Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Unsettling Painting

The party heard Armania's statement detailing the placement of the magic paintings.  Since one was next to Erevel at the bottom of the second stairway she took a closer look at it.

It depicted a gruesome cloaked figure standing in a blasted alien landscape. Snakes writhed from beneath the folds of its cloak, and it reached a clawed hand out from its billowing sleeves. The creature seemed to move and its cloak seemed to blow in the wind if looked at from the corner of the eye.

Erevel felt a jolt of fear shoot down her spine as the figure in the painting looked directly at her.

A creature with two pairs of stretched and veiny leather wings adorning the back of a shrouded reptilian nightmare appeared next to Erevel and cast a spell, cursing her.  It then stepped back and cast Feeblemind at Ciprian, who managed to avoid the effect. Erevel and Gavril struck back finding that the creature had some sort of damage reduction since none of the attacks seemed to fully damage the winged nightmare.  Armania seized upon her chance to cast Lightning Bolt, while excluding her allies, at the monster.  That finally did some real damage.

Ciprian identified the reptile as a Dorvae, which had Writhing Snakes with poison associated with its grapple.  He then started a Bardic Performance to enhance the party's attacks. Finally he cast grease in the corner where the Dorvae stood flapping its wings.  Ursina renewed the haste upon the party.

Paullus in an unusual voice urged on his party "Let's go lads! Kill this bastard he is certainly evil!"  Then he fired arrows at the monster.

The Dorvae disappeared and reappeared behind Armania, she knew this as Dimension Door.  Another Dorvae appeared behind Ursina and attacked with claws, and then grappled the Inquisitor.  Erevel moved forward to attack the new found enemy while Gavril changed to his mace as a second weapon hoping that bludgeoning would be more effective, but alas it did not seem to be.

Armania shifted around and cast a lightning bolt that also didn't hurt her allies but caught the two Dorvae.  Ciprian cast ear piercing scream at one of the nasty creatures.  Ursina, in the grasp of a Dorvae, attacked with her holy book, which did full damage, but did not kill the filthy thing.  Paullus, again with an unusual attitude of leadership, urged the party forward against the godless monsters, but his arrows did little damage.

Now the Dorvae attacked first against Armania, then the second kept its grapple for further claw injury and the serpents of its body writhed around Ursina finding a nice soft spot to pierce with their fangs.  Ursina felt the poison enter her system but she fought off the infection.  A third Dorvae entered the fray and attempted Feeblemind on Armania, but this one also failed.

Erevel and Gavril continued to attack at a reduced level but managed to kill the grappled monster freeing Ursina.  He also yelled to destroy or move the other paintings as that may be where the monsters were coming from.  Armania seeing another opening moved to cast another lightning bolt to catch all three Dorvae, but not her allies. Ciprian moved in to attack with his mace and Ursina retreated to heal herself.  Paullus, taking Gavril's lead, fired at three of the paintings, hitting them square with no discernible affect.

As the battle continued Gavril received flanking from Armania while Erevel and Ciprian pounded the other Dorvae.  Ursina took Ciprian's place late in the battle while Paullus charged forward with his sword to pummel a monster.  The Dorvae tried to grapple Erevel and Gavril but kept failing and then they hit the floor as the party sat down to rest.

Many healing and even a Break Enchantment for Erevel followed.  Discussion was had about what to do next.  Ciprian took out his Orpiment Robes and tore them into four pieces then began to hang them over the picture with his eyes shut.  After feeling a tingling sensation shoot through his arms on the first two pictures he used the Mage Hand to cover the last two.

"I have no more offensive spells," Armania offered.

"I do not have many spells left either," added Ursina, "No healing spells at all.  I do have the wands."

Ciprian joined the chorus as his spell limit had also run low. Gavril added that there was no way for them to handle two or three more floors, given the current status of the group.  Of  course it was still morning and they could not rest again yet.  Finally, determined to get more information, the group decided to head up to the next level.

DM's Notes: The party earned 9600 XP for the night.

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