Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Rooftop Garden

"Shall we fight through the whole tower?  It seems like none of the occupants wish to talk with us?" Ciprian asked slightly trembling.

"Let's go.  I am ready to fight anything," Erevel responded eagerly.

"I was hoping we could just enter and talk with Biting Lash.  Or at least have someone take us to her," Ciprian said wishfully.

"Do you speak Gnoll?" Gavril snidely responded.

"Lets go up to the roof and bypass the rest of this tower," Ursina said agreeing with Ciprian.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Rukh Attack

The party was still cautious about entering the tower.  Discussion was on going about how to approach this.  Erevel was interested in just going in, swords drawn.

Ciprian moved 100 feet off to the east and levitated to about 100 feet.  He saw the magnificent garden on the top of the tower along with flowers, ballistas and statues.  The tent and building seemed silent as he saw no one or thing moving among the trees and flowers.  Two stairways led up to the tower top and the middle was open as Barnabas described.

"We are going to have to fight our way out in any case," she said.

"You think we can't talk with Biting Lash without fighting everyone?" Armania queried.

"If we have to fight on every level we might not make it in, let alone out," Ciprian added.

"Do they even notice us standing out here?" Gavril wondered moving up to the edge of the entryway.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Blossoming Thorn

"That was close, I didn't like being on the floor," Gavril bemoaned.  "This has been happening way too often.  I miss out on the battles!"

"We will keep you upright if we can get to you," Ursina replied.

"We still need to talk with that Assassin who had our names," Ciprian reminded the party as he and Erevel entered the rooms at the inn.

"Thank you all for saving my life.  I will put in a good word for you when we see the Princess," Dahab interjected.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Quiet of the Tanneries

Gavril heard smothered moans and scream coming from beyond the door to the northeast.  Erevel, concerned about the guards in the tanning yard moved to ambush anyone coming in from the west.

Ursina ran up to Gavril and gave him some stout healing while Ciprian moved to the door and tried to unlock it as he heard a sensuous voice from within.

"You will die now! You are a horrible lover you bastard!"

Paullus and Armania moved to be able to see the in through the door when it opened even as Armania took more strength damage.  Gavril checked the door for traps and then picked the lock.  He opened the door to a ghastly scene.