Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Transformation of Skywin

"Ah, the free air of the Sellen.  I hope to make it out of Galt so that I may continue to support its people," Emilo said with hope in his voice.

"We will do our best for you," Skywin replied.

The heroes were helping the sailors get the Sellen Starling under way.  Ciprian was preparing to continue his research, with Armania and Ursina, into the Red Webbed Foot.  The previous day's failure notwithstanding he was enthused to start down a new track in the collection of books.

Paullus, Erevel and Gavril were continuing with their training to hone their skills.

The senator and his compatriots spent the day resting up after having been under continuous stress from being tailed by the Trackers and Glower.  Armania suggested that they might want to change their outfits so as not to stick out so much with their finery.

The eight hours were spent effectively searching down new promising paths in the collection of books left by Count Lowls in Iris Hill. At the end of the day the researchers did not gain any new specific information but they were sure that they were closer to the answer.

After another night of restful sleep, the heroes arose ready to study the books again.  At the end of the eight hours Ciprian, Armania and Ursina felt confident with their last attainment of information.

A medical journal describing rare diseases lists corpsepox, ghoul fever, and zombie rot as diseases that carrion-eating wamps can inflict with their bites.  The reader is advised to avoid cemeteries and necropolises, where wamps sometimes congregate in large numbers.

The heroes learn the proper phrase that allows them to use the Dreamlands excursion occult ritual to reach the Wamps, Arventon.

"Seems that we have done all the research we can, but this revelation of diseases is troubling.  Do we know how quickly the diseases manifest." Ciprian stated worriedly.  

"How many potions of Cure Disease do we have?" asked Ursina.  "I have one I believe."

"Can you cast the Cure Disease or any other poison limiting spells?" Ciprian asked Ursina.

"No I do not have anything for that," Ursina responded.

Erevel was eager to go to either of the Dreamlands locations, "Let's just get going, we have to finish both of them in any case."

As twilight fell, Paullus noted Ingrid, Olaf and Gustav scanning the eastern shore of the Sellen.

"Are you looking for something?" Paullus queried.

"Now that we have entered Taldor, we are looking for a signal from the Stardust Augurs.  Once we see their signal, we are to meet them the next evening along the eastern shore."  Olaf related.

"We will help you watch the shore also," Paullus volunteered.

The Senator's compatriots continued to scan the shore until dark.  Paullus and Erevel watched with them but no indication was noticed.  After mooring the Sellen Starling for the night, the group assembled to begin the Ritual.  Erevel flipped a coin and it was tails, so the Captain's Tricorne was the result.  

The Ritual was successful as the staircase became larger and Ciprian threw it on the deck of the ship.  Down the staircase the heroes stepped ... and awoke on the deck of the Sellen Starling.  The ship was under way sailing down the Sellen.  Skywin and the crew were at their posts.  The Senator and his compatriots, along with Wreben and Gossa were in the cabin.

"Are we in the Dreamlands?" Paullus queried.

"Are we sure this is the Sellen Starling?" was Erevel's reply.

"I do not have the Gem of Seeing," reported Armania.

The rest of the heroes checked and they did not have the Dreamlands items they were used to having when they entered the Dreamlands.  All began looking around at the water, the shoreline, on the ship itself.  There was no evidence of a red sailed ship either.

Armania walked up to Skywin, who was gazing off to the horizon and tilting her head as though listening for a sound that no one else can hear.

"What day is this?" Armania queried of Skywin.

"Day, Today, Yesterday.  Just another day!" replied Skywin as she stared toward the shore.

Erevel was scanning the shoreline and then saw a herd of flabby, waddling quadrupeds approach the
river to drink. The creatures had short trunks and small ears on the flabby body.  Ursina noted that the creatures were not native to the Inner Sea region according to the books the party had collected.

Now all the rest of the heroes were interested in their surroundings.  Paullus was noticed that the water  the river seemed unusually clear and teemed with iridescent fish. The fish were cautious, cunning creatures that avoid fishhooks with ease.  Ciprian noted that the river was similar to, but not identical to, the Sellen Passage that the PCs were traversing. The river was not following the expected course, as though the group may have gotten lost.  He rejected that notion and declared that that they were on the Oukranos River in the Dreamlands.

