Wednesday, September 4, 2024


The huge dragon opened its mouth and breathed a blast of acid that caught several of the party.  Gavril luckily jumped out of the path but the others were not so lucky.

The party was still a distance away from the dragon but found that Geists began emerging from the surrounding ruined buildings.  The creature were incorporeal and had a bite that would reduce the subjects constitution.

Gavril fired arrows at the dragon but they did little damage.  Armania cast invisibility on herself as Ciprian identified the dragon as an ancient nightmare dragon and cast mirror images.  Ursina cast invisibility while Erich began a performance against the enemies and cast Arcane Concordance.

Erevel, finding herself next to a Geist attacked. Paullus began to attack the Geist near him.  The dragon cast Greater Dispel Magic on Ursina, Erevel and Ciprian. This dropped the mirror images and invisibility.  Gavril waited for the Geist near him to approach and then let loose with  full two handed fury.  

Some of the Geists now attacked except the one Gavril attacked which moved away.  Armania cast Starfall on all the enemies.  Two of the Geists fell prone and appeared to be blind but the dragon still flew.  Ciprian now moved near to Armania and Erich and cast Mass Ghostbane Dirge to make the Geists easier to hit.  Erich moved away from danger and cast Virtuoso Performance and began Inspire Greatness on Gavril, Erevel and Ursina.  Ursina then cast invisibility on herself once again and then attacked the nearest Geist.

Two more Geists made their way onto the battlefield. One began a Terrifying Laugh but it seemed that all the party resisted the effect.  Erevel once again lowered the boom on the nearest Geist, dropping it to the ground.  Paullus had two Geists in his face but one was on the ground.  His attacks began to land for damage.  The dragon cast Ego Whip on Ciprian which damaged his Charisma.  The dragon hovered kicking up stones, dust and debris in a huge area around him.  This reduced the sight ability of everyone in it concealing many creatures from each other

Gavril continued to attack and Armania moved closer to the dragon to cast Incendiary Cloud.  The Geists attacked where they could as Ciprian cast Dance of a Hundred Cuts on himself while Erich cast haste on a good part of the party.  Ursina continued attacking his Geist and moved around it.  The two Geists on Paullus both attacked.  Erevel moved to attack the nearest Geist he could find.  Paullus continued to attack the flying Geist and then the dragon flew to attack Ciprian with his bite which sank deep and Ciprian began to bleed.  The debris area settled back to the ground as Gavril made his way to the prone Geist and finished him off.  The Geists again attacked then Armania tried to cast a spell which fizzled.  Ciprian attacked the dragon with his whirling cuts but found the damage reduced as the monster was difficult to even hit.

Ursina finished off his enemy as Erevel moved to attack the last Geist on her side of the battle.  Paullus continued his ministrations on the Geists while the party saw the dragon back away and breathe acid once again on Ciprian, Erevel and Gavril. A different Geist began laughing, Ursina resisted it but Paullus succumbed as did another Geist.  Armania again cast Starfall and watched gleefully as the dragon dropped from the sky.  Ciprian sprinted over to attack, followed by Ursina who dealt some healing to him.  Erevel joined them at the side of the dragon.

Paullus, downing his fright killed the last Geist noticeable.  The dragon lashed out with many attacks but was greatly hindered by being blind even though he seemed to know where everyone was.  Gavril added his presence to the fight.  Armania used magic missiles and Ciprian danced with his many attacks finally dropping the dragon.

Paullus and Ursina finished off a returning Geist and the party sat down exhausted.  Ciprian and Erich took turns healing the party and then Ursina used the wand of lesser restoration to remove the ability damage the party had taken.  After searching the dragon and trying to find a lair without success the party headed for the mountain peaks to the south.

They reached the transition point and it was just a line where the drained city ended and a new landscape of snowy mountains peaks began.  A wide path wound through what appeared to be mist shrouded mountaintops jutting from the earth. Ahead to the south, wisps of snow, blown about by gusts and eddies of wind, partially obscured a monumental tunnel that cut right through the mountainside.

Though encouraged by Ciprian to move into this nexus the party decided to stay on the city side and erected the Tiny Hut for a night's rest.  In the morning Agna once again joined the party after an explanation of the preceding events.  Spells were memorized and the party set out toward the tunnel.  As soon as they crossed the imaginary boundary the temperature dropped dramatically.  Within ten minutes Erich was signalling that he was taking damage from the cold.  He suggested turning back immediately.  The others felt the wind driven snow and exposed flesh was beginning to freeze as the party returned to the city.

"Does anyone have a spell that can help against this cold?" Ciprian asked, "I don't believe that I have any such protection."  The party looked at each other with stunned expressions.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 24,000 XP for the night and now have 868,854 XP needing to get to 890,000 for 16th level.

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