Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Keeper

Gavril looked at the opening in the top of the platform.  It was completely black, even Ursina's darkvision could not see beyond the blackness.  

Erevel was ready to jump, or at least lower, herself into the open space.

"Hold on," Ciprian interjected. "Let's put together a couple of ropes and extend them down into the entrance.   I notice that the entrance above is also still open, so we could go up and ask Elder Lythiin any suggestions."

Armania stepped forward and dropped a light rock into the entrance.  As soon as the rock entered the dark it disappeared.  No one heard it hit anything, if it actually did hit the floor, wall or some other object.

Erevel stuck her arm into the space and then removed it.  The air inside the hole felt cool and crisp.  The rope dropped into the hole instantly disappeared below the entrance level.  Erevel could feel the rope inside the hole.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Key to the Soul

"I will go down this hall to find the last angel.  Does someone want to come with me?" Erevel said moving into the narrow hallway to the east.

"I am right on your back," Gavril replied.

About thirty feet in Erevel came upon the angel that was facing her.  She turned the head to face the east where it stayed.

"Done here, are we ready for the last room?" Erevel stated with satisfaction.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blasphemous Shouts

"This is very different and difficult, fog which limits visibility and an apparent invisible creature," Paullus surmised.

"I hope this thing does not wrap my face in its folds," Ciprian shouted.

Erevel then felt an attack from south of her, but she managed to avoid being grappled.

Ciprian felt the grab slide away from him being helped along by the grease he cast on himself.

Gavril found that the creature had moved and delayed his turn.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Case of the Missing Head

"I can't see anything with this fog and cloud surrounding me," Gavril yelled as he fought off becoming nauseous from the green vapors.

As he swallowed the bile rising in his throat Ciprian state loudly "I can't provide any help just now.  I will wait for Gavril to move."

Erevel stepped up and attacked the construct but as she was fatigued her attack was limited and the creature seemed to be somewhat resistant.