Thursday, May 19, 2022

Glower's Glower

Ciprian and Ursina sat in the small sumptuous room discussing how to proceed.

"You can cast discern lies when we interview these subjects," state Ciprian.  "I will try and play the bad cop, hopefully someone else will be the good cop."

"Should we watch them as they enter.  One of them may try and trigger the trap, or maybe find out why it didn't work." added Ursina.

Armania was looking around at all the suspects plus Quaveandra with her gem of seeing.  It did not show her any thing out of the ordinary.  She then went to the private room and noted a secret door in the north wall, but not any way to open it.

Ciprian went out to get Gavril to check out the trap, maybe he could determine what it was.

Gavril noted the mechanical trap and inside the room he saw tiny holes in the ceiling.  He thought there might be some gas or liquid spray in the room.  He also saw how to open the secret door, which led to a small ten by ten chamber with the back of another door leading west.  Apparently one could move between the two private chambers if you knew of the secret passages.  Now the party knew about them.

Paullus checked the adjoining private chamber, which was empty, at least for now.  Some discussion took place between Armania and Quaveandra about how she knew these 3 were the suspects.

"I have carefully set up traps for my retinue, these three are the only ones that failed the test, so I have narrowed it down scientifically to them. For whatever reason I can get no further."

"How long have you known these three?" queried Armania.

"They have been part of my guard since I came to Dylath-Leen from Abaddon.  I used to trust them completely, but alas with the attempts on my life ---"

"We will ferret out the traitor, but do not cross us, we require the heartstone."

Armania searched out Dol Theth first leading him to the private room. He demurred at first asking why he was being asked to talk with these foreigners.  Armania explained that they had been tasked by Quaveandra to interview some of her retinue and that it would be best for him to comply with the request.

Do Theth reluctantly agreed to go with Armania, declaring that the fates in the stars proclaimed doom upon these foreigners as he entered the chamber.

Ursina and Ciprian watched closely as he entered, but they saw no movement toward the hidden switch. Ciprian invited Dol Theth to sit in a comfortable divan furthest from the curtained doorway.  Ciprian then began a Bardic Performance, orating about the group and its mission to come to Dylath-Leen to assassinate Quaveandra.

Dol Theth responded immediately in his bombastic style, "Stop that performance by the stars.  Your attempt will fail.  I will go and advise Quaveandra immediately.  The portents of dreams within dreams has not shown your appearance."

As Dol Theth proceed to rail against the group, Ciprian continued to try and pull a confession from Dol Theth that he had been involved in the previous attempts, to no avail.  Ursina nor Ciprian could discern any lies or attempted deception in his replies.

Finally Dol Theth stormed from the chamber declaring death to the infidels and ran to Quaveandra.  Armania watched as he tried to convince Quaveandra of the threat the heroes represented.  His attempts were in vain as Quaveandra brushed off his concerns.

After Dol Theth's display, a slight murmur ran through the drug den, but soon the patrons returned to their Hookahs and pipes, interspersed with munching on the snacks also brought by the attendants.

Armania then approached Kavriki, who was much more compliant than Dol Theth.

"I am merely the musician.  I dance for the mistress, she loves my performances." Kavriki said in defense of herself.

As Kavriki entered the room, she tripped slightly at the door and her hand ran over the hidden switch.  Ciprian tried a different tack this time, questioning her about knowledge of the previous attempts on Quaveandra's life.

"I am innocent.  I am merely the dancer," she answered with a straight face.  

Again there seemed to be no lies or deception by Kavriki.  Meanwhile Armania had been studying the subject and noted that her gear was surprisingly expensive.  Ciprian was certainly convinced given her checking of the hidden switch.

"You checked the switch by the door, which is associated with a trap in this room.  What does the switch actually accomplish?" 

In a very persuasive manner Kavriki led down her guard, "Quaveandra is establishing an illegal network of soul-traders in Dylath-Leen in order to bring the night hag practice of bartering souls into the Dreamlands. Quaveandra considers the souls of dreamers to be an untapped resource in these extraplanar bazaars and hopes to corner the market herself. Quaveandra must die to stop this abhorrent practice from coming to Dylath-Leen.  The trap will fill the room with a poison gas."

"So the truth comes out.  We will let Quaveandra know of your treasonous activities." Ciprian nodded toward Gavril.

"Please, stop.  Help me with eliminating Quaveandra's threat to Dylath-Leen.  Surely you would not want to become a bartered soul!"

