Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Rooftop Garden

"Shall we fight through the whole tower?  It seems like none of the occupants wish to talk with us?" Ciprian asked slightly trembling.

"Let's go.  I am ready to fight anything," Erevel responded eagerly.

"I was hoping we could just enter and talk with Biting Lash.  Or at least have someone take us to her," Ciprian said wishfully.

"Do you speak Gnoll?" Gavril snidely responded.

"Lets go up to the roof and bypass the rest of this tower," Ursina said agreeing with Ciprian.

Ciprian cast levitate on Erevel, who took Gavril and Paullus with her up to the roof.  Ciprian took

Ursina with his boots after turning invisible, meanwhile Armania cast fly and headed up the inner shaft.  Reaching the crenelated wall the party saw two gnolls each riding a Hyena.  Both were near the round stairways rising to the roof from below.

Erevel and Gavril moved to attack one gnoll while Ciprian and Ursina headed to the other pair.  An arrow came flying from the west where another gnoll stepped out of the bushes.  Ciprian began a performance against the gnolls and Armania started to cast a spell.

One of the riding gnolls began a dazzling display with its whip and several heroes became shaken from the display.

The gnolls and hyenas did not seem to be a large problem but arrows kept flying and six more gnolls, looking much nastier came piling out of the tent.

"We need a fireball here," Gavril screamed.

Ursina killed a hyena and the gnoll fell prone to the ground.  Erevel and Gavril finished off the other pair, hyena and gnoll.  More gnolls seemed to appear from the east and west as Armania's Woolly Rhinoceros appeared next to the burlier gnolls.  It took an opportunity attack from one of the large gnolls as it appeared just before it began to trample through the group.  Unfortunately for the Rhinoceros, each gnoll made an attack just as it moved next the them.  The summoned monster only made it halfway across the group before falling to their ministrations.  In frustration, Armania cast a fireball on the group of gnolls.

Erevel headed toward the prone gnoll and Gavril was looking around for another foe.  Ursina attacked the downed gnoll as the nasty gnolls all headed around the tent to the south.  Armania flew to a tree in the north as more arrows were flying around.  Then from the open cylinder in the middle of the tower a Dragonne flew up and roared which left Gavril fatigued and deaf.  

Erevel headed toward the tent but ran into a gnoll that she downed with one swing, Gavril attacked another enemy to the east while Ciprian pushed off the stairs and swung at the Dragonne, as he became visible for the monster to hit.

Armania flew south until she could see the group of burly gnolls and unleashed another fireball.  As their skin smoked behind the burning tent, the gnolls all headed to and entered the building in the south.  The dragonne attacked Ciprian and then flew away from Ciprian and Ursina.

DM's Notes: The party earned 4,400 XP for the night.

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