Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Inner Seal

"So can you bring me white robes?  I want to be able to use your wind walk to make a furious escape at times?" Ciprian asked Eamiran after learning of her capabilities.

"Certainly master," she snickered. "If that is all I have work to do."

"You can go now but I may need you on the morrow,"

The rest of the party settled down for the evening after requesting items from Hoshbagh.  She said she would meet them at the well in the morning.

In the morning the party was surprised by the appearance of Paullus.  Armania undertook explaining the situation the party found themselves in and how they were going to attack the Flying Polyps.

Erevel and Gavril approached Ursina to use the wand of Restoration to recover their lost levels.  Gavril's was more difficult since it was permanent.  Next the party spent several hours determining their plan for attacking the Polyps.  Invisibility, Mass Flying, plenty of lightning and other electrical attacks.  Ciprian suggested Arcane Concordance to help overcome Spell Resistance, He wanted to use his invisibility sphere to help Erevel, Gavril and himself to approach the Polyp without being attacked.  Kaklatath was polishing the Yithian Gun and Ursina get her Greater Invisibility, haste, prayer and bless ready.  Ciprian would cast Good Hope and start a Performance and hopefully another. They were going to hide the Necronomicon in the Yithian safe space known by Kaklatath and the Getaway would be cast within that chamber.

With this in mind the party set off for the undercity, met Hoshbagh at the well where Gavril received his new magic daggers and diamond dust.  Ciprian acquired scrolls at this time also.  Then the group headed to the undercity and the secret stash room.  After casting a few spells the group again headed to the Nightmare Roost flying down to the bottom where they headed to the Inner Seal of the Polyps.

The entry hall was empty and the group moved down while Ciprian and Armania cast Mirror Image.  Ciprian added See Invisible and bless was said by Ursina.  Ciprian, Erevel, Gavril and Ursina flew close packed in the Invisibility Sphere down the western wall until they came to a corner where a Polyp was seen.  Eamiran moved down the other hall till she saw another Polyp.  She then retreated quickly. The group approached as Ursina cast a Prayer and moved around looking for the back of the Polyp, Armania cast Greater Invisibility on Paullus and moved close to Ciprian. Gavril attacked the flickering creature with both hands becoming visible as he did.  

The Polyp flew back from Gavril by 5 feet and unleashed a Gust of Wind that hit the group of four doing damage and then blasting Erevel, Ciprian and Armania down to the floor.  Erevel was now enraged and rushed upwards at the Polyp and hit with her greatsword.  The second Polyp moved from behind the pillar and spotting Kaklatath unleashed another Gust of Wind that hit Kaklatath and Paullus, who both took more damage and were driven to the floor.  Ciprian became visible, started a Performance and cast Virtuoso Performance to start Inspire Competence on Gavril and Erevel.  

A group of the adventurers, Erevel, Gavril, Armania, Ciprian and Ursina felt the wind increase and Gavril and Armania seemed to lose their haste to the effect.  Finally Paullus moved out into the hall and shot an arrow at the Polyp but it flew wide of the mark.  Eamiran then cast the image of four Yithians facing the second Polyp.

Ursina cast Flame Strike upon the nearby Polyp and Armania followed up with a Lightning Bolt.  The Polyp became completely invisible but Ciprian and Ursina saw it move away to the south and west.  Gavril followed to the south but could not see the enemy.  Erevel was guided by Ursina and came up beneath where she thought the Flying creature was but her attack missed.

The second Polyp flew toward the line of Yithians, attacked, and seeing that its tentacle passed through the image with no resistance continued to fly away around and tried to hide between the pillars.  Ciprian moved down to the area of the first Polyp and restarted his Invoke Greatness then case magic missiles on the Polyp.  Kaklatath moved down the space between pillars and fired the gun once again at the second Polyp.  Paullus fired away at the second Polyp again.  Finally Ursina felt herself losing her haste and Armania found that she couldn't move.

Ursina tried to recall the Flame Strike but failed but she had memorized it twice and blasted the Polyp. The enemy fell to the floor and Erevel managed to escape being pinned underneath.  Armania used Dimension Step to move closer to Ciprian and cast the Lightning Bolt toward the second Polyp and it fell to the floor.

Gavril and Erevel began searching for another enemy as the party still felt a wind pulling at them.  They did not see anything.  Ciprian moved south and found another invisible Polyp in an alcove he cast Glitterdust to limn the creature.  Kaklatath waited with her Lightning Gun for something to fire upon.  The party felt the wind decrease, the Polyp became visible and flew at Gavril, attacked and tried to grab, and then continued on to the north.  Gavril struck as it flew away. Kaklatath fired the gun but this time it missed the target.  Paullus fired away again with arrows.  

Ursina moved to look into an opening in the south wall and saw a chamber winding around with a hole in the floor.  Armania moved toward the last enemy and cast a lightning bolt.  Gavril waited for Ciprian to move hoping for a Performance.  Erevel moved forward but could not reach the creature yet.  Ciprian then moved forward, began the Performance to let Gavril and Erevel attack with better capabilities.  Gavril then moved toward the creature and took two attacks before reaching it and attacking himself.

Kaklatath, with the gun being exhausted, tried Hold Monster but that failed.  Paullus continued his rain of arrows.  Ursina tried to reach Gavril for healing but couldn't reach him.  Armania cast Starfall and then Erevel attacked while on the receiving end of an opportunity attack.  Ciprian moved up to heal Gavril, who then moved in for a full attack.  Kaklatath closed with the creature but missed with her pincer.  The Polyp attacked its close enemies and grappled Kaklatath.  Paullus continued to rain arrows. The combined attacks of the party left the Polyp with one final Wind Blast before it dropped it like the other two.

Healing commenced immediately and then the party headed for the small opening in the south end of the chamber.  This led into a cavern like area with a ten foot square hole in its floor.  Erevel headed to the hole and peered down into part of what appeared to be another large chamber.  She saw a dozen of so, unmoving, Polyps which had her question her sanity but she overcame the fear.  Ciprian came forward to review the area and try to determine the method to seal in the Polyps.  

What followed was a rambling discussion among the party about how to affect the seal.  Among the choices were Earthquake, Rock to Mud and Mud to Rock, Lyre of Building or a combination of all.  The group finally settled on using the Lyre of Building to gather material and build a plug and cover for the breach.  Armania cast an Illusionary Wall to cover the work being done from the sight of the Polyps should they stir at the noise.  After close to 5 hours the work of the Lyre was completed and Kaklatath's inspection indicated that a rock to mud, followed by a Dispel Magic would help to seal the cracks.  Ciprian then followed through with that and indicated that everyone should move back out the area into the large chamber for the earthquake.  Who knew what affect this might have on the entire area.

The party moved most of the way to the north of the chamber.  Ciprian stayed closer and read the scroll of Earthquake.  A loud rumble was heard and it took some time before the ceiling began caving in on the new seal and the southern end of the large chamber.  Some rocks began falling from the ceiling on the party who, as the floor began to shake and move sideways, cast the Getaway to the secret Yithian chamber.  In the chamber the water covering the floor was sloshing around and the party could hear the great rumble of the earthquake.  They finally took of to return to the camp.  Ciprian stayed back for some time and then cast a phantom steed to transport himself and the Necronomicon to the camp.

DM's Notes: The party earned 32,000 XP for the night.

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