While Gavril kept an eye on Kavriki, the remaining group met to discuss their options.  They could just take the Heartstone if Quaveandra was dead.  Of course they didn't really care about the residents of Dylath-Leen but eventually agreed they would help Kavriki in her plan.

Armania would create an illusionary wall over the secret door opening and she and Paullus would hide behind it.  Ursina would invite Quaveandra into the chamber to discuss their findings.  Aramania cast Greater Invisibility on Gavril so that he could use his backstab continually.  Ciprian would instruct Kavriki to sit on the divan with her hands held behind as if they were tied.  Erevel was ready to attack when the chance presented itself.  After getting the heartstone the group would retreat to the adjoining chamber through the secret doors to attempt to wake up.

Ursina brought Quaveandra into the chamber and Ciprian addressed her stating that Kavriki was the traitor.  She was bound here in the chamber and the group would be willing to turn her over for the heartstone.

"How do you know she is the traitor?" queried Quaveandra.

"She has admitted that she suspects you are establishing a network of soul traders." Ciprian responded.

Erevel readied her blade as Gavril shifted to directly behind Quaveandra.  Paullus was of no mind to wait and moved out of the secret room to attack Quaveandra.

Immediately Quaveandra disappeared from view and the entire room gasped in surprise.  Ursina threw Dust of Appearance onto the area previously occupied by Quaveandra.  This coated the floor and Erevel, Ursina, Paullus and Gavril, thereby ruining his invisibility advantage.

Armania cast Invisibility Purge on the area, revealing Quaveandra in the southwest corner.  She appeared incorporeal in image.  Erevel then struck with her greatsword, but found hitting the ethereal creature difficult and when she was hit the damage was reduced. Kavriki threw up her hands and declared her innocence, she then ran toward the doorway and flipped the hidden switch on her way out of the chamber.  The party could hear her warning the drug den of the attack on the Ambassador.

Ciprian began his Bardic Performance against the night hag and cast Good Hope.  The party began to notice a gas in the air and their Constitution began to wane as their attacks continued.  Ursina ran to the switch and flipped it back to the deactivated condition.  As the battle continued Armania's swipe failed to grasp the heartstone from the incorporeal creature.  Gavril rushed forward to attack with his borrowed cold iron rapier.  It was still difficult to hit the monstrous night hag.  Quaveandra attacked with both a bite and claws against Gavril, Erevel and Paullus.  Gavril felt a poison enter his body but ignored it since waking from the Dreamlands should removed that effect.

Ursina's attempt to use Ghostbane Dirge also failed but Armania succeeded on a magic missile spell.  Erevel, Gavril and Paullus continued their attacks.  Quaveandra fought back with bites and claws.  The party continued to hear Kavriki voice a warning as she ran further across the drug den.  Dol Theth stuck his head around the curtain, gasped and quickly stepped back and headed to Ammanetta, stating that they should leave now.

The gas seemed to stop escaping into the chamber as the party did not feel any more drain on their Constitution.  The attacks continued and finally Quaveandra fell to the floor.  Gavril grabbed the heartstone periapt and the party headed into the adjoining chamber and immediately began to attempt to awaken. 

The party arose on the deck of the Sellen Starling, no worse for the wear.  Paullus was again fatigued as the Night Terrors affected him once again.

Skywin approached the crew and asked about their adventures.  "Was your excursion successful?"

"We are fine once again," Paullus responded.

"Tomorrow we will stop once again at Dabril, a village in Galt known for its vast fields of roses and production of exotic perfumes. Dabril is a sleepy place set back from the Sellen River, and the few hundred people who call it home generally work as gardeners or perfumers rather than anglers or river traders. Galt is a nation struggling through anarchy. I plan to meet some friends and arrange for additional trade goods for Cassomir." Skywin advised the party.

 After having breakfast and helping with getting the ship sailing once again, Ciprian, Ursina and Armania set about researching the next topic Captain's Tricorne.  This research involved the following books: Emotions of the Past, The Shadow’s Ship, and Voyage of the Rainbow Servant.

As evening grew near the researching group completed their study for the day and had learned the following information.

The tricorne belonged not to a human pirate, but to a denizen of Leng named Captain Vadrack. Vadrack’s longship, the Bloodwind, was a slave ship—although the slaves Vadrack acquired were usually never seen again.

