Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Derro Overload

Gavril headed to the eastern window as Armania was asking if the angels head could be turned or rotated.

"The windows are just glass, the only way to turn them is to open the whole window," Gavril responded.

Gavril then opened the window revealing a niche containing a candlestick like object holding a depleted sunrod.  Gavril then moved to the western window and again opened it.  Again a niche was revealed but inside was a tunnel lined with heavy paving stones. Occasional iron spikes had been thrust into the seams of the stones to serve as a kind of ladder.

Erevel looked down the tunnel and it finally disappeared into darkness.  Gavril suggested looking at the northern window before exploring the tunnel.  The niche in the north contained a depleted sunrod like the eastern.  Gavril took the sunrod out and tried to move the rod holder but it did not move, he also tried the same on the eastern alcove with the same effect.

Erevel then started down the tunnel, finding the pegs for foot holds seeming too close together for her comfort.  As the shaft descended, around 6o feet down, it began turning to angle toward the northeast. Where the tunnel began turning, it also started to constrict to barely 3 feet wide. Erevel with Gavril and Ciprian following began to squeeze into the space. The walls became green with algae as water forced its way between the stones from the soggy ground. The air in the shaft was damp and smelled of rotting vegetation.

After descending another 60 or so feet Erevel could here water rushing very loudly.  She could see ahead to a large cave like chamber.  Down the walls of the stinking chamber trickled rivulets of the dark, murky waters of Blackwood Swamp. A great hole appeared to open up in the north end, and even from a distance it is clear that the hole is quite deep. The sound of flowing water filled the chamber.  A 10-foot-high rickety wooden catwalk provided a stepping place from the tunnel.  There were six chains tethered to the chamber’s ceiling that each held a derro armed with a light crossbow swinging 10 feet above the watery floor.

The derro did not notice Erevel but seemed to be focused on the southern wall of the cavern.  Erevel motioned to move back up the tunnel where they discussed going forward.  Erevel, still wanting to attack finally acceded that a rest was needed and the group returned to the rest of the party.

Erevel entered the movable room to test whether it could be lowered.  She found a small lever near the chain and pulley which when she moved it allowed the car to be lowered.  Not wanting to see how far down it went she came back up and the lever reset.  Moving the car up allowed Ursina to see down a dark long shaft that disappeared into darkness.

The party moved the surgery table in front of the window with the tunnel and discussed their strategy for the next day.  Final agreement was made on casting levitate on Erevel and Agna with each of them taking two others to the bottom of the elevator shaft.  Each group would have to squeeze to get in the shaft.  Erevel would open the door and step in to look in the darkness for any enemies.  The rest would follow.

The night was spent without any ill effects and the party awoke refreshed.  New spell were memorized, sustenance was taken and the party got ready to delve deeper.  Erevel led and stepped into a sixty foot long chamber with filthy water seeping from between the stones of the walls and ceiling. The dripping water and trickling streams echoed off the stone walls.  At the far end of the room she saw two derro mounted on two centipede like large creatures.  The segmented creatures had chitinous bodies covered in patches of glowing, purple fungus. Syrupy venom drips from their mandibles.  Believing that a battle would soon begin, Ursina cast Bless on the party. 

One mounted enemy moved back from the opening a short distance.  Armania cast Greater Invisibility on Gavril.  Ciprian threw a sunrod into the room to light it up and moved into the room, and there were several of him.  He noted that the derro were no different and he identified the mounts as Cytillipedes.  The Cytillipedes had poison, were immune to mind affecting effects and had Spell Resistance.  He then cast haste on the party and moved into the room to get a better angle on the battle.  Erevel then moved into the chamber and attacked one of the riding derro.  Gavril followed by charging in and invisibly attacking the same enemy.  Agna then stepped out and fired arrows at the other derro.

Ursina then entered the room and cast Prayer.  The unengaged mounted derro moved forward and threw a bomb onto Agna, which splashed on Ursina and Armania.  The Cytillipede bit Ursina but she avoided the poison, at least on this turn.  The other Cytillipede attacked Erevel and the derro attacked with some kind of injection spear.

Armania cast a flaming sphere on the closest derro and Ciprian began a Bardic Performance on the derro. Erevel and Gavril continued their attacks on the derro, with Gavril actually killing the creature.  Agna again fired arrows into the fray.

Ursina crept up to attack a Cytillipede and while she hit once, another attack seemed thwarted in some fashion.  Both Cytillipedes purple patches flashed with a brilliant blue light.  Gavril was stunned and Agna appeared confused.  Aramania attacked with magic missiles and moved the flaming sphere to the Cytillipede where it burned some of its many legs.  Ciprian stepped forward to attack and Erevel stepped up to finish off the Cytillipede.  Gavril stood stunned as Agna attacked Armania.

Ursina again attacked but found her attempts thwarted in the same manner.  The Cytillipede again bit Ursina and she felt her strength drain as she was dazed.  The derro attacked Ciprian and knocked out one of his mirror images.  Armania found an opening and cast a lightning bolt on the two creatures which did significant damage.  Ciprian attacked and killed the derro but couldn't finish off the Cytillipede.  Erevel moved over to attack and Gavril again stood still as Agna stabbed herself with her longsword.  Ursina stood dazed and the Cytillipede attacked Ciprian.  Armania finished the last enemy off with a magic missile.

The party caught its breath as they looked first at the closed door to the north.  This probably led to the cavern and they awaited the derro invasion.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 2666 XP for the night.

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