Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Weiralai Returns

 "Should we continue into the chamber?  Maybe we can make it past these Air Elementals without their noticing us," Ciprian suggested.

"How do we know the passage out of this chamber leads anywhere?" Gavril countered.

"We don't," Armania added in.

"So what if we turn around and head to the other exit from the Leng Ghoul chamber?" Gavril said.

"OK, if that is the way we want to go, then let's get going," Erevel said anxiously.

So the party headed back to the Leng Ghoul chamber and across the northern hallway.  About halfway to the northwest passage Erevel stopped.

"There are monsters ahead," she whispered back to the party.

"Should we rush them and start the battle?" Gavril queried.

"I think we should wait for the fireball or at least a haste," Erevel proposed.

"Where is your book?  Have you mislaid it?" a disembodied voice asked from ahead of the party.  They could not tell if it was in front or behind the creatures.

The party moved slowly forward but did not attack just yet.  Ciprian identified the beasts as Fast Moon Beasts but they also seemed to be undead.  Armania withheld casting an attack spell and became invisible as did Ursina.  Agna and Kaklatath moved forward slightly.

The Moon Beasts did not move to attack the party but the voice called out again.  "You may have gotten the better of me in Thrushmoor but now I am immortal. HaHaHaHaHa!" it exclaimed in a sneering laugh.

"We will take destroy you like we did in Thrushmoor," Ciprian taunted back.

Kaklatath cast Hold Monster on one of the two Moon Beasts and Erevel saw its tentacles stop moving.  She rushed forward but was hit by and attack from the other beast.  She then attacked the paralyzed Beast but was hit by a wave of negative energy which healed up some damage on the Beast.  The slashing damage was reduced on the amorphous body of the Moon Beast.  Agna began firing arrows but they seemed to be absorbed by the body also.  

Gavril noting the reduced efficacy of the slashing and piercing weapons drew his bashing weapons as he strode forward to hit the Beast also taking an attack getting there.  Ursina moved forward but was waiting for the disembodied voice to appear before determining how to attack.  Armania dimension stepped past the Moon Beasts and saw a Denizen of Leng to the south wearing loose-fitting robes and wrappings about the head and face. A Horned brow crowned her head, clawed fingers, mouths full of tentacles, and crooked goatish legs with cloven hooves completed the look.  She wore a jaundiced suit of leather armor with fringes trailing from it.  In one hand was a rapier.  Armania waited for Ciprian to begin a performance or at least something to help her overcome the Spell Resistance of the monster.

Ciprian cast haste and moved toward the battle while beginning a performance to Inspire Greatness in himself, Erevel and Gavril.  Erevel continued his attack on the Moon Beast.

"Ah, if it isn't Lowls little sweetheart!  Does he still stir your passion?" The Denizen said as she moved toward Armania and attacked with the rapier.  It bit deeply and delivered damage plus Constitution drain as Armania became staggered.  Then one of the fringes of the armor flipped out and touched Armania delivering a blast of damage as she warded off some additional spell.  Agna fired more arrows but they were largely swallowed up.  Gavril attacked the Moon Beasts for enough to kill the held one while the other managed to avoid Kaklatath's Hold on it.  Ursina rushed through the opening to attack the Denizen of Leng as Armania stepped out of the way but could do nothing else.  The remaining beast hit Gavril with claws and slam.  Ciprian after having assisted Armania's save, cast a spell to begin two Performances, one against Weiralai and the other Inspire Greatness again.

After the last Moon Beast died the battle became a dance between the party and Weiralai, her bit savagely reduced Erevel's Dexterity while the fringes attacked when directed.  Gavril was also staggered by a critical hit and Weiralai kept stepping around the party as they maneuvered to flank her.  

But twisted dragon's breath from Armania, bashing attacks from Gavril and Erevel's rage kept her on the run.  Ursina used the holy book with its bashing attack and bane as Agna continued with arrows and Kaklatath tried to Paralyze her.

Another wave of negative energy hit the party and some of them were shaken by an Aura around the Leng Denizen.  She moved away again as Gavril shifted around her but by then the party had surrounded her and Ursina dealt the killing blow.

"What will you do without the ... book," she whispered as she died. Her body sublimated into sticky smoke that twisted to form a jumble of letters, runes, and cryptic threats before it wafts away and
dissipates entirely.  Left on the floor was a rapier, jaundiced yellow leather armor, a headband, two potions, 8 rubies and 3,000 gold.

The trail of the enemy tracked to the northwest and Gavril suggested that she may have hidden the book somewhere.

DM's Notes: The party earned 9,334 XP for the night but still need 154,412 to reach 15th level.

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