Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Esoteric Knights of Evolvement

"How long does it take to upgrade equipment?" Gavril inquired

"It depends on what update.  It will take 1 day per 1000 GP upgrade cost." Ciprian responded.

The group then spent two days finding blacksmiths to upgrade their equipment.  They were about selling items to finance new acquisitions.  The higher priced items were beyond their finances.

As the group was out they noticed six uniformed watchers who seemed to follow them around Cassomir.  Asking around, they learned that these were members of the Cassomir City Watch.

"Where were these guards when we were attacked," pondered Armania.

"They were probably paid off to ignore the attack," Paullus said snidely.

"Next time we see them, I want to ask them a few questions," continued Armania.

"We also need to visit a healing hospital.  There is something bothering me at night," Ciprian said worriedly.  "Maybe they know what is causing this."

Late into the evening the crew discussed what they could do tomorrow.  Ciprian was pushing for visiting the Dreamlands a multiplicity of times to try and alleviate the mind affecting issues.  Others were not so sure.  Finally sleep overtook the crew and in the morning both Paullus and Gavril awoke screaming from their nightmares.  Gavril for one was now more that willing to seek help for the issue.

On the way to Pharasma's Pulpit Armania spotted the Cassomir Watch and ambled over.

"Are you following us to protect us?  Or are we under suspicion?"

"We were informed to follow you around, keeping an eye out to your actions," answered one of the Watchmen.

"Who instructed you to watch us?"

"The Magistrate said we should keep an eye out.  We do not know why."

"You know we were attacked at the docks as we arrived?  Where was the Watch at that point?"

"Yes we heard of the attack but we had been called to an emergency in Threegates."

"Who told you of the emergency?"

"The Magistrate send out runners to find the Watch.  We descended on Threegates but it seemed to be a false alarm."

"Where are you headed today?"

"We are going to Pharasma's Pulpit." Ciprian interjected.

"What, there is no execution today.  No one will be at the Pulpit." the Guard replied.

"Execution!  No, No, we just need some help from a Hospital.  Are there temples around the Pulpit area?" Ciprian added.

"We won't stand in your way."

The group headed to Pharasma's Pulpit, a wooden and mortar structure with a platform 30 feet above the ground.  Around the square were various temples, Pharasma being the largest.  Based on Ursina's knowledge they headed to a temple of Sarenrae, where healing was more prevalent.

At the temple they learned that Restoration spells would make some inroads into the mental issues the group was experiencing.  Greater spells like Limited Wish, Wish, and Miracle would do a better job.  Of course the cost of the higher level spells was significant.  Psychic Surgery was not available in Cassomir, though it was suggested that it might be available in Katheer.

After the long discussion with the priests of Sarenrae Gavril suggested using the Confabulation Plates on the Pirate Captain. So the crew headed back to the suite at The Sword Point.  

Ursina determined that the Captain was of alignment Neutral and Paullus matched that alignment so he was drafted to ask the questions.  Gavril clamped the plates around part of the Pirate's head and attached the tube to the the face of the captain. Then he wound the crank key for 1 minute.

"Who was the Arrow firing Assassin?" Paullus asked first.

In a metallic, buzzing tone the corpse replied "The Silver Assassin."

"Who hired you to perform the attack against us?" Paullus asked secondly.

Again the response in a metallic, buzzing tone with hints of sarcasm "The Silver Assassin."

In the morning having bought all the items that the party wanted and having dropped off their items to be upgraded the discussion centered on what they could do about the seeming effects on their minds and sanity.  After a long dissertation by Ciprian the group finally agreed to travel to the Dreamlands each of the next six nights to receive the blessing of a restoration spell from Ursina's wand.  This could be applied to the characters sanity or to reducing the likelihood of a madness.  Everyone with night terrors was anxious to have that problem alleviated.  

So interspersed with other activities the group spent every night at the Caravanserai healing or reducing their mental issues.  Ciprian spent one day at the University Library trying to find information on Flying Polyps, Yithians and the like but he found no citations at all.  No mention of the creatures, no mention of a place called Neruzavin or Carcosa.  Disappointed he returned to The Sword Point. 

