Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Handmaiden Tale

Noting that Erevel was stuck in the Black Tentacles Armania dimension stepped to her side and then D-doored Erevel next to the Handmaiden Devil.

One Erinyes moved closer to Ciprian and cast Fear, but it only shook the Bard.  The second Erinyes moved over toward Armania and Erevel and cast Unholy Blight which caused damage to Erevel and Armania, the latter being also sickened.  The third Erinyes fired arrows at the invisible Ursina.

Ciprian then started a performance against the Erinyes and hasted himself and Paullus.  Gavril attacked from inside the cage and cut himself out to the north.

The Handmaiden then full attacked, two claws on Gavril and two tentacles on Erevel.  It failed to grab and encage Erevel.

Erevel then swung back but this monster was difficult to actually hit and when she did hit, it took less damage.  The Archer then turned invisible and moved away from Paullus and Ciprian, maybe over the side of the building.  Paullus finding no one to hit, leapt over the side of the squat building also and fired arrows at a flying Erinyes.  Finally Ursina cast Dispell Magic on the Black Tentacles and moved closer to the battle hoping to hide from the flying monsters.

Armania cast a FireBall twisted to acid at a couple of the flying creatures.  Then the Erinyes fired arrows into the fray while Gavril flanked the Handmaiden and attacked with both hands but it still stood.  Ciprian cast see invisible and looked over the edge of the building to see the archer.  He tried to leap on the archer but merely pushed him away from the edge of the building.  

The Handmaiden teleported behind Ciprian and Erevel headed in the same direction.  The Archer lined up Erevel and fired a devastating flurry of arrows which inflicted damage, bane damage and bleed damage.  With that the Archer was now visible to all.  Paullus dropped his bow and attacked the now near Handmaiden.  Ursina hurried over to Gavril and gave him healing.  

With the Archer lined up with an Erinyes Armania moved over to cast a Lightning Bolt on the two but the Archer took no damage.  An Erinyes now cast Unholy Blight on the party while another cast Fear on Erevel who was only shaken.  The third continued firing arrows at Ursina.  Ciprian changed his performance to the Handmaiden and attacked the Archer killing him.  Gavril broke out his bow and began firing at the Erinyes.  The Handmaiden attacked and encaged Paullus as it grabbed him.  Erevel moved close to the Handmaiden and attacked.  The party started to breath a little easier even though the Devil still stood.

Paullus then cut himself out of the cage and Ursina moved down and cast Prayer.  Just when they thought they may have gained the upper hand, three Raiders emerged from the shadows.  One flanked Erevel and attacked but was caught by her Unexpected Strike.  Another threw a spear at Armania and the third threw its spear at Gavril.

Shocked by the new enemies Armania dimension stepped up to the roof and cast Mirror Image.  One Erinyes continued firing away and dropped two images of Armania.  The other two dropped ropes on Ciprian and Erevel, entangling them.  Ciprian moved down to heal Paullus and broke out in song for the first time.  Gavril continued shooting at the Erinyes knocking one out of the sky.  The Handmaiden had at Paullus and Erevel but did not grab them.  Erevel continued to harry the Handmaided but it was one attack of Paullus that destoyed the Devil.  The rest of the fight was inconsequential as the party easily eliminated the three Raiders and the last two Erinyes.

Breathing deeply the group tried to recover and began searching the bodies for magic, gold and any clue as to why the party was attacked.  Several magical weapons, armor and gear were found on the Archer, Erinyes and Raiders.  The archer had a parchment describing each of the heroes, down to tattoos and scars.  The note was not signed or initialed in any fashion and did not mention a reward.  The Archer and Raiders also had (Un)Holy symbols of Hastur.

After recovering and checking on spells the group, noticed that they were relatively close to the inn.  Gavril headed to the inn and asked about the Black Circus.  He came back with the details that the Black Circus was located in the north central area of Okeno.  Now the group had three areas to check, The Shipwreck, where the kidnapper demanded a meeting with Njano, The Black Circus and Great Dome of Gozreh.  At the latter two Dahab apparently had friends that could know information on his activities.

DM's Notes: The party earned 15,800 XP for the night.

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