A tattered registry indicated that the Bloodwind most often sailed the rivers and seas of the Dreamlands, but it could cross into other planes. Captain Vadrack was relentless in pursuit of his victims, chasing them across the planes if necessary.

Armania recalled that Weiralai, who was in Iris Hill administering to Royal Accuser Omari was a Denizen of Leng.  That battle was difficult and her body disappeared at the end of the battle.

Another night was spent on board the Sellen Starling and Erevel rose fatigued.  Skywin suggested that everyone be alert as they approached Dabril and she added that she would take half her crew with her. 

"I request that you remain with the Sellen Starling. Although Dabril is generally peaceful, it’s
unwise to leave a ship unguarded anywhere in Galt."

The party agreed as Skywin and two crew members headed to the village.  About an hour later a figure appeared on the docks and strode to the edge of the pier next to the Sellen Starling.  The humanoid has armor, shield, longbow and a sword. The person, dressed in gray silks, had a thick build, a short neck, and a piercing gaze evident even through the eyeholes of a full-face gray hood embroidered with a sternly glaring face.

"I am Glower commissioned to find a senator named Emilo Daldamane, an accused traitor to the Revolutionary Council.  I have been searching the region and will execute the man when I find him." a female voice announced.  "You will ask me aboard to search this vessel for the criminal."

Ciprian in his usual role of spokesman for the party replied "The captain has gone into town.  You can speak to her when she returns."

"Do you know of this Emilo Daldamane?"

"We have no knowledge of this person.  We are on the way to Cassomir just as crew to attend to the cargo."

"Is there any one else aboard?"

Despite Armania kicking him in the shins, Ciprian said, "There are two scholars aboard just returning to university."

"Bring them out now!!" demanded Glower.

"You will have to wait for the Captain's return," Ciprian responded rubbing his shins.

"No I do not have to wait," Glower responded moving out along the pier to the cabin doors.'

As she prepared to board, Ciprian knocked on the door and suggested that Wrebben and Gossa exit the cabin to face the woman.  The door opened slowly and the two exited and stood before the inquisitor.

"Neither of these is the senator.  Do you know Emilo Daldamane," she demanded of the pair.

"No, we have no knowledge of the politics of Galt.  We are merely scholars." they responded.

As Glower glowered on the pier Ciprian and the party stood guard to assure she didn't try and board until Skywin returned.  It took another hour before Skywin came back to the pier, she looked concerned as she approached.  Ciprian hollered out a warning to her even as Glower strode toward Skywin.

"Are you the Captain?" Glower inquired.  "I must search your ship for Emilo Daldamane, as traitor to Galt."

Skywin and Glower had a quiet discussion and after a few minutes Skywin came aboard leading Glower.  The inquisitor then made a scene of searching the entire ship, cabins, hold, small cubbyholes where no one could actually be hiding and making a nuisance of herself with questions and accusations. Apparently satisfied she told Skywin with a huff that she was permitted to sail.  "Be assured that I will continue to search for this traitor. If you hear anything I expect you to send a rider to let me know."  She then left the Sellen Starling and marched away back toward Dabril.

"Who was that?" Ciprian asked after waiting for the woman to leave.

"She is a Gray Gardener charged as justices and executioners by the Revolutionary Council. Gray Gardeners skillfully uncover and track down those marked as traitors to Galt. Their notorious questioning and interrogation techniques inexorably break many suspects. Gray Gardeners put the condemned to death in gory public spectacles using magical guillotines known as final blades."  Skywin related. "We must be careful, as she is suspicious for some reason."

As they waited for the load of perfumes to arrive Skywin related her interaction in Dabril with Ruadra
Eighthson an aspiring innkeeper from the Five Kings Mountains. He asked for help find his missing shipment of foodstuffs and ale from Sevenarches that he needs for the new tavern he hopes to open on the shore of Kallas Lake.

The captain he hired to transport the shipment, Shula Jarral, was taking a lesser known tributary in her small river barge, the Cricket.  Skywin agreed to help him, so he provided a map and directions in the hope that the Sellen Starling could catch up with the missing captain and recover her valuable cargo. He also offered a reward of 800 gp, along with free rooms at his inn should the we ever need lodging.  If we find this captain, Skywin would pay the group part of the reward in advance.

With the map in hand the group heads further down the river Sellen.

DM's Notes: The party earned 2400 XP for the night and now have 60,321 XP.

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