Armania, out with the group noticed that the Cassomir Watch was still dogging their tracks.  She stopped one and asked if he knew of an archer call The Silver Assassin.  The guard scratched his head then asked his compatriots if they knew the name.  None of them could acknowledge that this was not a person known to them.

At one point Paullus went to a market and bought some bright ribbons and tied them in his beard.  Ciprian noted the new addition but Paullus replied that this was not unusual for a dwarf!  This drew some inquiring looks from the party.

After collecting their newly upgraded items the party discussed heading for The Sceptered Inn and inquire about the Esoteric Knights of Evolvement.  In the Abbey Green area they found a large building with many windows slouching over its neighborhood.  A welcoming sign above the door merely stated "The Sceptered Inn".  Armania was concerned about the party's dress and wondered if they should ask for a job helping to catalogue the manuscripts.  She then cast invisibility on herself and followed Ciprian, Gavril and Paullus through the door.

Inside cramped book-filled chambers were linked by oddly twisting staircases, leaning walls and strange corners a result of subsidence.  At the front desk a woman asked the group what they might be looking to find in her parlor.  Ciprian stood forward to ask "We are searching for some knowledge.  Might you have books on otherworldly creatures?"

"That certainly is not our specialty, but there may be some books in a dusty corner," she responded. "I am Mollie Mabb.  Who might you be?"

"I am known as Ciprian and these are my fellow searchers," Ciprian answered looking around at the crew.

Armania was not seen and Paullus had wandered off rounding the main room, peeking at bookshelves and over the shoulders of scholars intent on their work.  Gavril, Erevel and Ursina were standing next to or behind Ciprian.

"Anything else I could help you with?"

"We had heard of a group called the Esoteric Knights of Evolvement that may meet here," Ciprian responded.

"Why yes, the group meets here once a month," Mollie retorted.

"Is there someone here we could talk with?"

"I believe Ethem is here, follow me I will introduce you to him."

Mollie led the group to a closed door while talking strongly about Ethem as the most skilled ship builder in Cassomir.  "He designs ships for the Navy."

Inside the chamber were three people, Mollie led the group to a desk where a pale, bleached looking gnome with white hair, eyebrows and sideburns sat reading a treatise.  "Ethem these adventurers were looking to talk with the a Knight, I brought them to you as you seem to be the only one here."

The Gnome looked up slowly and said serenely "Who may I ask are you?"

Ursina responded immediately "I am Ursina, just into town on board the Sellen Starling."

Ciprian and Gavril also introduced themselves while Erevel stood at the back looking in all directions.  Mollie let herself out and the two other scholars followed her.

Ethem looked up and stated placidly "The Sellen Starling, did you talk with Skywin Freeling?"

"Yes we just got into Cassomir a few days ago with Skywin and her crew.  We came from up river on the Sellen,"  Ciprian answered.

"How is Skywin and what is the status of the Sellen Starling?"

"Skywin is doing well.  The Sellen Starling took some damage during a battle we had on the river, but Skywin says it is fine," Ursina related.

"I must go and see her and the ship as soon as practical.  I hope she is still in port,"

Discussion continued on the nautical theme as Ciprian mentioned the Andoren shipyard, run by Parthekki Avila, and the unfortunate ruins that it was found in.  He also mentioned the plans for a new battleship they had found.  Ethem expressed interest in the plans in the most laconic, placid manner.

Now the discussion veered to the Knights.  Ciprian, in a thinly veiled manner, suggested that his employer might be interested in joining the group.  Ethem related that it wasn't a matter of joining but interest in Esoterica and the desire to exchange information with the rest of the group.  The Knights were a group of 13 like-minded individuals, the knights are warriors in name only, being made up of variously well-connected master alchemists, engineers, ship-builders, and socialites, all dabbling in the esoteric to make their lives more interesting.  They met once a month at The Sceptered Inn and had just had their latest meeting three days ago.

