Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Star Sworn Nagas at the Ritual

After getting Ciprian's attention, the group began to discuss how to proceed from here.  Paullus was unresponsive so Armania cast Limited Wish on him and he snapped back to his reticent self.  But at least he responded to the party.

After some additional healing and restorations to bring the party back from some of its greater damage, both to body and mind, the group decided to take another day of rest on the morrow as they still needed to heal.  Hoshbagh joined them, and began eating their food once again.  Gavril was looking for some more healing potions as he had used all he had.

The party then spent a night of restful sleep although Agna was around as they woke up.

The next day was spent by resting, healing, Gavril reading more of his libram and Ciprian studying another section of the Necronomicon.  He was interested in the Dreamlands, but the total information there was disappointing as he could not find a way to move everyone to the Dreamlands once again.

The group determined a plan to activate all the star stelae on the next day.  Each ritual took 30 minutes and Ciprian was sure he could perform the ritual without assistance, especially is that it would cause more backlash damage.   They decided to start with the stelae in the twisted tower, since as far as they knew there was no monster or person in that area.  

"We need to beware of the exscinder angels also.  They may come after the Necronomicon." Gavril reminded the party.

"If they do we will have to be ready for their fire damage," Ciprian recalled.

In the morning all had a restful sleep and the party started to head into the city where Hoshbagh met them to deliver the potions to Gavril.  As the party entered the city they noticed that the thin tendrils that were present since they had entered were again larger.  Even growing to the size of an arm or leg.  As the party entered a large plaza they saw two gargantuan creatures roll into the square.  They were constructed of a collection of clay, crystal, metal, stone, wood, and bone.  The party was aggrieved that another monster had interrupted their task but non the less another battle broke out even as Ciprian was looking for a way out.

Gavril, not knowing how far the monsters could reach moved forward but not too close.  Ursina cast Greater Invisibility on herself and Ciprian identified the creatures as Xhamen Dor Juggernauts.  He began a performance and cast haste on himself, Gavril and Erevel. Just then to the north and west of the party the vine tendrils exploded in size completely blocking streets and pathways up to two stories.  There now was no way to escape in those directions.  Erevel had moved up to one Juggernaut and hit it for less damage than she expected.  Agna fired arrows into the fray and they did little damage as Armania, not fooling around, cast Starfall and blinded the creatures just as multiple images of each appeared.

Ursina cast Bless as Gavril and Erevel attacked and knocked off images of the Juggernauts.  Ciprian and Agna fired arrows to knock off more images, even a couple of actual strikes were made.  Armania cast a lightning bolt as the juggernauts moved forward trampling blindly.  The two actually ran into each other near Agna and Ursina.

Seeing the two together Ursina cast flame strike on the two of them and one collapsed in a heap of rubble.  Gavril and Erevel then finished off the other Juggernaut and the party breathed a sigh of relief.

After healing and searching for magic the party was off once again to the twisted tower.  The doors were shut as the party approached.  Gavril pushed them open revealing an empty chamber with the twisting, turning staircases.  Seeing no enemies the party headed up to the anti-gravity cylinder and Ciprian ferried them all up to the camp out chamber.  As they hurried through to avoid the haunt, the party was struck that no feelings of a growing, unholy energy were felt.  This was the prelude to the haunt previously.  Perhaps they had succeeded in destroying the haunt, exactly how they did not know.  The party used Ciprian's magic rope to help navigate the outside passage and re-entered the tower into the jungle and eventually the room to Lowl's camp site.  Up the stairs to the stela room they headed.  

Erevel entered first and finding nothing in the room called the others up.  Ciprian approached the stela as the rest of the party spread around the chamber to guard against any unseen danger. Ciprian touched the stela and began the Beckon the Stars ritual, intoning the words meant to attune it to distant worlds and entities.  The flattened face began to glow as he continued. Ciprian's mind was overwhelmed by thoughts of Alar and disorder.  He continued pushing through and when the 30 minutes was up the face of the stela softly glowed with several yellow, eldritch runes.  The stela also pulsed with power as the party felt the room almost begin to breath.  Ciprian felt a rush of energy and took damage as he fell to his knees upon finishing the ritual.

After healing himself and a short rest to recover some strength, the party headed toward the Oraculum. Maybe the giant would be amenable to their efforts, maybe not.  Hopefully the Star Nagas were not interested.  Alomg the way the party saw many areas of the city filled with the vine tendrils grown to a huge size.  They had to make many detours to make their way to the Oraculum.

