Thursday, September 19, 2024

Frozen Bohlvarai

Ursina kept an eye on the penguins who remained haphazardly moving around the same area.  Agna kept attacking people or herself randomly.

"The dwarf has an insanity spell cast upon her," Ciprian stated, "We should try Break Enchantment on her."

Armania used her Break Enchantment staff on Agna but it had no effect whatsoever.

Ciprian meanwhile cut down the web at the ceiling but it had no magic or other effects in or behind it.

Erevel noted the thrown web still moving and Armania said to Erich to play a high note if he was outside the web.  She immediately heard the lowest note the viol could play.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


After standing around in silence for several minutes, Agna spoke up.  "I believe that Endure Elements or Endure Elements, Communal would do the trick.  So would life bubble."

"How long do those last?" Gavril inquired.

"Endure Elements is for 24 hours, but I would need seven of them.  That uses all my first and second level spells, not that I use them alot."

"We don't know how long we will need this protection," Ciprian piped in.  "Maybe only for a short time."

"But what if we need it for longer, like the whole day?" Gavril countered.

"I would like to be protected," Erevel added.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


The huge dragon opened its mouth and breathed a blast of acid that caught several of the party.  Gavril luckily jumped out of the path but the others were not so lucky.

The party was still a distance away from the dragon but found that Geists began emerging from the surrounding ruined buildings.  The creature were incorporeal and had a bite that would reduce the subjects constitution.

Gavril fired arrows at the dragon but they did little damage.  Armania cast invisibility on herself as Ciprian identified the dragon as an ancient nightmare dragon and cast mirror images.  Ursina cast invisibility while Erich began a performance against the enemies and cast Arcane Concordance.