Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Moon Beasts and Dragons

"This wand is of Searing Light," stated Armania as she looked at the remains of one of the Denizens of Leng.

"It can really hurt the target!  I felt it," added Gavril.

The party started to heal the members who took damage in the battle and Restoration was performed on Gavril and Erevel to restore Dexterity and Health.

"Should we go up to see the frog like creature or look for another way in?" queried Ciprian.  "I believe that the creature could be a Moon Beast, but I am not sure."

"The wands that Gavril found are wands of Scorching Ray, but they have limited charges left," Armania related.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Prisoner of Leng

A semi-canine humanoid with rancid green flesh and hoof like feet faced the party. Its eyes sparkled with the gleam of intelligence.  Was this the creature from the guardhouse?

Gavril, taking no chances charged right up to the creature and missed badly.

The creature took a 5 foot step away from Gavril, read from a scroll and a glowing, pea-sized bead streaked from its hand.  A searing explosion of flame that detonated with a low roar, occurred in the midst of the party.  All the party but Gavril found themselves singed skin and burnt clothing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

To the Moon

Erevel was raring to go, she wanted to get back to the roof and on to the Moon.

"Slow down, wait for the rest of us to gather," Ciprian demanded, "There are probably two Denizens of Leng in there and who knows what else."

The rest of the party ambled to back up Erevel, who stepped through the secret door and moved left in the hallway.  Gavril followed into the hall and crept up to the door to the office on the right. Cracking open the door he saw a room filled with bookshelves, a desk and chair.  The bookshelves were loaded with books.  

There was a human standing in the room apparently reading one of the books.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Nightgaunts Attack

Facing two Denizens of Leng Ciprian cast Blistering Invective causing the enemy to be Shaken.  Neither caught afire though.  Then he began a Dirge of Doom Bardic Perfomance which caused the Leng Denizens to leap over the staircase railing to the first floor.

Below the party heard Ciprian begin his performance noting that this was a bad sign.  Armania collected Paullus, Gavril and Ursina around her to Dimension Door to the top of the rubble pile.  Erevel demurred saying she was headed in a different direction.

As Erevel approached the Dutch Door of the Guard Post she saw two hounds through the now ruined door.