Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Rooftop Garden (cont'd)

Gavril, deaf and fatigued, killed the gnoll guard near him.  Other gnolls made their way forward from the area of the building.  One fired arrows at the flying Armania.

Erevel continued her charge toward the southern building but ran directly into the gnoll guards.

Then two squat, reptilian monsters with eight legs, bony spurs jutting from its back, and eyes that glow with pale green fire, clambered out of the top of the stairs.  One directed its gaze at Ursina while the other focused its eyes on Paullus.

Ciprian yelled Basilisks at the top of his lungs as he saw the monsters and moved to fight while averting his eyes.

Usina followed Ciprian over to the Basilisk and did not even try to avert her eyes.  Her flesh turned to stone as she raised her book to strike.  Paullus fired arrows at the other Basilisk and Armania fired magic missiles at the Dragonne.  The Dragonne fell out of the sky, hit the crenelated wall and slipped over the edge, falling to the floor of the hollow cylinder.

Gavril averted his eyes and moved to attack the nearest Basilisk and actually damaged the monster.  Two gnolls attacked Erevel with arrows while the other moved up and fired at Gavril's back.  Erevel destroyed one gnoll and prepared to attack the other.  

The first Basilisk tried to take a bite out of Ciprian, who returned the  attacked looking directly at the Basilisk.  Now it was Paullus turn to meet the sight of the second Basilisk and into stone.  Armania cast Greater Invisibility on herself.

Gavril closed his eyes and attacked, flailing away now as his efforts failed.  The gnolls again attacked followed by Erevel destroying the last one she could see.  She began to move back to the Basilisk fight as she heard the concern of her compatriots voices.  One Basilisk then stepped back from Ciprian to gaze at Erevel, who managed to avoid the petrification.  Ciprian slid over to attack and the first Basilisk died.

Ursina and Paullus stood still as statues, and the party noted that their fellow heroes looked very similar to the various statues on the roof.  Armania began firing magic missiles into the fray.  As the battle continued Gavril finally opened his eyes but averted his gaze to finish off the second Basilisk.  Then he and Erevel killed the remaining gnoll.

Ciprian, concernedly recalled that Basilisk blood could reverse the stoned condition and began to cover Ursina with the blood of the monster.  Gavril began to do the same to Paullus after killing the gnoll.

Armania, watching to the south while the bathing of Ursina and Paullus was happening saw three burly gnolls exit each end of the building.  None of them lined up in a way shed could use a line spell so she just warned the party.

Erevel of course began moving to the south immediately to engage the enemy. Ciprian finished coating Ursina with Basilisk blood and she became flesh once again, though confused about what had happened.  Armania was still watching the larger gnolls trying to gain a way to affect several at a time.  Gavril continued coating Paullus, who finally came back to the flesh also.

Erevel started into battle but found these gnolls much harder to hit and they also administered more damage to her.  Ciprian and Ursina started running to Erevel's help.  Ciprian stopped to cast Greater Invisibility on himself, while Ursina almost made it to Erevel's side.

Ursina's unlucky streak continued as two gnolls flanked her and began a snapping attack, followed by a falchion attack.  As the second gnoll hit her Ursina fell to the ground unconscious.  Paullus and Gavril headed toward the battle while Armania fired magic missiles into the fray.  The gnolls continued to attack Erevel and a black ray fired from behind the building and hit Erevel, dropping her life force a few levels.  Gavril made it to the fight and attacked one gnoll that loomed over Ursina.  Erevel killed that gnoll and damaged another, Ciprian began Inspire Greatness on Erevel, Garvril and Ursina.  The prone Ursina, back from unconscious, cast healing upon herself and stood up.  

Armania cast more magic missiles and noted that the three gnolls from the west side had re-emerged into the battle.  Then came out a female gnoll in fine dress, adorned with a headdress.  

"We just want to talk.  Can you stop this battle?" Armania cried at her, assuming this was Biting Lash, as an eagle emerged and flew to attack Erevel also.  One gnoll continued its assault on Erevel.  Gavril continued his attacks as Ciprian cast Glitterdust on Biting Lash and two of the gnolls guarding her.  Paullus was firing arrows at any gnoll he could see just as Ciprian saw a robed Halfling, with a monkey on its shoulder, step out from behind the building and Glitterdust.  It was Hakoor, one of the Princess' bodyguards.  It seemed as though he was invisible as a ray hit Gavril.  Seeing Gavril stagger, Ciprian stopped a performance and granted him another attempt to counter the spell.  Alas this failed and Gavril felt much strength drain away.  Ciprian also looked around for Kisetz, who he was sure was in the waiting.

Armania, now worried about the heroes ability to defeat the enemy broke out Starfall against the four remaining gnolls and the eagle.  Two gnolls fell to the ground and appeared blind while the others were at least damaged.

The gnolls who could continued to attack while the two in the Glitterdust moved out, one crawling.  Biting Lash ducked back into the building.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 5867 XP for the night.  They are still not done with this creatures on the roof.

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