Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Star Seed

"Will we need to fight this evil underwater?" Gavril asked inquiringly.

"More than likely, but we can use some spells to help us," Ciprian responded.

"I have Life Bubble, which allows normal breathing underwater for everyone," Paullus chimed up as a shock to everyone.

"I think I should scout the lake before we head out there.  Maybe there is something on the island," Ciprian said taking flight on his horse.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Inner Seal

"So can you bring me white robes?  I want to be able to use your wind walk to make a furious escape at times?" Ciprian asked Eamiran after learning of her capabilities.

"Certainly master," she snickered. "If that is all I have work to do."

"You can go now but I may need you on the morrow,"

The rest of the party settled down for the evening after requesting items from Hoshbagh.  She said she would meet them at the well in the morning.