Thursday, September 8, 2022

Nightgaunts Attack

Facing two Denizens of Leng Ciprian cast Blistering Invective causing the enemy to be Shaken.  Neither caught afire though.  Then he began a Dirge of Doom Bardic Perfomance which caused the Leng Denizens to leap over the staircase railing to the first floor.

Below the party heard Ciprian begin his performance noting that this was a bad sign.  Armania collected Paullus, Gavril and Ursina around her to Dimension Door to the top of the rubble pile.  Erevel demurred saying she was headed in a different direction.

As Erevel approached the Dutch Door of the Guard Post she saw two hounds through the now ruined door.

Armania and group talked with the Shantak, negotiating passage around it to help Ciprian.  As they moved toward Ciprian he headed to the Shantak.

"Have you been to the moon?" 

"I have been there many times," came the reply in the high pitched, glass on stone voice.

"Can you take us to the moon?"

"I could, but first you would have to perform a task for me," the Shantak said.

"Well, I am not sure we can handle it, but what do you need?"

"I need you to get rid of the Nightgaunts in the courtyard!"

"Can you tell me about Nightgaunts?" Ciprian queried.

"They fly and bother me,"

Ciprian tried to determine what a Nightgaunt was.  He learned they were faceless, lanky ebon humanoids with batlike wings, horns, and a long prehensile tail.  They did not breath nor were they affected by attacks that required inhaling.

As Erevel moved to attack one of the hounds it let out a terrifying howl.  The second hound also howled in response to the first.  On top of the rubble pile Paullus dropped his scimitar and tumbled down the side of the rubble.  Picking himself up he headed away from the caravanserai into the desert. 

Armania grouped the rest of the team on the roof and Teleported to the caravanserai opening.  Erevel killed one hound and the backed away out the door.  In the room a doorway in the rear opened and a Denizen of Leng moved out casting Hypnotic Pattern around Erevel and Ursina.

Ciprian cast Good Hope on the party, while Ursina added haste.  As the hound moved up to attack Erevel Gavril attempted to move though the hounds area in order to get flanking.  He was stopped by the hounds attack and ended up standing next to Erevel.

From inside the courtyard four flying black humanoid with horns, and a long prehensile tail.  The first attacked Ursina with a claw and grasped her in its embrace.  Then it used its tail to tickle her and she felt nauseated.  The second attacked Gavril, while the third and fourth moved up from further away.  Armania cast a fireball which targeted three of the nightgaunts but also Ursina.

The second hound fell to Erevel who moved in to attack the Denizen of Leng.  Ciprian followed him in after starting a Bardic Performance against the Nightgaunts.  The nightgaunt holding Ursina flew back into the courtyard and around the corner where is continued its attack.  The second grabbed Gavril and attempted to tickle but he resisted.  The third Nightgaunt attacked Armania while another two appeared from further south in the courtyard.

The battle continued as Erevel and Ciprian finally dispatched the Lengite.  They then moved back into the courtyard to attack the Nightgaunts.  In the midst of several attacks the Nightgaunts continued to inflict damage but could not nauseate anyone one else.

Slowly the Nightgaunts fell to the parties attacks, the final one dying just a Paullus returned from his desert ramble.  Healing was applied to many members and then a hunt for magic was done.  No magic was found and Erevel opened the double doors to the east revealing the same entryway blocked by the rubble including the large basin held aloft by carvings of sleepwalkers.

Gavril opened the opposite double doors revealing the same hallway with a large basin held aloft by carvings of sleepwalkers.  At the far end a curtain led to the north where the shop was located.  Gavril moved down to the opening pushing aside the curtain and finding a trap on the far wall facing the opening.  He entered the room and successfully disabled the trap which he felt was magical.  Otherwise the room was as they found it before without the Animate Dream.  The hallway leading south held three basins with a curtain leading to the dining room.  Not wanting to further separate the party Gavril head back to the courtyard.  Erevel was at the southeast corner where she opened the door to the storage room and its secret door leading into the depths of the caravanserai.  Ciprian warned of the two Denizens of Leng that might possibly be lurking about.

 DM's Notes: The group earned 3,467 XP for the night.

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