Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Captain Vadrack and Fiends

The Bloodwind continued its inexorable movement forward allowing more Mercenaries to board the Sellen Starling in response to Captain Vadrack's imploring.  They moved through the cabins to access the far side of the Starling.  Another of the Mercenaries jumped to the roof of the cabin to attack from above.

Armania tried to swipe the Tricorne hat from Vadrack but this time the ploy didn't succeed.  Ciprian, relieved that one of his images was hit instead of himself identified the beast in front of him as a Wraith and then attacked with his mace doing only partial damage to the incorporeal being.  The Wraith touched the real Ciprian on his next turn doing damage and draining his Constitution.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Transformation of Skywin

"Ah, the free air of the Sellen.  I hope to make it out of Galt so that I may continue to support its people," Emilo said with hope in his voice.

"We will do our best for you," Skywin replied.

The heroes were helping the sailors get the Sellen Starling under way.  Ciprian was preparing to continue his research, with Armania and Ursina, into the Red Webbed Foot.  The previous day's failure notwithstanding he was enthused to start down a new track in the collection of books.

Paullus, Erevel and Gavril were continuing with their training to hone their skills.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Emilo Daldamane

After spending the evening, the crew arose ready to continue their journey and research into the Captain's Tricorne.

Ciprian, Armania and Ursina finished the research with the following information.

The proper phrase allows the group to use the Dreamlands excursion occult ritual to arrive near the Bloodwind, is Bloodwind.

"We know that Denizens of Leng are, and they are dangerous as we discovered at Iris Hill," Ciprian stated worriedly.