Tuesday, December 20, 2022

By the Skinstitch of their Teeth

Erevel led the party up the stairs to the next level with Gavril close behind.  The rest of the party trailed along on the staircase.  As she reached the top of the stairs Erevel could smell the room before seeing it.  The overwhelming stench of bleach, ammonia, and other unidentifiable chemicals filled the air.

The chamber seemed a veritable museum. Dozens of books, jars, and glass containers of various sizes lay on nearly every horizontal surface.  Some of the largest containers were draped with a thick brown cloth. But her sight was drawn to two hulking things which seemed to be a patchwork of rotten cloth and grotesque skin, with stray bits of straw poking out the seams.  There was a buzzing drone coming from the area of the creatures as they went about browsing the shelves and checking out jars.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Unsettling Painting

The party heard Armania's statement detailing the placement of the magic paintings.  Since one was next to Erevel at the bottom of the second stairway she took a closer look at it.

It depicted a gruesome cloaked figure standing in a blasted alien landscape. Snakes writhed from beneath the folds of its cloak, and it reached a clawed hand out from its billowing sleeves. The creature seemed to move and its cloak seemed to blow in the wind if looked at from the corner of the eye.

Erevel felt a jolt of fear shoot down her spine as the figure in the painting looked directly at her.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Mun's Macabre Study

After being escorted back to The Sword Point, Armania cast invisibility and fly on herself and followed the Cassomir Watch as they left the inn.  The guards moved through Pharasma's Pulpit and then headed to Swift Prison.  At this point the four Watchmen marched to the Three Gates district where they patrolled the streets for 3 hours.

Apparently at the end of their watch the group headed to the Admiralty Citadel where they met a new group of Watch headed out for patrol.  The group Armania was following entered the Citadel and didn't exit again.