Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gaol of the Damned

Ciprian messaged the group suggesting that they all meet at the kitchen.  They would try to enter the locked room from there while also distracting the cooks.

The group met in the dining hall with Gavril being made invisible by Armania.  He then entered the kitchen with Erevel and Ciprian right behind.

"We are low on the chicken snacks and some other items are missing altogether," Ciprian stated.

"Sorry sir, we will replenish them directly," the main cook responded.

She loaded a tray for delivery and her assistant took it out to the dining hall.

"We need some wine," Ursina demanded.

"Oh, we will have to ask Lord Avaric about that.  Do you know where he is?" the cook responded.

"He is out in the ballroom," Ursina said.

"I will ask him as soon as I can."

Meanwhile as Ciprian continued to distract the cook, Gavril found no traps and then successfully unlocked the door.  He then slipped into the room with Erevel behind.

The mostly rectangular room was filled with wooden racks that held an impressive wine collection. The door to the south was evident.  Gavril searched the room, behind the wine racks and the floor.  He sighted a hidden trap door in the northeast corner floor.  As this was happening the remainder of the group entered the room, making it quite crowded. Erevel joined Gavril, who opened the door, revealing a ladder attached to the wall which extended into darkness.  Erevel could see the bottom and a chamber below and she clambered down followed by Gavril.  Ciprian broke out his hooded lantern and the rest of the party descended into the darkened chamber which had masonry walls and flooring, and was featureless except for two corridors that lead east and south.

Erevel and Gavril headed east first as Ursina and Ciprian found no magic in the entry chamber.  They soon saw rows of wooden pews that were angled toward the curved far end of a small chapel. Identical statues of a fanged female figure with bat wings stood to either side of a small altar. Mounted to the wall behind the altar was a wooden statue of a ghostly figure in tattered robes with its arms crossed. The craftsmanship was superb, with gold leaf applied to the statue’s robe. A faint coppery odor lingered in the air, and offerings had been left on the altar.  Gavril sniffed out a magic rapier on the altar, which also held some small non-magical items.

Seeing nothing that they wished to take at this time the party headed out to the south passage from the first chamber.  They quickly came to ta cross hallway that was perpendicular to their own heading.  The passage they were in continued but seemed to lead into an area of several smaller intertwined passages.  To the west was a lowered portcullis.  To the east the passage led several feet at seemed to end.

The party headed west to the portcullis was in good repair, and curiously had a winch mechanism built into the wall on the west side, as if to keep something out.  Undeterred the party headed east where the hall ended in another portcullis headed south.  This portcullis was a copy of the previous one, including the winch being inside the room at the top of stairs leading down.

"Help me.  I am a prisoner inside this room," came a soft voice from inside.  "I am shackled here behind a table."

Erevel and Agna grasped the portcullis and attempted to lift it, getting it off the ground enough for Gavril to clamber under and use the winch and lock to raise and secure the iron passage blocker.  The large rectangular chamber emitted a powerful stench of alchemical materials mixed with the coppery tang of blood and bodily fluids. Two steel worktables showed signs of rust thanks to a thin layer of dried blood. A separate, smaller worktable was covered with surgical instruments and alchemical materials. Two wooden wardrobes rested against the west wall. At the south end of the room were two slightly ajar cell doors. 

The voice came from behind the instruments table.  Erevel and Ursina headed that direction and saw a human crouching behind. He did not appear to be shackled.  "Please help me get out of this dungeon.  I do not know why I am here." he pleaded.

Ursina, suspecting a trap, determined that he was not telling the truth and began to pop more questions quickly at him while Erevel moved up from behind and attacked.

As she hit the creature its skin split from the head down the whole body and sloughed off into a pile of disgusting blood and gore.  Inside a brawny creature emerged and grew to large size, its skin completely flensed from its form, revealing the violent pulsing of its massive, exposed muscles.  At this monstrous sight the party recoiled and Gavril was scared as the party felt its sanity drift away.  It hit Erevel with its claws and then did a rend, splitting Erevel's skin at the top of her head.  Erevel twisted away just in time to save her skin.  It then turned its attention on Ursina who took a critical hit and was blinded.

Armania entered and fired a lightning bolt at the creature and found that it was minimally effective.  Gavril moved up and attacked with his flaming sword which again did minimal damage and the fire damage was completely lost.   Erevel stepped up and hit the creature as Ursina moved slowly away feeling the wall and cast bless.  Ciprian identified the creature as an Ecorche, an undead with a capability to steal skin.  He began a performance against the monster.  Agna entered the gory room, fired arrows at the creature and forgot who she was as amnesia clouded her mind.

Abraed, the ecorche, stepped over and swatted Ciprian back ten feet and dropped him to the ground.  Armania decided to use Magic Missiles and Gavril moved to wait for Erevel's flanking.  Erevel shifted down and both he and Gavril applied their attacks.  Ursina continued to slink away and Ciprian used Shocking Sound Bolt with heavy damage to the ecorche.  Agna continued to fire arrows.

Abraed then attacked Gavril with claws but one missed so the rend did not happen.  The additional attack against Agna did not help her recall who or why she was here.  Armania again used magic missiles and then Gavril and Erevel laid the creature out on the floor.

Now some healing was applied, Ursina used the wand to heal herself and get back her sight.  Ciprian took the bag and a magic bead from the table.  The two wardrobes and men's and women's clothing, shoes and accessories of various sizes.  The eastern most door led to an empty cell, apparently for holding someone prisoner.  The second door was another cell had been repurposed and contained a small washbasin and items used for personal hygiene.