Meanwhile Armania was scouring the whole establishment for magic in her invisible form.  There were several sources of magical items, mostly small except for an occasional suit of armor or weapon.  The magic was spread across almost all of the people gathered, studying in the Inn.  Ethem himself had no magical items.  And all this time Paullus was busy rounding the chambers making a pest of himself, reading over shoulders, 'tsking at the strange content.

"Is Miacknian Mun a member of the Knights?" Gavril barged in with a question.

"Oh my no, he is just an acquaintance.  He is a generous benefactor who tirelessly works to enhance the shipbuilding process through his alchemy," Ethem responded.

"We have some business to transact with him.  Do you know where he lives?" Ciprian queried, turning on the charm.

 "He has taken up residence at the Old Infirmary on Gull Lane in the Admiral's Fen district."

During the resulting conversation, the group learned that Mun is widely regarded as an alchemical genius, but his experiments are sometimes off-putting and shunned by established scholars. Ethem sadly noted that it was inevitable that Mun has had to take to sleeping behind bars to keep the ignorant and upset out of his lab.

"I have become concerned about Mun's activities.  He has had a number of visitors over the past year, but each vanished without a trace—perhaps they all left by night, but it strikes me as odd.  Mun also mentioned a mysterious colleague who lives with him, simply referring to him or her as his anomalous friend," Ethem said quietly.

Armania whispered to Ciprian to inquire about the appearance of this mysterious colleague, thinking that it might be Lowls.

"What does Mun look like?  We haven't met the man but we carry an important message for him," Ciprian asked.

"He wears thick layers of soiled clothing. His head topped with wild blonde hair. From behind his glasses, his beady eyes seem almost ready to pop from his skull. He is lithe and pale, and he has a quick, excited voice and babbles about otherworldly nightmares with glee," Ethem responded furtively.

"Have you seen this mysterious colleague?" Ursina questioned.

"No.  I do not know who or what his friend could be, Mun merely related that he had this new boarder."

At this point Ethem indicated that he must go find Skywin before she leaves Cassomir.  The party collected outside the Inn and headed south toward the Admiral's Fen district.  Armania suggested that maybe the anomalous friend is actually Lowls and they group could be done with him.  

"What else could we get from Mun?" she wondered.

"Possibly more information on where Lowls is headed.  Neruzavin? We have no idea where that may be," Ursina quipped.

As dusk began to fall as the party made their way down a street in the dingy neighborhood of Admiral's Fen grease spells were cast at the front and back of the party.  A spell of Glitter Dust appeared around Armania and Ciprian.  Armania found herself blind. Then a Stinking Cloud covered the entire party. Gavril and Ursina were nauseated by the cloud.  Finally a cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness covered the area inflicting damage on everyone but Gavril and Ursina was sickened.

As the spells were cast the party began seeing robed figures become visible, at least until the stinking cloud blocked their view.  Gavril groped his way out of the stink while Paullus assailed the conjurer standing close to him. Then the conjurers attacked magic missiles flew at Paullus and Gavril, followed by a prayer being cast by the enemy.  Ursina staggered her way out of the cloud feeling worse for the wear as the blind Armania cast Greater Invisibility and then Dimension Stepped away from the conjurers she recalled seeing.  Enraged, Erevel moved forward to the closest enemy and with a powerful blow dropped him to the ground.  A tiny winged creature with ram horns curling back from the twisted head and a body that was thin and wiry, popped up next to Paullus and clawed himPaullus felt his reflexes slow down.  Ciprian tried to move out of the cloud, but found himself stuck in the grease, whereupon he cast haste on the party.

Seeing an open alleyway Gavril ducked down to befoul the corner and Ursina followed apace.  Paullus continued his assault as the cloud disappeared and magic missiles flew at Ciprian.  A robed figure rose into the air above the Glitter Dust and the moved forward above the fray.  Erevel attempted to charge at the two conjurers to the south but was slowed by the grease and then was blinded by the Glitter.  Her attack hit even with the blindness.

Two of the tiny winged creatures flew to attack Gavril and Ursina, chomping down with a bite attack.  Suddenly there were several images of Ciprian standing to attack.

DM's Notes: The party earned 800 XP for the night.

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