Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Journey to Okeno

"I found some very concerning information in the Mysterium," Ciprian began.  "We have to be very careful in mentioning the name, or even thinking the name of the supposed Yellow King or the other elder being we heard, the X-D.  We can unwittingly become allies in pulling Thrushmoor, or even Golarion, into Carcosa."

"How do we not think about this Yellow King," Erevel said jocularly.

"We must, I believe that Lowls' may already be infected somehow by his actions.  We could fall into that category easily.  The effect can manifest through dreams, warping the subconscious to serve its ends," Ciprian shot back.

The party was sitting in their room at the Steward's Apartments.  Ciprian had spent a week in the Mysterium researching The Parchlands, Okeno, the Star Stela with regards to Thrushmoor and Neruzavin, Carcosa and the Great Old Ones.  He also was interested in Rituals and Psychic magic.

"I can cast this Psychic Surgery scroll and probably make it work but I have no idea why the ritual to enter the Dreamlands no longer operates," Ciprian reported.  "As for Okeno, it is a rather lawless city know for slaving sales at gatherings called 'fleshfairs'.  I was not there but maybe some of you were, it seems to be the hub of slavery for the Inner Sea Region.  It is know also as the pirate city for its founders and continued haven for pirates."

"Sounds like a great place to visit, not," Armania retorted.

"Maybe I can learn some new sneaky techniques though," Gavril countered.

"As far as the Parchlands, it seems to be a vast desert on the continent of  Casmaron.  Maybe we can gather more information in Okeno, or from Biting Lash," Ciprian continued.  "The major impediments, beside the desert are Ash Giants and Girtablilus."

"Never have I heard of such a creature, Girta-what?" Ursina asked.

"I am ready for any kind of Giant. Bring them on," Erevel stated with pride.

"A Girtablilu is body of a spear-wielding woman rising from the front of a monstrously huge scorpion and of course they use poison. Girtablilus fiercely guard ancient places and treasures lost to history.  Ash Giants on the other hand are misshapen giants who's pale flesh is covered in purulent sores and bulbous tumors. It is unknown if disruptive magic, unearthed deep elements, or alien technology that fell calamitously from the sky, caused the ash giants to be victims of their barren terrains.  They throw rocks as usual,"  Ciprian continued.

"Sounds like fun, when can we go there?" Agna asked.

"Seems like we have to go to Okeno first, the whispers keep drawing us that direction," Gavril piped up. "Let's go find Elder Lythiin and let her know we are prepared to go to Okeno. Maybe she found us a method of getting there."

The group went in search of Elder Lythiin who was anxious to talk with them.  "I have found a Wizard who is willing to Teleport you to Okeno.  He does not plan on going himself but can cast Teleportation Circle to allow you to step through.  It would cost 4000 gp for the spell."

"Is that his best offer?" Agna inquired.

"I think that is a reasonable price, otherwise we probably have to go by ship," Gavril interjected.  "That might take us 2 weeks."

"I think we are catching up with Lowls.  We were six months behind in Thrushmoor but now we seem to be a couple weeks behind," Armania noted.

"So we want to have the Wizard send us to Okeno," Ciprian answered Lythiin.

"I also was able to learn some more information about Okeno, the gnolls and slavery that goes on there," Elder Lythiin added.

As the group talked, Elder Lythiin related the following information.

The fleshfairs of Okeno—as the slave markets are known— are the largest in the Inner Sea region, and at any given time almost half of the population of the pirate city is made up of slavers and their merchandise.

Far from being outcasts, gnoll slavers are welcome and are considered to be the most professional of their ilk. They even have their own slave market known as the Laughing Fleshfair—on account of the way the bidding is done with laughing cries and barks—where, at least in theory, gnolls are the only traders allowed.

