Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Captain Vadrack and Fiends

The Bloodwind continued its inexorable movement forward allowing more Mercenaries to board the Sellen Starling in response to Captain Vadrack's imploring.  They moved through the cabins to access the far side of the Starling.  Another of the Mercenaries jumped to the roof of the cabin to attack from above.

Armania tried to swipe the Tricorne hat from Vadrack but this time the ploy didn't succeed.  Ciprian, relieved that one of his images was hit instead of himself identified the beast in front of him as a Wraith and then attacked with his mace doing only partial damage to the incorporeal being.  The Wraith touched the real Ciprian on his next turn doing damage and draining his Constitution.

At that Captain Vadrack cast a spell and disappeared.  The mercenaries pressed their attack on the party. Paullus fired arrows at the Wraith while Gavril studied the Mercenary closest to him and hit with three attacks.  The mercenary stood firm after the attack.  Ursina threw a Alchemist's fire bomb at the connection from the manacle to the deck and became visible.

Erevel laid one of the mercenaries to waste as more moved around her, even flanking from behind as the latest mercenaries moved out of the cabin.

Armania cast Invisibility Purge and found the Captain next to herself, Paullus, Ciprian and Gavril.  Ciprian changed his Bardic Performance to Denizens of Leng and attacked the Captain, who appeared to heal some of his damage.  The Wraith flew to Armania and touched her for damage and Constitution drain.  The Captain attacked Paullus with his scimitar and appeared to also apply Shocking Grasp through the weapon.  The mercenaries then attacked in full force, flanking Erevel, attacking Armania and Paullus, Gavril and Ciprian.  Paullus was hurting at this point and called for help.

Ursina pulled the manacle from the deck of the Bloodwind and moved back to the Sellen Starling hoping to heal Paullus.  Paullus was surrounded by enemies so Ursina had to stop in the cabin.  Four of the mercenaries were on fire from the Blistering Invective and continued to take fire damage.  Erevel downed another of the enemy and was no longer flanked.  

Armania asked Vadrack why he was chasing the party.

"Weiralai tasked me with the job of hunting your sickly party down and destroying you!" the Captain replied.

Armania then successfully cast Boneshaker on Vadrack, while Ciprian continued his attack.  The wraith attacked Ciprian, destroying an image and then actually touching him.  Vadrack now attacked Paullus with flanking and Paullus disappeared from the Dreamlands.  The remaining mercenaries pressed forward but most of them seemed to be missing their targets.

Ursina found herself in battle with a mercenary, Gavril killed the mercenary to his rear as he didn't wish to be flanked with Vadrack. Erevel destroyed the last mercenary at her end of the ship.

Armania now cast lightning bolt at the Captain and a mercenary behind him.  The mercenary died as the bolt left Vadrack unscathed.  The Wraith again struck the last mirror image of Ciprian, the mercenaries kept missing with their attacks.  Armania was amazed that she still was in the Dreamlands.  Ciprian plied his attack on Vadrack and Gavril finally killed the bastard.  Ursina and Erevel were still busy with the remaining mercenaries.  

The rest of the battle ended quickly and Ciprian stood on the body of the Captain protecting the Tricorne hat.  After the battle the group scrounged the bodies for interesting objects, finding some magic on Vadrack.

Then it was on to waking up, which took a couple of rounds for a few of the heroes.  Paullus was awaiting the crew on the deck of the Sellen Starling and was interested in the outcome.  After relating the end of the battle, the crew returned to training as Ciprian continued to study the Pnakotic Manuscripts.   As night fell Ingrid and Olav began scanning the shoreline and were excited to see the dancing light signal they expected.  This meant the next night was the time to meet the Stardust Augurs to hopefully secret Senator Daldamane.

Skywin asked the heroes not to travel to the Dreamlands tonight as she was not sure what the morrow would bring.  Having had a difficult time with the Bloodwind and crew, the party agreed.

The next evening signals from the shore led Skywin, under direction from Ingrid, to stop near the shore.  Six robed clerical figures emerged from the Verduran Forest.  One -- a fiery human Taldan woman with smooth features and short dark hair stood forward and addressed the Sellen Starling.

"I am Hadranna Ibren speaking for the Augurs. We welcome the senator and want to escort him to our contacts in Taldor, where his compassionate political skills will be put to good use."

Olav exchanged hand signals with another of the clerics.  Paullus watched closely, still expecting betrayal and a Gray Gardener to show up.

Ingrid and Gustav brought Emilo out to the deck.

"I am pleased to be of use to Taldor, I will submit myself to your protection," Emilo declared.

"Please join my brothers and sisters," Hadranna answered.

"We know the adventurers on the ship to be experienced dreamers and want to hear about their journeys in the Dreamlands," she continued. "We have not personally traveled there and they the danger involved."

The heroes discussed this request and arrayed themselves along the shore as Ciprian stood forward and began an Oratorical Performance detailing the groups adventures in the Dreamlands.  He emphasized and enhanced their success but minimized any low points.  His demonstration impressed the Augurs as they were entranced by his performance.

At this point Nestor Bindlay walked out of the Verduran Forest and greeted the party.  He was glad that they were still alive and was very thankful for their help in the Enchanted Forest.

Ciprian greeted Nestor and asked if he had located Kelvetta Brix yet.

"She still eludes my reach," Nestor replied.

Ciprian and Nestor talked about journeying to the Dreamlands and how this was accomplished.  Ciprian explained the Ritual that the heroes used, which was of great interest to Nestor.  Nestor described his use of a Mnemoka's Flask to assist his dreams allowing him to enter the Dreamlands as a lucid dream.

After the discussion Nestor added "As a reward I present you with a wand of break enchantment, with 34 charges, and a ring of protection +2."

"I kindly accept on the Party's behalf," Ciprian responded.

"I promise to repay the heroes as soon as I am able.  Also I will have a reward for Skywin."  Emilo declared.

At this the Augurs and Emilo's party headed back into the Verduran.  Nestor followed as he wished the heroes luck on their continuing journeys.

Skywin immediately shoved off as she wanted to get down river further before stopping for the evening.

DM's Notes:  The heroes earned 6,133 XP for the evening and now have 68,521 XP.  A total of 75,000 XP is required for 9th level.  We welcomed a new player tonight and going forward, Jeff Beers, who is playing the role of Gavril.

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