Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Across Accursed Sands

Before the group could rest Ciprian was adamant about questioning their new addition, Kaklatath.

"Is that your actual name?" he queried.

In his mind, and the minds of others was the reply "I am Kaklatath.  This body belongs to Elari.  Her mind has been in my body in Neruzavin for the last two or three years."

"Who is this Elari?  And is was this transfer done with her knowledge?" Ciprian demanded.

"This is the body of an now old Keleshite slave woman.  I have inhabited many bodies over thousands of years!"

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


The heroes faced a difficult task on the roof of Blossoming Thorn.  They were still faced with four burly Gnolls, and eagle, Biting Lash and something that was casting spells while invisible.

Gavril shifted over and killed the eagle as Erevel continued the battle against the Gnolls.  Ciprian yelled out that Hakoor, the halfling bodyguard of Princess Njano was invisible near the old Glitterdust area.  He then moved down and cast a new Glitterdust which covered Hakoor, and apparently seven other copies of the halfling.  Paullus fired arrows into the fray.

Ciprian saw some movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Kisetz appear behind him.  His view was enough to counter the sneak attack, also defying the Death Attack, but he took significant damage.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Rooftop Garden (cont'd)

Gavril, deaf and fatigued, killed the gnoll guard near him.  Other gnolls made their way forward from the area of the building.  One fired arrows at the flying Armania.

Erevel continued her charge toward the southern building but ran directly into the gnoll guards.

Then two squat, reptilian monsters with eight legs, bony spurs jutting from its back, and eyes that glow with pale green fire, clambered out of the top of the stairs.  One directed its gaze at Ursina while the other focused its eyes on Paullus.

Ciprian yelled Basilisks at the top of his lungs as he saw the monsters and moved to fight while averting his eyes.