Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Nor is it to be thought that man is either the oldest or the last of earth’s masters, or that the common bulk of life and substance walks alone. The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, They walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen... unseen and foul in lonely places where the Words have been spoken and the Rites howled through at their Seasons. The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their consciousness. They bend the forest and crush the city, yet may not forest or city behold the hand that smites.

                                                                                —H. P. Lovecraft, “The Dunwich Horror”

After a short discussion in the hall Gavril suggested that the group inventory what could be used against the vampiric protection from weapons other than silver.  So they headed back into the bedroom and spent ten minutes or so discussion the options.  Finally the Flaming +3 swords were distributed, Greater magic weapon was cast and silversheen was made ready for use.

Next the group determined to head up to the third floor and try and scout the area.  So Ciprian and Gavril headed up first followed by Erevel, Ursina and Armania.  Agna stayed on the second floor watching the party's back.

"Turn around and head back down the stairs," one of the two guards stated emphatically.

"We are just looking for Delmaria.  Lord Avaric said we could look for her in the manor." Ciprian responded.

"Not on this floor.  No one is allowed to enter the third floor." came the response.

"But I'm sure he meant we could go anywhere.  We have a message from her father."

"No one is allowed up here no move back down the stairs." came the threatening response.

Ciprian identified the pair as Vampires, even thought they were not acting the part.  Erevel was ready to move but she waited for a Bardic Performance to begin.  Ursina cast a prayer as Armania waited for an attack to come.  The two guards stood their ground, growling slightly as the party did not move.  Gavril stepped up to face a guard but belayed his attack until the Performance began and then Ciprian started the performance.  Erevel tried to acrobatically move through the guard but was stopped and took an attack of which stunned her, her weapons falling to the floor.  She was also hit by a bashing shield but maintained her place on the stairs as she felt a great push.

Gavril then took his turn to attack but with no flanking his damage was limited.  Agna kept her eyes on the second floor especially the billiards room.  Ursina then added Bless to the party and Armania's began Summon Monster and the two guards attacked viciously to Erevel and Gavril one then taking a step backwards inviting someone to move forward.  Ciprian used his levitate to jump up and over one of the Guards to provide flanking for Gavril.  He then attacked with his flaming sword.  Erevel stood stunned as Gavril flayed away with both hands and hurt the guard savagely even though they seemed to heal some damage. Agna still stayed with her eyes transfixed on the hallway.

Ursina stepped up and cast healing on Erevel, Armania finished her summon monster and two Bralani appeared behind and next to the guards.  One fired a lightning bolt and the other attacked with it scimitar.  The guards again attacked with their swords and shields. Gavril and Ciprian were the recipients.  Then it was Ciprian, Erevel and Gavril's turns.  Their attacks took down one guard as Agna moved up the stairs ready to join the battle.  Ursina got out of the way of battle and Armania had the Bralani attack once again.  The remaining guard touched Ciprian and took two levels away from him, then she shifted so not to be flanked by Gavril.  But it was not enough as the attacks of the party took down her also.

 The party began searching the area opening doors into a room with a large rug laid over the hardwood floor. Across from the only exit was a large cherry wood desk with a chair tucked behind it. Two large bookcases lined the south and eastern walls, their shelves packed with ancient volumes. A painting of a strange city hung on the western wall, and alongside it is a window that overlooks a large ledge that wraps around the exterior of the top floor. A sliver of moonlight played across the desk.

Another room was a bedroom much like the ones on the second floor with a bed, small table, and wardrobe. The center of another bedroom was filled with an enormous, square, four-poster bed with a gauzy silk canopy. A small dressing table sat in the southwest corner, and a dark wooden wardrobe occupied the corner to the east. Between them was a solitary window large enough to step through, with curtains pulled partially shut. Outside the window was a wide ledge that encircled the top floor. A painting of a handsome man with dark eyes, darker hair, and a lopsided grin adorned the wall.

Ciprian did not know the man in the painting but he did determine there was something magical in the wardrobe.  This left the last door to the Fitting room, filled with dresses as the party knew.  Ursina opened the door and saw Delmaria cowering in the northeast corner of the room.

"What has happened and who are you?" she asked in a shaky voice.

She was dressed in a fancy ballgown and and ordinary dress was draped over a chair in the corner.  Ciprian hurried into the room to talk with Delmaria.

"We are here representing your father.  He send us to talk with you, and hopefully bring you home.  We know that he allowed you to come here with Lord Avaric but he has had a change of heart and wishes for you to come back the family.  He also has had a change of heart about the musician, Erich Zann.  We believe we can help him with his masterpiece."  Ciprian began.

"Why should I believe you were sent by my father?" Delmaria inquired with suspicion.

Ciprian took out a small figurine of  a raven.  He spoke a command and it turned into a actual raven. "This is similar to a clockwork animal.  Your father used to make clockwork animals for you.  He said your favorite was a clockwork armadillo." Ciprian said.

Delmaria reached out toward the raven with wonder in her eyes.  "But why would he want me to come back?  We were all so disconnected after that Bard failed his performance."

"Your mother misses you, she is wasting away without your company." Ciprian said attempting to lure her interest.

"Ghosts do not fade away.  We have been this way for millennia."

"But in any case, your father does wish for you to come home."

"Is it nine o'clock yet?  I am to come down and be presented by Lord Avaric at nine."

"It is almost nine and we need to get you out of the manor as quickly as we can."

"I wish to have my emergence into adult life.  If you want me to come with you, you will allow me to be presented, have some dances, and meet the members of my new society."

"Well, I guess we will have to wait for you.  But we will accompany you down to the ballroom." Ciprian acceded with a sigh.  "You wouldn't happen to know where Erich Zann is being held?"

"I have no knowledge of Lord Avaric's manor or grounds.  But it is time to go."

In the meantime, Gavril and Erevel were dragging the bodies of the guards into the study and taking their magic items, falcatas and cloaks.  They left the shields and breastplates.  Gavril collected the robe from the bedroom.  Ursina examined the painting in the study, it was a skyline view of a world with a few different realms and cities of vastly different architecture and form.   It was disconcerting and created with poor artistic skill, but may have value to certain buyers.

Ursina headed down the stairs to the main hall followed closely by Ciprian and Delmaria.  At the second floor landing the two billiards playing vampires were waiting for Delmaria's appearance.  She stopped and greeted them, accepted their congratulations and promised to remember them later.  She then headed down to the first floor with Ciprian in tow.  

Armania, Agna and Erevel were following leisurely behind and Gavril brought up the rear. At the first floor many of the guests were present in the main hall.  They applauded with dignity as she walked down the steps to Lord Avaric, who extended his hand to her.  She took his hand and smiled broadly as he said,

"I present the Lady Delmaria.  She has joined this household and is now part of our family."

Huzzahs and expressions of joy and welcoming came from the assembled crowd. 

"Now we must head to the ballroom to greet the party members there." Lord Avaric said as he led Delmaria to the hallway, Ciprian and Ursina in tow behind.

In the ballroom a similar presentation was done and then Avaric asked Delmaria for the first waltz.  They then danced as the crowd moved to the edges of the room.

DM's Notes: The party earned 12,800 XP for the night.

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