Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Frangrance of the Tanneries Part 2

As the party breathed, the door to the dining room opened and another guard and two leopards ran in.  In the entry hall a guard appeared at the door followed by a leopard.  The door to the workroom that Armania was viewing invisibly had its southern door open also.

The battle continued as Paullus was firing arrows, Gavril moved up next to the door leading into the entry followed by Ursina.  Erevel had to attack a leopard in front of her.  While Ciprian read a scroll of Black Tentacles into the hallway.  This entangled several guards and leopards, but one leopard was free to pounce on Ciprian.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Fragrance of the Tanneries

"Let's go to the circus first as the other two destinations are further to the south," Gavril suggested on returning from the inn.

"Sure, we could catch the animal act," Paullus interjected.

So the party headed to the area of the Black Circus which consisted of a mass of tents, wagons, shelters and one fixed building.  A small army of circus performers and staff were tending the animals, practicing their acts, and tidying up the circus building.

Ciprian found an unlucky target and asked for Rahmir, the beast tamer.

"Sure he's over there with the Mastodons," came the sprightly reply.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Handmaiden Tale

Noting that Erevel was stuck in the Black Tentacles Armania dimension stepped to her side and then D-doored Erevel next to the Handmaiden Devil.

One Erinyes moved closer to Ciprian and cast Fear, but it only shook the Bard.  The second Erinyes moved over toward Armania and Erevel and cast Unholy Blight which caused damage to Erevel and Armania, the latter being also sickened.  The third Erinyes fired arrows at the invisible Ursina.

Ciprian then started a performance against the Erinyes and hasted himself and Paullus.  Gavril attacked from inside the cage and cut himself out to the north.

The Handmaiden then full attacked, two claws on Gavril and two tentacles on Erevel.  It failed to grab and encage Erevel.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Perilous Request

After Gavril and Ciprian had followed Njano she motioned them to move a little further away from the group of Gnolls and her guards.

"Who did you say you were looking for?" she asked.

"We are on the trail of Count Lowls of Versex," Ciprian responded.

"Lowls, Lowls. This name has no meaning for me.  But you showed me another name,"

Ciprian again showed Njano the piece of paper with then name Biting Lash written on it.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Journey to Okeno

"I found some very concerning information in the Mysterium," Ciprian began.  "We have to be very careful in mentioning the name, or even thinking the name of the supposed Yellow King or the other elder being we heard, the X-D.  We can unwittingly become allies in pulling Thrushmoor, or even Golarion, into Carcosa."

"How do we not think about this Yellow King," Erevel said jocularly.

"We must, I believe that Lowls' may already be infected somehow by his actions.  We could fall into that category easily.  The effect can manifest through dreams, warping the subconscious to serve its ends," Ciprian shot back.