Ciprian then cast Detect Magic and began surveying the ship even from the roof of the cabins.  At the rear he found a chest with many items of magic or many types glowing from inside.  Slyly he called over the rest of the heroes and asked Gavril to check for traps.  Gavril found none but did see a red-sailed ship pursuing them, just over a quarter-mile behind them. Its red sail seemed blood-drenched rather than merely red cloth. He could barely make out the name Bloodwind on the ship’s prow.

As the heroes opened the chest and pulled out the Dreamlands magic, they heard a howl from behind. Erevel turned and saw Skywin snap back her head and howl, her limbs elongated and darkened as her mouth bristled with fangs. In a heartbeat, the Dreamlands reflection of the little captain becomes a hulking beast of shadow, claws, and teeth.

Armania caste Haste on the party and identified the creature as a Feargaunt, and Evil Outsider.  Ciprian did his own identify learning additionally that the Feargaunt was immune to critical hits and was incorporeal.  Swearing he cast Good Hope and started his Bardic Performance against the Feargaunt.

As the Feargaunt began to fly toward Erevel, the area of the ship became covered with dark shadows, skewing perspectives and reeking of subtle rot.  The Feargaunt attacked Erevel with a Tormenting Touch doing a good deal of damage.  It then flew away across the ship.  All the heroes felt the affects of the Aura but only Armania was shaken by its affect.  Paullus fired fire arrows at the creature which merely affected it with non lethal damage.  Ursina cast Bless on the party followed by Gavril rushing toward the monster, studying the target and attacking with Red Destiny.  The incorporeal nature of the Feargaunt limited the damage delivered.  Finally Erevel also rushed over to the enemy and attacked with her new magic greatsword delivering some damage.

The Bloodwind was gaining on the Sellen Starling as it appeared to have wind gusting at its sails.  Ciprian became very concerned about this and moved to the rear of the Starling and fired up the Drinking Horn of the Panacea to deliver a gust of water to try and move the Starling faster down the river.  Armania fired Magic Missiles at the Feargaunt which were effective against the incorporeal creature.

The Feargaunt caused confusion in Armania and Gavril who both spent their turns blabbering uselessly.  Paullus again fired arrows at the Feargaunt  Ursina tried to cast Ghostbane Dirge but it did not affect the Feargaunt. Erevel's attacks against the Feargaunt were damaging but not as much as she wanted them to be.

Again the Bloodwind continued to move closer to the Starling and Ciprian turned the geyser against the Bloodwind itself. The Feargaunt rose higher in the air and blasted the rear of the Starling with Fear sending Paullus to cower against the gunnels.  Ursina recalled Ghostbane Dirge and tried again to make the Feargaunt corporeal but it failed once again.  Gavril, confused hit himself with Red Destiny, Erevel clambered up the mast to attack the Feargaunt.

Now as the Bloodwind moved closer to the Starling Ciprian turned the geyser on one of the Mercenaries on the deck.  Armania found she could act normally and cast a fireball on the Bloodwind.  The Feargaunt attacked Erevel followed by Ursina turning herself invisible.  Gavril still confused looked around and found Armania close behind him, he ran and attacked Armania with Red Destiny. Erevel continued her attacks against the Feargaunt.

Bloodwind pulled up alongside the Sellen Starling and immediately Ciprian stopped his Bardic Performance and cast Blistering Invective including most of the Mercenaries and the ghostly figure on the deck of the Bloodwind.  He then began the Bardic Performance once again.  The ghostly figure, looking incorporeal flew over to touch Ciprian, doing damage and draining
Constitution. Four of the Mercenaries boarded the Starling attacking Gavril.  Ursina took advantage of the situation to board the Bloodwind and cast Silence on herself.  

Gavril again attacked Armania with Red Destiny who was standing still babbling.  Paullus was still cowering against the back of the Starling. The man on the deck of the Bloodwind, apparently Captain Vadrack, encouraged the rest of the mercenaries to board the Starling and take the heroes prisoner.  Erevel again attacked the Feargaunt and it fell dead on the deck of the Starling.  

At last Paullus felt his fear drain away, Gavril and Armania were no longer confused.

DM's Notes: Since we are in the middle of a difficult battle no XP have been awarded yet.

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