Although openly welcome in the city, the gnoll slavers are despised by many other humanoids that work the trade. This is often a case of simple professional jealousy, but it’s sometimes from a sense of loathing at how they treat their merchandise. The gnolls are paranoid about security, and operate in a web of deceit. Many take pseudonyms, and keep their slave pits veiled in mystery. Many of the gnoll slavers keep their merchandise in different locations, and keep their most prized possessions in fortified structures away from the fleshfairs.

One of the most successful and civilized gnoll traders is Hyena Princess Njano, a lady of great intelligence and influence. She is so powerful that she operates openly at the Laughing Fleshfair, and she knows every powerful gnoll in the city.

"We need to rest for the evening and will be ready to leave for Okeno in the morning," Ciprian told Elder Lythiin.

As the party slept each suffered horrific nightmares. In these dreams, each hero was being suckled by a figure that seemed at first to be her mother. But although the hero can’t see the figure cradling her clearly, he realized it had too many arms and smelled wrong. To find relief from this sensation, the character began to gather flowers and weeds in yellow hues, mixing them into a pulp and smearing it on her lodging’s walls. In time, the shape resembled the Yellow Sign. Before the disturbing dream faded, the hero heard a faraway voice that says, “The influence of the Inmost Blot grows. More of them seek the forgotten city, and when its memory returns to the world, the seal will be broken and those that can’t be seen will fly again.” 

The group awoke refreshed and Paullus again asked what had transpired since he couldn't remember what had happened in the Mysterium.  Ciprian gave him the rundown as the party headed downstairs for their breakfast.

As they were eating Gavril speculated that the messages they were receiving came from Hast.. , oops I mean the YK.  I think he is working against the other, X-D, by using us and maybe Lowls.  Ciprian had a different view that somehow this merged figure of a Yithian and an old woman.  Gavril still insisted though that they had to find the steep-walled cylindrical tower brimming with gnolls. 

After the group had filled their empty stomachs and then memorized spells Elder Lythiin led them to the Wizard. 

"I am so pleased to meet the heroes that cleaned out the Mysterium and reset the wards.  With that in mind I will provide the Teleportation Circle at half of the cost, 2000 gp."  he said bowing with respect to the party.

After wishing the party luck, he cast amber dust on the floor in a circle and indicated that the party should now step through.

The group stepped one by one into the circle and found themselves in an alley of another city.  The air here was more humid and they could see the foot hills of a mountain range to the north surrounding the city.  A large bay was to the south leading to a large sea.  Toward the bay they saw a vast maze of old ships partly floating in the harbor. It was a bewildering fusion of flophouse, tavern, bathhouse, and slum rolled into one endless shambling structure named the Fleet.  Further in the bay was an island with a fortified citadel looking toward the sea.

The streets were full of humans, gnolls, halflings, elves and even some half-orcs.   The gnolls eyed the party with suspicion but then walked on.  The gnolls openly carried weapons and others kept out of the path of the gnolls.

The party looked around, they were not dressed in an outlandish fashion, nor were they armed any more than others walking the streets.  Ursina noted that several of the people and gnolls walking around were evil.

The party looked for a non evil human that possibly could give them some information about the city.  An individual was soon identified and Ciprian began talking with him, asking about Okeno in general, was there a city guard, where would be a good place to stay.

"Slow down, let me ask a question first," the man said.

"Okay, fire away," Ciprian responded.

"Are you new to Okeno?" 

"Yes we just got off of a ship."

"Well you won't want to stay at the Fleet, unless you are willing to pay Admiral Menkent an obscene price for a more refined room.  I suggest that you might check out the Laughing Dog instead."

"We appreciate your warning. Could you lead us to this Laughing Dog?"

"I can do that."

The group headed toward the center of the city.  The majority of the city was a slippery mass of alleyways and streets, a confusing maze of sunless dead-ends and corners where cutthroats happily stood in the shadows.  As the guide headed them to the north they saw a heavily loaded man run into a gnoll.  The gnoll immediately drew his blade and killed the man right in the open.  The gnoll then continued on his way without a hitch in his stride.

