Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Where Dark Winds Whisper

"Does anyone need a restoration or limited wish?" Ursina inquired.

"I will need one after we sleep.  I am still down strength," Gavril responded.

"After reading more about the Path to the Black Stars ritual, I may need a restoration after performing or maybe in the middle as I will lose wisdom as the ritual continues," Ciprian said more worried than earlier.

"I will take two of them after the sleep," Ursina responded.

"Will you need help in casting the ritual?" Erevel asked.

"It would help some if I can get four people to be secondary casters," Ciprian said.

"We can decide tomorrow," Armania said.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Mandate of Heaven

"I really could use a rest to regain spells.  I have used several today already."  Armania stated.

"Will the Saffron Prince have an issue with us activating the last Stela?" Erevel asked.

"I could send Barnabas to scout the area to see if there is any creatures wandering the city or at the Stela." Agna suggested.

"It would be good to know if any wandering monsters could hinder us on our way," Armania added.

"I will send Barnabas to scout," Agna replied.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Star Sworn Nagas at the Ritual

After getting Ciprian's attention, the group began to discuss how to proceed from here.  Paullus was unresponsive so Armania cast Limited Wish on him and he snapped back to his reticent self.  But at least he responded to the party.

After some additional healing and restorations to bring the party back from some of its greater damage, both to body and mind, the group decided to take another day of rest on the morrow as they still needed to heal.  Hoshbagh joined them, and began eating their food once again.  Gavril was looking for some more healing potions as he had used all he had.

The party then spent a night of restful sleep although Agna was around as they woke up.