Back out into the hall, the group was on the clock for finding Erich Zann and rescuing Delmaria.  They passed by the southern door and headed to the second portcullis.  Again the group lifted the portcullis without problem and again they secured the winch.  The portcullis made a screeching metal sound as they lifted it, alerting anyone beyond to their presence.

A short hallway led to another square room.  Cell doors lined the north and west walls, each set with
a small barred window. Two more cells flanked a corridor that headed south into another chamber. A sour, fetid smell came from the southern room. Organized into small piles are soiled blankets and pillows in one corner and human bones and scraps of flesh in another. 

Gavril, Erevel and Ursina began peering into the cells.  All were empty and held no magic. Erevel and Gavril began to enter the hallway to the south, where the smell intensified.  Inside another square chamber was a large bloated creature with eyes protrude from between the fleshy fat rolls of its neckless, hulking form which appeared shifting and wavering.  

As the party came into sight they heard a voice in their heads "Come and meet your death!!"

Gavril immediately moved into the room and attacked the many eyed monster for minimal damage. The monster then let loose a sonic blast toward Erevel and Ursina that not only damaged them but pushed them back like a bull rush.  Ciprian swept into the room and identified this monster as an aberration called a Hyakume.  It had the ability to drain memories and stunning fist.  He then began a performance against the creature.

Agna, still wondering who these people were, moved up and fired arrows at the creature, Ursina moved into the room's corner as Erevel charged in and swung at the monster.  Finally Armania again used her book of infinite spells to cast a lightning bolt but was again disappointed as the monster seemed to have some resistance.  

Gavril attacked with both hands and only missed once for the blur, the damage was reduced but still extensive.  The Hyakume stepped backwards and let loose a shredding flurry of ice slivers from his hand that hit Erevel and Ursina. The party continued their assault, except Ursina who fled the room to escape further attack.

Just before Gavril attacked again the party heard a voice in their heads once again.

"Spare me.  I have no enough loyalty to Lord Avaric to die for him!"

"Put your hands up and get on the floor!" Ciprian shouted.

The Hyakume put its hands in the air and got down on its knees.  Ciprian advanced, "Why should we keep you alive?"

The Hyakume continued to communicate telepathically, "I am Lakronis.  I do various dirty work for Avaric, but I am willing to leave the manor and you will not see me again.  Just let me go."

"What would we get in trade for this mercy?"

"I know a secret you may find interesting."

"What would that be?"

"I have drained that musician Zann's memories.  If you swear to let me leave I can restore them."

"Are you talking about Erich Zann?"

"Yes, yes he is being held prisoner here. Lord Avaric had a plan to keep Erich weakened by dividing his mind, body, and musical instrument."

"Can you give me the memories?"

"Sorry, I cannot but I can restore them to the musician."

"Do you know where he is being held?"

"He is in the pit in the Gaol of the Damned.  It is hidden behind a secret door in the room with the ladder."

"Is there a way to open it?"

"No, there is a button you push."

"Is there anyone inside other than Erich Zann?"

"Yewilt, the jailer.  She is a spectral being."

"Come with us to the door.  If we find it, retrieve Zann and you restore his memories we can talk about you leaving."

The group with Lakronis in tow made its way to the entry chamber of the lower level.  Led by Lakronis Gavril and Ciprian found the door and the button.  Ciprian pushed the button and heard a faint chime from the other side of the door.  Waiting occasioned no response so Gavril pushed the button repeatedly for a while.  Still nothing.

"Why don't you return to your room while we deal with this obstacle," Ciprian suggested to Lakronis.

"Certainly," he responded as he left the party alone.

The group then used their maces to break down the stone door and entered another square chamber with nine doors lining three walls.  All but one were open.  In the center of the chamber was a covered pit with a locked grating about three feet wide in its center.  Gavril began checking the cells and found nothing in the first while Ciprian cast daylight in the room.  The pit was dark and about thirty feet deep so Armania dropped a light rock down and Ciprian could then see a stooped, shabby little man.  His cheeks were sunken in, and his simple clothes were ragged. He was picking up the rock and looking up toward the grate.  He then began clapping his hands as if to draw attention.

"Are you Erich Zann, the musician?" Ciprian inquired.

All that came in response was the elderly man waving his hands and pointing to his mouth which worked silently.

"Damn it seems Lakronis stole his voice also." Ciprian said despondently.

"Gavril can you pick this lock?" Ciprian asked.

Gavril moved over to pick the lock just as a grinning spectre with mad eyes and blood-red hands that twitched and jerked like a puppeteer’s emerged from the wall and touched Ciprian who felt his mind invaded as he warded the attack off.  The creature then fled into a cell, through the door.  Ciprian struck with an attack as it flew past.  The rest of the party then prepared to attack when the monster reappeared.  Ciprian identified it as a Dybbuk and undead incorporeal creature that can possess an object.  He then pulled out and burned incense of corporeality to deny the Dybbuk its natural defenses.

When the Dybbuk emerged near Erevel the party attacked with might against the now vulnerable creature.  Shocked it then Inflicted Serious wound on Erevel and headed for the door of the Gaol.  Along the way it took several attacks from the party.

DM's Notes: The party earned 12,800 XP for the night and are heading toward several additional rewards.

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