Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Prisoner of Leng

A semi-canine humanoid with rancid green flesh and hoof like feet faced the party. Its eyes sparkled with the gleam of intelligence.  Was this the creature from the guardhouse?

Gavril, taking no chances charged right up to the creature and missed badly.

The creature took a 5 foot step away from Gavril, read from a scroll and a glowing, pea-sized bead streaked from its hand.  A searing explosion of flame that detonated with a low roar, occurred in the midst of the party.  All the party but Gavril found themselves singed skin and burnt clothing.

Armania recalled that when the party fought the Gugs for the ghoul skull, there was a green ghoulish fellow that talked with them.  He seemed intelligent and had a plan to attack the Gugs.  She then flew behind the guardhouse and down to get out of sight.  Ursina cast Bless on the party and joined Armania. Ciprian identified the creature as a Leng Ghoul, the same as Wilkins, the ghoul who Armania recalled.  He then tried to intimidate the creature and started a Dirge of Doom.

Paullus fired arrows at the creature but missed while Erevel moved closer to help Gavril flank.  Gavril moved around behind the creature but it then fled and read another scroll and it disappeared. 

Armania called for others to join her as she could take them into the guardhouse, Ciprian joined Barnabas, who was on Armania shoulder and she took them with Dimensional Steps in the squat building.  Erevel and Paullus were examining the portcullis, looking for a mechanism by which to open it.  No levels, buttons, switches or any other device was evident inside near the opening.  At the far end of this entry hall were double doors leading west.

Inside the guardhouse the three adventures found nothing but solid walls, windows and floors.  No passage leading into the main building was seen.  So the sub group stepped back outside.  Meanwhile Erevel, Paullus and Gavril heaved the portcullis up over their heads.  The ceiling was 15 feet high so they could get the portcullis locked in place.  

Armania entered under the portcullis and noted that the north and south walls of the room had three arrow slits each.  They were about 3 inches wide and 1 foot long, about at eye level for a human.  She then cast stone shape to reshape the walls around the southern corner of the portcullis, holding up at that height.  Ciprian entered the hallway after downing a potions of vanish and he pulled his Sun Blade which gave off light even though no one could see what the light was coming from.  He then moved close to the south wall and saw a Denizen of Leng through one of the slits.  Ursina doled out some healing and stayed near the portcullis.  Paullus tossed Alchemist's Fire through one arrow slit, while Erevel moved into the chamber and up to the double doors which she found locked.  Gavril entered and tried to look into a northern arrow slit. Nothing was visible in the general darkness, although there may be stairs to the north.  He moved up to the doors also.

A ray of light exploded from two of the arrow slits to the south hitting Gavril and Ursina.  Armania, using Dimensional Steps moved herself, Erevel, Ciprian, Gavril and Barnabas beyond the doors where they landed in a north-south hallway.  There was a door to the north and two doors leading east further to the south.  The hallway also appeared to continue west from its southern most reaches.  Ciprian attempted to unlock the double doors but failed.  Ursina moved next to Paullus on the south wall.  Paullus moved in between two slits and tossed another Alchemist's fire into the room beyond.

The northern most of the south doors in the hallway opened and Erevel advanced to it immediately. She found three Denizens of Leng one of which was in striking distance. 

Gavril now successfully picked the lock on the doors and flung them open. Unfortunately for him the north door opened and the Leng Ghoul from outside stepped through.  One other of the Leng Denizens moved to the door to attack Erevel.  Armania flew up to the 15 foot ceiling to get out of attack distance from the Leng Ghoul.  Ciprian cast haste and began a Bardic Performance against the Denizen.

Ursina moved up and cast Prayer, which has a negative effect on the enemies in addition to helping the party.  Paullus moved under Armania and tried once again to behead with the One Denizen attacked Erevel ineffectually who returned the favor dropping that enemy. She then moved back 5 feet.  Gavril attacked with both hands against the Ghoul doing some damage.  

The ghoul attacked back and Gavril felt his energy and quickness diminish.  Armania cast Summon Monster the Bralani Azata once again.  Ursina hurried to Gavril's side and administered healing. The Ghoul attacked Gavril and Paullus but they evaded damage.  The final two Denizens exited the room and attacked Erevel but one was killed by Erevel's opportunity attack.

Armania directed the Bralani to fire a lightning bolt down the hall at the remaining Denizen.  Then Armania turned to the Leng Ghoul and suggested that it fall prone, which happened immediately. Suddenly the final door in the hallway opened and another Lend Ghoul strode out handling a gleaming gem.  A multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy emerging from it and encompassing the entire party.  Only the lawful and neutral characters took damage from the blast.

Ursina kept healing up the party as the battle continued.  Paullus again tried to behead with the Vorpal Scimitar but again was denied.  Erevel turned to attack the new Ghoul.  Gavril, now only attacking with one hand damaged the prone Ghoul who responded with its own attack.  Even though Gavril was hit no other effects occurred.  The second Ghoul attacked Erevel and she felt a little more clumsy herself.  A Denizen attacked Ciprian..  Armania again directed the Bralani to attack with lightning against the new Ghoul.  Ursina attacked the second Ghoul with disrupt undead.

Ciprian's attacks against the Denizens failed while Erevel continued her ministrations to the second Ghoul.  Gavril managed to finish off the first Ghoul who was still prone.  Paullus freed to attack elsewhere moved to the other Ghoul and swung the Scimitar mightily.  The scimitar followed a curving arc and ... lopped off the head of the Ghoul.

With the battle essentially over, Gavril moved into the northern chamber and found it empty of any creatures.  He saw two wands laying on the floor and stairs leading upwards.  Armania finished off the final Denizen with a magic missile and then directed the Bralani so search the rest of the hallway to the west.  That direction ended in a stone wall.  As magic was being detected and healing applied the Bralani headed up the stairs coming back with the announcement that there was a pale, froglike creature with clawed hands, no eyes, a wide mouth, and a snout ending in pink tentacles in the room.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 5,600 XP for the evening.

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