Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Nightmare Roost Finale

Gavril, Erevel and Agna had surrounded the the Hunting Horror. Ciprian was performing but as he was invisible no one could take advantage of the performance. Armania and Kaklatath flew at a distance from the creature and Ursina was in between ready to heal when needed.

The incessant wind that was blowing seemed to increase and Gavril and Agna found that they couldn't move with haste.  The Horror shook his head and threw Erevel across the abyss hitting a far pillar for significant damage.  The tail slapped Gavril and grappled him.  The constriction was so intense that Gavril lost consciousness.  The wings then battered Agna as the creature healed more damage.

Armania cast Dragon's Breath at the creature and Ursina called down a Flame Strike.  Gavril hung limply in the tail as Agna attacked with her greataxe but missed.  Ciprian was trying to find offensive spells but  decided to use Good Hope and readied to help Gavril if he fell.  Erevel, now angrier, charged flying at the monster, took a wing attack and then missed.  Kaklatath moved up to the monster and took an attack but responded with a pincer attack.

Agna felt the wind holding her in place, she could not move.  The Horror dropped Gavril who began to fall quickly toward the bottom of the abyss.  Ciprian reacted and cast Feather Fall on him.  Then it attacked Agna with a bite and Erevel with two wing attacks.  Armania trying to decide whether to use Getaway, instead broke out Starfall to hit the creature.  Ursina tried to recall her Flame Strike but failing this then moved around to apply healing to Agna.  She took an attack getting there though.   Gavril was still limp and falling slowly through the air as Agna again attacked with her axe and had some success. 

Ciprian cast Deafening Songbolt after searching for a offensive spell.  He then moved to try and intercept Gavril.  Erevel took three attacks but only succeeded on one.  Kaklatath, still grappled used her pincers to attack.   The wind was still pulling at various people but it seemed that everyone could move. 

The creature again attacked with bite and wings while constricting Kaklatath.  Armania cast a slay living hoping for big damage but it did at least a medium amount.  Ursina slid past Agna to attack and as she did the creature plummeted toward the floor of the abyss.  It hit a bridge, which shattered from the force, and bounced away from Gavril's path.  

After Gavril came to and Ciprian had looked around the lower level they rejoined the party and healing was given.  Ciprian cast Daylight and then the group explored the bridges until they found one almost at the bottom of the shaft that headed east.  It was similar to all other passageways in the undercity until the group came to three pairs of alcoves set at the sides of the passage.

Erevel flew forward until she saw the passage open into a much larger chamber.  The ceiling was 25-30 feet high. Within this immense gallery, dozens of broad columns reverberated with a sickening chorus of whistling wind that echoed and clashed with itself.  It was difficult to see beyond the pillars but as she moved around them a large floating shape came into view.  A flying polyp!!  Then Armania saw another Polyp to the west.  The group began to back out of the area not wanting to engage the Polyps on this day.

As they retreated Ciprian was studying the hallway for possible place to use the Lyre of Building.  He would like to make a seal in the hallway.  Kaklatath agreed but first they should destroy these Polyps and moved further in to find a possibly open area to a larger amount of Polyps.

The group flew back to the camp as fast as possible finding Hassan but no Mother Grim Moon.  More healing was done and Limited Wish was provided to Erevel and Ursina to help with their madnesses.  Gavril received a Restoration.  Then Armania identified her bronze horn which was inscribed with scenes of a hero leading warriors against an armor-clad titan. The item is the Song of Peyhori-Han, a that summons 2d4 4th-level human fighters equipped with masterwork chainmail, masterwork heavy steel shields, masterwork throwing axes, and +1 battleaxes. 

Upianshe spoke with Erevel through the sword saying that Peyhori-Han was a distant legend even in the time of Ninshabur, famed for having felled 15 monsters that plagued ancient Casmaron. This was the prized possession of one of the mercenaries who accompanied her expedition.

Ciprian moved off by himself and rubbed the new ring.  As he did so a female Djinn appeared
looking mightily confused.

"What!! Where am I?  How did this happen?" she exclaimed.

"I am Ciprian.  I happened upon this ring," was the response.

"Oh Dammit.  It had been so long, I figured that I was not under any compulsion any longer."

"Well, here you are."

"Where am I?"

"You are in the world of Golarion.  This is a vast desert with an ancient city nearby.  Over that direction." Ciprian answered pointing toward Neruzavin.

"Ah.  I was here once.  That great fool Ytil called me here.  It was the last I heard from him.  Ignorant bastard trying to investigate this great evil."

"Ytil, is he an Yithian?"

"No, just an irreverent human exploring the city with a group of Ninshaburians."

"I see and was he a magic user of some kind?"

"He was a so called prophet-scholar.  He could have used a little bit more practical learning and just hat book learning."

"Did he die then while you were here?"

"No he and the crew he was with were still alive when I left."

"And what about you.  What are your skills?"

"I am a clothier from Armun Kelisk with some talent in cloud-weaving."

DM's Notes: The party earned 8534 XP for the night and now have 510,988 on their way to 635,000.

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