Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Keeper

Gavril looked at the opening in the top of the platform.  It was completely black, even Ursina's darkvision could not see beyond the blackness.  

Erevel was ready to jump, or at least lower, herself into the open space.

"Hold on," Ciprian interjected. "Let's put together a couple of ropes and extend them down into the entrance.   I notice that the entrance above is also still open, so we could go up and ask Elder Lythiin any suggestions."

Armania stepped forward and dropped a light rock into the entrance.  As soon as the rock entered the dark it disappeared.  No one heard it hit anything, if it actually did hit the floor, wall or some other object.

Erevel stuck her arm into the space and then removed it.  The air inside the hole felt cool and crisp.  The rope dropped into the hole instantly disappeared below the entrance level.  Erevel could feel the rope inside the hole.

Erevel shimmied down the rope until she was completely inside the hole.  She experienced darkness washing over her vision and felt as light as a feather as she slowly floated in space holding the rope. The faint scent of burning parchment teased her nose.  She then climbed back up the rope and re-entered the Soul Puzzle Level.

"Everything seems fine.  It is completely black so far and I feel as light as a feather, wafting in the air.  We probably do not need the rope, at least to get down," Erevel related.

Erevel headed back down the rope, followed by Gavril and Agna.  They fell slowly holding the rope until they entered a vast chamber, the ceiling of which was forty feet high.  The stone chamber was lit with large burning braziers set in nooks at each corner. A number of grand podiums set throughout the room held enormous books, and other massive tomes hung from the ceiling on iron chains like condemned prisoners. Despite the burning fires, the air feel cool and crisp, and the scent of old books and flickering flame hung in the air.  The walls of the chamber were built of what appeared to be sandstone that had been polished as smooth as glass. The floor was tiled, and a depression in the center sat 2 feet lower than the outside of edges of the room.

The first three heroes landed in the center of the room in the two foot depression.  Ursina and Armania then followed the group down and all spread out in the room trying to separate from each other.  Ciprian finding nowhere to tie the rope, jumped into the space with the rope and slowly fell down, swinging himself to the far western wall.

Ursina noted magic at the four corners where the braziers burned.  The books that were hung 30 feet up looked as though they could be easily drawn down on their chains; however, one chain hung broken and empty—

As the party looked around an agonizing wail filled the chamber, Armania, Gavril and Erevel were all shaken from the effect.  Seeing no enemy Erevel, Agna and Gavril held back trying to determine where the wail began but the sound had so even penetrated the room that no one could guess where it came from.  Then a fireball exploded in the middle of the chamber catching Armania, Agna and Ursina in its flames.  A large humanoid figure with no mouth appeared flying above the center of the chamber, complete with a burning sword that matched its flaming wings.

Erevel  moved to position herself to attack although she could not reach the target. Gavril fired his bow with little effect.  Agna fired ineffective arrows at the monster.  Armania attempted a Lightning Bolt which did no damage.  Ursina fled the middle of the room for a place closer to the corner.  Ciprian, as usual, tried to identify the creature which as expected was a Exscinder Archon, but there was the taint of a soul in torment and pain.  Ursina noted the presence of evil surrounding the normally good angel.  Ciprian began a Bardic Performance and attempted a spell which failed to launch.

Still flying above the Archon called forth a flame strike on Erevel but Agna then threw a Tanglefoot bag at the monster that fouled his wings and the creature floated down to the floor.  Erevel and Gavril moved in to flank but found that their attacks were limited, even the sonic damage seemed limited.  All the while the party was avoiding looking at the monster as it had a Gaze attack.  Armania stepped over to Erevel and enhanced her with Stoneskin.  Ursina also headed to Erevel to provide healing.  Ciprian caste Haste on a few members of the party that were close enough to each other.  Erevel attacked again but before Gavril could react the creature grew to a huge size.  It then touched Gavril with a tortuous hand that damaged Gavril, and knocked him prone in a fit of convulsions which dazed him as he also felt less agile.  The flaming sword then bit into Erevel.  

Agna, trying again to fire arrows felt her eyes drawn to the Archon and she realized strength, constitution and charisma drain away.  Her arrows were again mostly ineffective. Armania realizing the party could be in trouble, cast Starfall again with three bolts headed for the Archon.  The first two did some damage but the last, most insignificant one was the most effective as the Archon was knocked prone and blinded.  Now without worrying about the monster's gaze the party attacked with abandon, except for Gavril who was dazed.  Even as the creature stood, he was bashed by Erevel and Ciprian, then Ciprian began a Dirge of Doom after he demoralized the monster and it turned invisible and fled the area.  Aramina's Invisibility Purge revealed the creature in the northeast corner where Ursina moved over and killed it for good with her Holy Book.

As the Keeper fell the party saw a vision in their minds of Lowls tearing the Necronomicon from its chain and pulling a scroll from his coat. He cast a spell from the scroll and a circular hoop appeared floating in the air.  Lowls stepped forward through the hoop and disappeared in a flash of magical energy. As he disappeared, the scene shifted briefly to allow a glimpse of a steep-walled, cylindrical building brimming with gnolls and topped with a lush garden. They hear a tired voice say, “Come. He may have the tome, but it is not too late. Come now!”

As the group collected their thoughts, Agna approached the body and took the sword from its hands.  Gavril said that the sword was definitely magic and Agna was anxious to begin using it.  Ciprian was studying the titles of some of the huge tomes in the room.  All of the books here were the darker works of the library.  Not all of the works stored here had the potential to shatter minds or unravel the world, but keeping their information here limited the potential for abuse, destruction, or theft.

The group then moved back up to the Cipher Obscura and found Elder Lythiin in good spirits as she had heard the tolling indicating the wards had been reset.  The fog was gone from this level and the group related their experiences to the Elder.  They then climbed up to the Arcana level, which was now open, and Lythiin talked the barricaded guards into following her, assuring them that all the demons and monsters had been taken care of by the heroes.

Finally making their way to the University Level the group saw the magical mirror was smashed, it would not gate in any Hounds of Tindalos at this point.  The Elder led them to the door which was unchained and opened at her request.  The mind shattered guards were left with the remaining Mysterium guards as the Elder led the heroes back the House of the Stewards.  Elder Thyrr was ecstatic with the success of the party and over the next few days, the group was allowed access to the library, given restorations to heal their skill damage and drains.  They were rewarded with 7500 GP for their efforts.

When asked about Count Lowls Elder Lythiin knew very little of him, but was aware that the count had a great hunger and knowledge, and seemed affected by some external forces. He talked very little, but Lythiin did overhear his hired guards talking about a gnoll slaver in Okeno called Biting Lash.  If the party so desired she would try and find more information about Okeno, the Gnoll slavers and Biting Lash.  She would also try and find a mage who could transport the party to Okeno faster than sailing on a ship for a week or two.

DM's Notes: The party earned 8800 XP for the night and now have 221,954 XP and are at 12th level.

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