Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Derro Overload

Gavril headed to the eastern window as Armania was asking if the angels head could be turned or rotated.

"The windows are just glass, the only way to turn them is to open the whole window," Gavril responded.

Gavril then opened the window revealing a niche containing a candlestick like object holding a depleted sunrod.  Gavril then moved to the western window and again opened it.  Again a niche was revealed but inside was a tunnel lined with heavy paving stones. Occasional iron spikes had been thrust into the seams of the stones to serve as a kind of ladder.

Erevel looked down the tunnel and it finally disappeared into darkness.  Gavril suggested looking at the northern window before exploring the tunnel.  The niche in the north contained a depleted sunrod like the eastern.  Gavril took the sunrod out and tried to move the rod holder but it did not move, he also tried the same on the eastern alcove with the same effect.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Infirmary Deeds

The Hellwasp Swarms flew in through the open cupola windows and attacked Armania and her summoned Bralani.

Armania decided on self preservation, floating down through the trap door which she shut and landed on the floor to enter the fight with the Hollow One.  Ciprian began his Bardic Performance while Erevel, Gavril and Agna each continued their attacks.

As the Hollow One fought back he began sobbing and mumbling "Kill Me! Please end this nightmare.  Kill Me!"

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Creature in the Attic

As the battle raged Gavril moved to flank the three armed Derro, but found that his flanking did no good, neither did his sneak attack.  But he managed to hit the Derro, but took damage from the thorns.

Then the Derro cast a spell and disappeared.  Her ally also cast a spell and disappeared.

"Where did they go?" Paullus bemoaned.

"I'll find them, if they are still in the room," Armania declared as she cast Invisibility Purge revealing the two Derro in the northwest and southwest areas of the room.  Ciprian also appeared next to Gavril.

"They are in the corners behind the skins," Armania stated pointing in those two directions.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Place of Skin

"Where are we?" Paullus asked in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?" responded Ciprian

"Last I recall we were on the Sellen Starling getting ready to dock in Cassomir!"

"We are in Cassomir.  Don't you recall the ambush at the docks?" Gavril interjected.

"No.  And what are these ribbons doing in my beard?" Paullus continued confusedly.