Thursday, June 2, 2022

Emilo Daldamane

After spending the evening, the crew arose ready to continue their journey and research into the Captain's Tricorne.

Ciprian, Armania and Ursina finished the research with the following information.

The proper phrase allows the group to use the Dreamlands excursion occult ritual to arrive near the Bloodwind, is Bloodwind.

"We know that Denizens of Leng are, and they are dangerous as we discovered at Iris Hill," Ciprian stated worriedly. 

The crew spent the next night and decided to continue the research into the final item on the list of gifts, the Red Webbed Foot.  This research required the following titles, Curses of the Black Lake, Men and Vultures: Denizens of the Darkened Depths and Dead Skies, and Shards of Sight.

After the first day of research no knowledge was learned as this seemed to be a very convoluted.  The next day the research seemed to be even more complex and the whole day seemed to be wasted as they apparently had gone down the wrong path of investigation.

Finally, on the next day the research bore fruit.

A lavishly illustrated bestiary identifies rare creatures called wamps, bizarre aberrations with multiple legs ending in webbed feet. Although wamps are generally a pale gray color, the skin of their feet is a dark red.

That evening as they Sellen Starling was trying to find a berth to spend the night, a trio of people on the shore was spotted waving frantically for attention. All three wore fine clothing ruined by weather and exposure, and one had a poorly bandaged wound on her arm.

Skywin is inclined to approach to within hailing distance of the trio, but she asks the heroes recommendation before doing so.  A discussion followed but the general agreement was to approach.
The three people, Gustav, Ingrid and Olaf, pleaded for passage for themselves and another man to Taldor. The trio asked for an escort to retrieve their employer, a human man named Emilo, who was hiding nearby.

Erevel recalled that Glower, the Gray Gardener in Dabril, was seeking a senator named Emilo  Daldamane. Seemingly frightened, the courtiers wouldn’t provide any information other than the name Emilo and that he was hiding in a nearby barn.

A plan was hatched to have Skywin and the heroes head to the barn, Armania would enter with Ingrid to retrieve Emilo.  Armania would cast invisibility on Emilo, to try and return to the ship without notice.  Ursina decided to stay on the Sellen Starling with the sailors to provide security from the rear.

Approaching the barn was no issue, nothing untoward occurred.  Armania entered the barn with Ingrid and when then returned.  Armania indicated that she had Emilo in hand and the group started to head to the ship.  At that point out of the woods behind the barn a Horseback Tracker appeared and fired an arrow at Gustav.

Armania immediately D-doored with Emilo and Skywin to the cabin of the Sellen Starling.  The battle began as Paullus fired on the rider, called Emilo's compatriots to him so that he could cast haste.  Then a Gray Gardener approached the Sellen Starling from the south.  The gardener leapt off the horse and ordered the ship not to leave its docking.  Erevel rushed toward the Gray Gardener as another tracker appeared and attacked Gavril with a falchion.  Ursina cast invisibility on herself.

Armania stepped out of the cabin and cast a fireball on the Gray Gardener.  Paullus fired more arrows at the first Tracker who fired a flaming arrow back at Paullus.  Gavril and the second Tracker continued their battle.  Ciprian rushed toward the Sellen Starling along with the three compatriots of Emilo.  

The Gray Gardener, certainly Glower, downed a potion and flew to the deck of the Sellen Starling, landing between two sailors.  Usina approached Glower and attacked with her Holy Book and also noted that the Gray Gardener was not injured at all by the fireball.  Ciprian cast Good Hope on himself, Erevel, Ursina and Armania.  The compatriots continued toward the ship, and the battles with the Trackers continued.  Glower returned the attack on Ursina, who was now visible.  The two sailors moved out of range of Glower as Skywin fired her crossbow at Glower.

Gavril downed the second Tracker,  while Paullus continued firing away a the first Tracker.  Erevel jumped on the Sellen Starling and attacked Glower but being fatigued she was not raging.  Armania cast a lightning bolt at Glower, but again it did no damage. 

The battle between Glower, Erevel, Ursina and Skywin continued while Paullus kept firing at the Tracker who returned the fire.  Ciprian and the compatriots made it to the deck of the Sellen Starling just as Glower fell.  The Tracker began to ride toward the woods and thus Ciprian and Gavril took chase.  Armania used Dimension Steps to move in front of the retreating Tracker with Erevel.  Between them they finished off the Tracker.

As Ursina healed the major damage she took, the rest of the crew looked for equipment and magical items on the corpses.  There were various potions and oils on the Trackers.  Glower had weapons and armor of magical nature.

Everyone gathered on the Sellen Starling and left the shore to head to another place for anchorage and spending the night.  Emilo introduced himself as Senator Daldamane.  He was a handsome, pleasant man, but he was exhausted from his desperate flight from Isarn. The senator learned 2 weeks ago that the Revolutionary Council suddenly wanted him dead, although he’s wasn't certain why. To his knowledge, he had served as a diligent voice for the Galtan people for his entire career. 

Shortly thereafter, he received a strange missive from a group calling themselves the “Stardust Augurs.” These Stardust Augurs expressed sympathy for the senator’s unexpected reversal of fortune and offered to shelter him within the northern Verduran Forest, in Taldor, if he could reach them. Lacking any other options, he fled Isarn with a few trusted courtiers. He feels that reaching the Stardust Augurs is his best option. Though robbed of his funds by bandits 3 days ago, Senator Daldamane promised to repay the heroes after he contacts his associates in Taldor.

Skywin indicated that the present track would take the Sellen Starling into Taldor and the Verduran Forest within the next two or three days.  Hopefully the Senator and his courtiers could be turned over to the Stardust Augurs soon.

DM's Notes: The heroes earned 1,067 XP for the night and now have 62,388 XP.

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