The aghast party asked if this was a normal occurrence.  The guide assured them that usually once a day there was a violent encounter on the street.  As they continued on the saw all manner of legal and illicit things available in shady markets.

The Laughing Dog was a slightly better looking inn where the heroes acquired two small suites for 8 gp.  The group had gotten a hand drawn map from the guide indicating where the Old Fleshfair, led by  the master of auctions, Fleshlord Sarfaraz al-Qoor, and Laughing Fleshfair were located.

After getting the rooms but not leaving anything in the rooms, the party headed to the east end of the city for the Old Fleshfair.  On the way they passed near to the entertainment district of the Ships’ Graveyard—which was suspended there at least a dozen yards above on timber boardwalks—the Shipyard houses artisans who repair and enhance vessels.

To the north loomed a Palace of Honeyed Stone. The golden palace was heavily patrolled, and
beautifully decorated. The palace was a series of towers most likely enclosing a central courtyard.  Further to the east a huge tower wound its way up from a squat building.

The Old Fleshfairwas a snaking maze of alleyways which meandered through this portion of the many fleshfairs, consisting of an area of exposed paths set above sandy pits between 10 and 30 feet below.  The entire area was empty but for 10 or so guards patrolling the area.  There was no signboard indicating days of fairs so Ciprian approached a guard who grunted and said "There is no sale today, be on your way."

"When is the next sale?" Ciprian asked.

"Auctions do not follow set timetables, although religious days of Abadar are used as excuses to hold enormous slave markets. A notably vast slave market is held each Market’s Door.  See the Fleshlord for more information," the guard said tersely and waved the party away. The party started to head for the Laughing Fleshfair not far to the north.

"I see a large dome some ways to the east.  Let's check that out before we go to the Laughing Fleshfair," Gavril suggested.

This area turned out to be the Shrine of Thaffaar: Named for the architect who carved the great dome that crowns this temple to Gozreh in Stonetown, the shrine sees more activity than nearly any other religious institution in Okeno save the bank of Abadar.

The Laughing Fleshfair was heard before it was seen.  The barks and yelps of the gnolls and hyena's filled the air.  Nervous guards abounded, hands on their weapons at the slightest provocation. The place was busy and sweaty; the dusty, feral stench of gnolls was everywhere.

As the party entered the guard reacted automatically but did not stop them.  Patrons stopped talked or howling and turned to look at the new faces.  Shortly though, as the party was trying to look nondescript, the discussion returned.  There were many gnolls, some humans and some halflings in the crowd.  After wandering slightly into the crowd Ursina and Ciprian heard the name Princess Njano mentioned by a few patrons.  With continued vigilance the heroes finally saw a glamorously dressed Hyena talking to a group of other gnolls.

Ciprian and Gavril moved forward toward the Princess and were greeted with not-so-subtle growls from the assembled gnolls.  A short muscular human woman dressed in black with a scimitar and kukri, intercepted Ciprian and ordered him to step back, barring the way to the Princess.  Ciprian and Gavril obediently moved back, but the woman continued forward and looked as if to shove Ciprian back further.  At the same time a halfling swaddled in black robes with a monkey perched on his shoulder, moved in front of the Princess.

The Hyena Princess howled at her subordinate to desist, and the young woman withdrew, spitting venom and cruel insults.  

"Forgive my associate, she had a bad experience with bards in the past," Princess Njano stated in Common with a civil manner.  "Please speak your peace."

Ciprian stepped forward and complimented the Princess on the organization of the Fleshfair.  He then began to talk about the quest the party was on, trying to find a specific honored gnoll in Okeno.  At her urging he produced a piece of paper with Biting Lash written on it.

Seeing the name the Princess beckoned Ciprian and Gavril to join her for a more private discussion away from the ears of the surrounding crowd.

Ciprian and Gavril apprehensively followed Njano to the back of the stage area as the woman bodyguard growled and spit toward the rest of the party.

DM's Notes: There were no additional XP gained by the party, only new information and a new city.

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