Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dry Dock

Erevel and Paullus both awoke not feeling any effects of their Night Terrors.  This was a blessing for Paullus as he seemed to always be fatigued lately.

Armania and Ursina sat down to memorize spells for the day while Ciprian was bugging everyone to choose which magic items they wished to have.  Gavril sat at the back of the Sellen Starling just watching the water of the river flow past.

Skywin approached Ciprian and asked if he could gather all the group at the front of the ship, she had a proposal to for them,

After all the party gathered Skywin explained her proposal.

"Last evening a ship of the Andoren navy sailed close by and asked for the Sellen Starling's help in locating a ship builder of theirs, Parthekki Avila who had a dry dock on a tributary of the Sellen where she build the Andoren skirmisher.  The Andoren navy, concerned at the lack of communication from its protege, asked Skywin to investigate their hidden dry dock, report on Avila’s status, and return any of the shipwright’s plans that I might find."

Skywin explained that they would sail the west bank of the Sellen and explore large tributaries for the Dry Dock of the builder Avila.  She asked for the party's help in exploring the area if they found it.

The group discussed the proposal for a minute and determining that they were going along with the ship anyway they would help.

Late in the afternoon the group came upon a dry dock, eerily devoid of activity, and they saw the emblem of the Andoren navy engraved on the doors of the dock.  A ruined windmill stood on the south side of the dock, while a idle windmill stood on the north side.  A grove of oak trees stood further inland.  Large outflow pipes ending in thick layers of duckweed and algae, were evident in the river seeming to extend from the base of the windmills.

The top half of the southern windmill lay in the river along with most of its northeastern walls, with the charred timbers and unique patterning from a lighting strike indicating its fate.  Gears that once turned smoothly now lay twisted and torn, destroyed by some enormous force that caused these heavy, 1-foot-thick bronze doors to hang haphazardly at the front of the dock. Carved into the exterior surface of these 10-foot-high doors was the Andoren naval crest, still visible despite a patina of weathering.

Armania cast greater invisibility and fly on herself and took off toward the north windmill and dock.  The party had the crew maneuver the Sellen Starling northward where the bank was less steep.  Then the party and Skywin came ashore.  Armania flew to the top of the ruined doors and peered into the dock.  She could see the water up to 100 feet or so inside the building.  The roof had holes in it and a ruined keel lay on the ground and in the water.  Ribs were scattered around the keel board, some broken.  Ursina headed for the door of the northern windmill just a four creatures composed of green plant stem coiling around several human skeletons, the wet green plant’s sickly flowers smoked with a nasty yellow vapor.  The crew readied themselves with Paullus taking the first shot with an arrow.  Armania then cast a fireball which caught all four monsters, turning them to ashes. 

"Glad I got that first shot in," exclaimed Paullus.

The party then headed toward the west end of the dock.  Ursina looked in the open door of the windmill and saw the ropes, pulleys and gears needing repair.  Armania flew over and around the building finding a shorter building with doors and windows just to the south of the dock.  The only doors to the dock appeared to be on the south side halfway along the length of the building.

Continuing on to the probable bunkhouse, Armania peered in the western most window seeing bunk beds here a potbellied stove in the corner and an empty teakettle sat on the top of it. In a bizarre twist,
four creatures like the ones she just killed, lay on the bunks.  Flying over the building she gazed through the eastern most window on the south see a table with papers spread across it.  Parted curtains partially blocked her view of the area beyond to the north and a door led west.  Heading back to the north she looked into another window, see a four poster bed, a cold fireplace and a creature clad in shreds of an overcoat, it had withered and leathery skin.  It stood with its head tilted as if listening.  

Gathering the crew Armania suggested they be quiet since it appeared a creature was listening for sounds.  She also suggested they open the doors to the dock to see if there was any creature or other area to explore.  Skywin agreed as Paullus lined up to fire into the doorway.

Armania opened the heavy bronze door, which was a foot thick.  It moved easily and noiselessly revealing a huge dry dock.  The keel board stretched almost the length of the dock its ribs broken and burnt.  A pile of wet lumber lay just to the right of the door while on the north and west walls two overgrown bushes reached to the roof.  Since nothing was in sight or rushed out at the party then headed back to the bunkhouse.  Ciprian listened at the doors and heard nothing but soon after Gavril heard heavy slow footsteps and light clicking movement.  High pitched voices seemed to be taunting someone or something in an unknown language.  The party moved back from the doors waiting for them to fly open.  Nothing happened although they still heard the footsteps and voice from inside.

Erevel headed to the double doors and flung them open spying a tiny vaguely humanoid creature madecompletely of bundles of sticks wound with thorny vines.  To the west was the creature with withered and leathery skin, its garments just shreds of cloth.  The room appeared to be a kitchen with a cold fireplace on the south wall.

Ciprian cast haste upon most of the party, Skywin charged into the room to attack the twigs.  Paullus entered and fired his bow at the mummy like creature.  Ursina opened the other door, possibly to the same area and another bundle of sticks moved right next to her.  Gavril was trying to find flanking any way he could.

Armania broke the window to the room with the desk and papers and climbed in looking at the papers. Suddenly Gavril found himself unable to speak or breath and the mummy attacked Erevel.

Skywin attacked the twigs in front of her. While Ciprian identified the large creature as a Swamp Mummy and began a Bardic performance against it.  Gavril took a step away from the building and found that he could breath again. Then he entered the building, without effect.  

The stick figures both ejected a barrage of splinters and brambles from their bodies, the burst causing damage to Ursina and Skywin.  Ursina returned the attack while Paullus continued to fire arrows at the mummy.  Armania found a whole set of plans for a ship.  She thought they might be valuable but then noticed that each sheet bore the seal “Property of the Andoren Navy.” Looking around she noticed a trunk and a lockbox in the bedroom area with some magic emanating from both of them.

Just as the party was concentrating on the mummy and stick figures, the door to the bedroom opened and the four sleeping(?) zombie like creatures slowly moved into the kitchen.  Skywin destroyed the stick figure by her, while Erevel retaliated with viscous attacks against the Swamp Mummy and in her three hits, caused to to crumble and fall to the floor.  Gavril and Ursina made quick work of the other stick figure.

Armania moved into the kitchen and fired magic missiles at one of the zombies.  Ciprian cast Blistering Invective at the four zombies and three of them caught fire.  One by one the zombies were defeated, the last one as it tried to walk away at its slow pace.

DM's Notes:  The heroes are still at level 8.  There are no XP for the evening as the party may not be finished exploring this area. Certainly there are magic items available.

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