Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Frangrance of the Tanneries Part 2

As the party breathed, the door to the dining room opened and another guard and two leopards ran in.  In the entry hall a guard appeared at the door followed by a leopard.  The door to the workroom that Armania was viewing invisibly had its southern door open also.

The battle continued as Paullus was firing arrows, Gavril moved up next to the door leading into the entry followed by Ursina.  Erevel had to attack a leopard in front of her.  While Ciprian read a scroll of Black Tentacles into the hallway.  This entangled several guards and leopards, but one leopard was free to pounce on Ciprian.

In the finishing room Armania noted the man moving around directing the workers to finish the job in a more efficient and cleaner manner.  Flying, though the ceiling was low, she moved closer to the desk to see if she could notice any name among the papers.  There were papers on the desk but nothing that stood out with a name on it.

The battle continued in the outer rooms with guards and leopards both falling to the party's attacks.  None of the entangled combatants seem to be able to break free of the Tentacles.  One called out that they were under attack.

The man in the finishing room heard the alert and called out, "What is the issue? Why is this door open?"

Armania moved close as the response indicated enemies in the Tannery.  She stated that a group had come to the Tannery to see Fazar.  "We are looking for Dahab.  He has been kidnapped and his ear was returned with the note."

"What, Dahab is in trouble?" the man queried.

"Yes we only want to find more information but your saleswoman attacked us!" Armania responded.  "We questioned Rahmir at the Black Circus and Azeem at the Great Dome.  They pointed us toward the Tanneries.  Seems Dahab has a new lover who works in the area."

"Stop the fighting, please release my guards if any are held.  We will talk with these strangers," the man yelled loudly.

One guard then pulled out his horn and blew a different tune than the apparent attack signal.  The guards began to retreat from the battle saying that their boss, Fazar, had directed them to stop.

Reluctantly the party also refrained from attacking the guards and after the guards hollered for the Tentacles to be dispelled, Ciprian dismissed the Tentacles.

Gavril roamed through the open tanning yard making sure no surprise attack was coming from the guards and leopards left in the area.  He found another door leading out of the yard and a locked door to the east.

Eventually the party joined "Fazar" and three guards in the finishing room, the workers sidled away to an exit as the group entered.  Armania let down her invisibility and the party began a discussion with Fazar(?).

"Are you Fazar?" Armania inquired.

"Why yes, why do you ask?" he responded.

"Azeem gave us your name as Dahab's new lover.  When did you see him last?"

"It has been at least a week, I am beginning to think he took advantage of me.  He received some very nice new leather items."

"According to Rahmir, he was very smitten by you.  I don't think he is just ignoring you.  Our information is that he has been kidnapped."

"Who asked you to look for him?  You said someone put you on this job."

"The kidnapper wants to meet at dawn at the Shipwreck." Ciprian interjected.

"Why did the hostess say you were busy?" Armania continued.

"Well, I am very busy.  Lots of work to get done.  People sometimes just want to ask annoying questions and the like.  That takes too much time away from working."

Ursina was getting suspicious and came over close to Fazar, "When was the last time you saw Dahab?" she asked trying to get a feel for the truth.

"Like I said it was at least a week ago," Fazar replied.

Ursina shook her head slightly at Ciprian and Armania. She was sure he was hiding something.  As she did so Fazar peeked slightly to the east.

When the party looked in that direction they saw three figures behind the desk, who weren't there previously.  The a fireball exploded in the midst of the party.  Fazar disappeared and the bony scorpion like creature flew over to attack Armania with its tail.  The sting began to drain strength from her. 

Ciprian identified the three as an Erinyes, a Bone Devil and a human Sorcerer, who was bound to a devil.  He cast Blistering Invective to try and demoralize the enemies.  Then he began an Improved Dirge of Doom.  The started to begin an attack but the sorcerer then blasted them with cold.  Gavril felt his body react negatively to the cold.  The Erinyes flew out of the door followed quickly by the two guards that were left.  

The battle continued and the party wondered where Fazar had fled to.  The group almost surrounded the Sorcerer when she let loose a cold ray at Gavril which did extra damage.  The Bone Devil again attacked Armania, who had moved to the corner and then blasted it with magic missiles even as her strength continued to wane.

Gavril and Ciprian flanked the Sorcerer and were joined by Ursina and Erevel flanking on a different side.  Even though she was taking a reduced amount of damage, she finally fell but then a Freezing Sphere exploded from her body injuring every one in the party.

The group took a deep breath and wondered where Fazar had gone, if he really was Fazar.

DM's Notes: Experience will be calculated and distributed at the end of this battle.  It's not over yet.

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