolls were seen.  The party collected them all, including the Cold Iron daggers and Silver daggers.

Paullus was looking for papers or information about why the party was targeted. What he found were unholy symbols of Hastur on each conjurer.  Recalling that the party was attacked by Hastur Cultists in Thrushmoor, who had the same unholy symbols, he wondered in there was some connection.

After much healing the party continued toward the Gull Street address of Miacknian Mun.  Arriving at the address the group saw that the gales of the Inner Sea had taken their toll on this grim old pile, thick with the fetid odor that blew across Blackwood Swamp when the wind was high. A venerable building rose from a windowless ground floor to a high steep gable several stories above. A single great iron door scowled at visitors. A small and austere garden decayed out front, surrounded by a rusting iron fence six feet high and pierced with a gateway. Perched upon the gate were a murder of crows.  Thick ivy crawled all over the tall building, even breaking through the attic windows. The garden was utterly decayed and neglected—overgrown in summer heat. The area within was heavy with undergrowth, and the ground was muddy.  A single path led from the rusty gate and up a short flagstone path to the main entrance.  Booted footprints strayed from the flagstone path here and there among a few weathered marble statues of swans and angels.

The old infirmary was built of hefty stone blocks pierced with narrow windows with latticed, 1-inch thick iron bars. Each window seemed to be shuttered from inside.The building may be 5 stories high including the attic and the stone blocks extended to ground level. Paullus and Armania made a round of the building seeing no other doors evidence of a possible hidden doorway.

Ciprian was scouting the surrounding houses with the intention of using one for surveillance.  None seemed a likely candidate as all appeared to be occupied.  Armania suggested returning to The Sword Point to identify the new magical items and rest to return tomorrow.  She was still wondering in Lowls could be inside.

On the return trip the Cassomir Watch again approached the party. "Certainly hope you are not considering planning to attack, or rob the residence of a respected local alchemist," one guard said to Armania.

"We were attacked again!! Where were all of you?" Armania shot back.

"Clearly trouble follows you foreigners around, I suppose you should be on your toes.  You seem to attract trouble," was the uncaring response.

"Well, at least escort us back to The Sword Point," Armania demanded.

"Certainly, lets be on our way!"

DM's Notes: The party earned 4267 XP for the nights work.

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