On approach, Ciprian reminded everyone that most all of them took damage entering the Oraculum area.  He said he would provide healing for anyone who wanted it after the group stepped through.  Erevel headed right for the doors at the top of the steps as she knew she would take no damage.  When Gavril joined here the two opened the doors to see the giant Olkoshim pouring over papers.

"Oh, it is you again," Olkoshim said.  "What are you after now?"

"We need to examine the stela," said Ciprian as he joined the group of adventurers at the entrance.

"Well just don't bother me, I need to finish all my work here," the giant replied.

Ciprian headed into the chamber and the party moved to guard the four doors entrances as Armania stayed on the stairs outside.  Ciprian touched the stela and again began the Beckon the Stars ritual.  The first ten minutes passed without any interruption.  As the ritual went on suddenly the three Naga appeared floating in the air inside the dome.

"Do not complete that ritual.  You will destroy the work of Lowls.  We divine that his actions will herald a great change in the sky.  We have not seen it yet." stated Tishiss.  Her companions Leysauan and Haweyas concurred and shook their tails angrily.  

Gavril delayed his turn, the flying creatures were always his bane.  The three Naga then took their turns and centered their attacks on Ciprian, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scorching Ray and Magic Missiles were all cast at him as the Naga screamed for him to stop the ritual.  Ciprian looked weaker but the magic missiles seemed to do no damage.  Erevel moved in front of Ciprian and Kaklatath moved to his side and attacked with her pincers.  Olkoshim moved away from the closest Naga, seemingly not wanting to get involved in the fight.  Ciprian continued the ritual as Ursina cast prayer on the party.  Armania stepped into the chamber and magic missiles at one of the Naga.  Gavril jumped in and marked one of the Naga as his quarry.  Finally Agna fired off arrows at the nearest Naga.

Now the Naga again cast Ray of Enfeeblement and Scorching Ray at Ciprian, making him even weaker.  The third Naga flew down to Agna and tried to bite her but missed as she flew on by.  Erevel began putting on her winged boots.  Olkoshim headed out the western door trying to stay out of harms way,

"Make sure my papers are not destroyed," he yelled.

Ciprian paused the ritual to identify the Naga and begin a Performance against them.  Ursina ran up to Ciprian and cast Restoration to restore the Bard's strength damage.  Armania saw two Naga close to each other and cast a fireball on them while Gavril fired an array of arrows at the nearest as Agna targeted the other Naga.  Kaklatath continued her pincer attacks against one Naga.

The Naga began again, a Lightning Bolt was cast at Gavril, then another caught Erevel, Ursina and Ciprian.  Erevel now seeing a Naga at ground level headed toward it and inflicted her usual damage.  Ciprian restarted the ritual as Ursina joined Erevel in attacking the Naga.

Armania cast another fireball on the two Naga that were near each other.  One of them fell to the floor.  Gavril fired his arrows to drop the second as Agna fired away at the final one but missed.  The remaining Naga tried to bite Erevel but missed and then fell to her final attacks.

With the end of the battle Ciprian continued with the Beckon the Stars ritual.  The flattened face began to glow while Ciprian's mind was overwhelmed by thoughts of Yhtill and decadence.  He continued pushing through and when the 30 minutes was up the face of the stela softly glowed with several yellow, eldritch runes.  The stela also pulsed with power as the party felt the room almost begin to breath.  Ciprian felt a rush of energy and took damage as he fell to his knees upon finishing the ritual.

Ursina helped Ciprian regain his feet while Olkoshim reentered the room and thanked the party for not destroying his work.  He was eager to get back to work.  Ciprian offered to let him have the observatory for future as the Naga were now gone.  He could work as long as he wanted.

Gavril was sniffing magic and only saw a huge dagger hanging on Olkoshim's belt.  The party also searched the Naga's lair.  The cushions there covered recesses where the nagas hid the many tributes left here by pilgrims over the millennia. Among these were a staff, a pouch with stones emanating magic within, and a scroll of sunburst. There were also nine cut sapphires worth 1,000 gp each, a mithral spyglass (worth 1,500 gp), and 7,430 silver pieces minted in Kelesh.

DM's Notes: The party earned 44,800 XP for the night.  They now have 604,854 XP and need 635,000 to reach 15th level.

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