Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Court of the Unspeakable One

Paullus was hurting back in the stairwell while Armania also needed some healing.  Erevel was under attack from the Byakhee.  Ciprian was buffing the party to the best of his abilities while Gavril was looking to fire arrows at Melisenn.  Ursina, still invisible was trying to assure that none of the party would die.

Melisenn seeing Erevel peeking out from behind the throne moved over to cast Boneshatter on her.  Even though Erevel saved against the spell, the resulting damage was enough to knock her unconscious.  

With their main fighter sprawled on the throne the party was becoming unsure of their survival.

Armania, despite the need for healing, shot magic missiles at Melisenn.  Paullus having chugged a potion moved back into the chamber and shot arrows at Melisenn.  The group seemed to be damaging their main enemy but she was still hovering in the air over them. Ciprian extended Contagious Zeal to Gavril and continued his performance.  Gavril fired a flurry of arrows at Melisenn and Ursina rushed to Erevel to invoke Rebuke Death, bringing her back to consciousness.  The Byakhee flew over to attack Gavril but still couldn't seem to make his bit attack effective.

Melisenn flew over to Armania and Paullus, both fearful for their lives but Paullus resisted the Film of Filth spell she cast.  Armania more magic missiles on Melisenn while Paullus continued his assault of arrows.  Melisenn fell from the sky and landed with a thud near the pool of water.  Ciprian extended Contagious Zeal to Paullus and now shot his own arrows at the Byakhee while Gavril was now traded attacks with the Byakhee.  Erevel was quaffing a potion of healing, as Ursina moved to give Gavril flanking.

From the corner behind Ciprian the Hound appeared attacking with bite and claws.  Ciprian cried for help as Armania cast a flaming sphere under the Byakhee, she then moved apace to the opposite side of the chamber waiting to heal herself.  Paullus drank another potion while Gavril and Ursina dispatched the Byakhee.  

Ciprian attacked the Hound followed by Erevel moving over to attack and finding that her sword did less damaged than expected.  Soon Ursina and Gavril joined the melee attacks on the Hound, but all found that non magic weapons were less effective.  Then the Hound went invisible so the party breathed for a moment, readying actions against the monster when it appeared.  Ciprian walked over to Erevel and gave her a magical sword.

The Hound attacked from the rear of Paullus dropping him to the floor unconscious.  At his appearance Gavril fired an arrow but Paullus could no longer take his readied action.  The Hound then moved through the air across the hall to Armania.  A final flurry of attacks dropped the fell creature unconscious but before Ursina could use death knell, Ciprian moved across to finish of the helpless monster.

Ursina invoked Rebuke Death on Paullus, followed by some additional healing to bring him to consciousness.  After assuring the Byakhee did not return to life the party started extended healing to  the whole party as they breathed in the air, which still smelled of chrysanthemums.  Erevel, fatigued on the throne found a large tome underneath, several hundred pages thick and weighing at least ten pounds.  She called Ciprian over to investigate but he found the book written in a language unknown to him, in strange unnatural symbols.  No one in the party seemed to be able to decipher the language and none had a spell to help.

Melisenn's body shown of magic and as Armania and Ursina started stripping the body to find the items, Ciprian examined the Symbol of Hastur which was part of a tile mosaic on the floor.  He used his crowbar to break up the tiles and destroy the symbol, at which point the yellow vapor stopped its flow from the symbol.

Melisenn had a magic rapier, chain shirt, headband, ring and had 5 scrolls. She also had a silver holy symbol of Hastur and some diamond dust.  Ciprian was meanwhile examining the pool of water with his mage hand, he also used the mage hand to wash away some of the blood from the star stelae.  This stelae was glowing brighter that either of the other two in the town of Thrushmoor but it still exhibited the faint auras of conjuration and transmutation.  

A further circuit of the two chambers found no secret or hidden doors or panels so the group decided to head back to town.  They picked up the body of Royal Accuser Omari to return to Winter.  They cleared any remaining items that could be carried easily.  Some items they knew could not be sold in Thrushmoor because of there relationship to the Lowls family.  

Returning to the Sleepless Detective Agency they met with Cesadia who was anxious to hear their exploits.  She also sent for Winter to take charge of Omari's body.  When they report their success to Cesadia Wrentz, she was relieved that the troubles facing Thrushmoor could be coming to an end. She apologizes to the PCs for any disrespect or doubt she might have showed earlier. 

The party started to discuss what actions they could take next.  They had and indication that Lowls was headed to Cassomir, apparently down the Sellen river.  As they were discussing the cost and where to find a ship, Cesadia encouraged them to seek out the missing Count Lowls.  Cesadia offered to arrange ship passage for them to Cassomir so they can continue their pursuit of Count Lowls. Cesadia was aware of a ship called the Sellen Starling helmed by a feisty halfling named Skywin Freeling that was capable of making that journey and was set to arrive in Thrushmoor in 2 days. She offered the PCs lodging in Thrushmoor until the Sellen Starling comes to port. 

The party set about identifying the magic items the had collected.  The rapier was +1, the chain shirt was +1, the headband was inspired wisdom +2, ring of protection +1.  The scrolls were cure serious wounds, dismissal, sending, and two of restoration.

A well deserved night of rest was had by everyone but Erevel who had her Night Terrors and awoke Fatigued.  The party planned to spend the two days selling what items they could and finding other items to buy.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 1600 XP for the night and now have 35,054 and are now at 7th level.  We have now finished Book 1 "In Search of Sanity" and Book 2 "The Thrushmoor Terror" of the Strange Aeons path.

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