Thursday, May 26, 2022

Creepy Rill Creeper

"Seems too late in the day to continue with research, so we should just wait and try later," Ciprian bemoaned the lateness of the day.

"Tomorrow we will be close to the tributary entry, so we will need to be alert.  We will all need to study the shore and waters," asked Skywin.

"We will be ready," Erevel announced seconded by Paullus.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Glower's Glower

Ciprian and Ursina sat in the small sumptuous room discussing how to proceed.

"You can cast discern lies when we interview these subjects," state Ciprian.  "I will try and play the bad cop, hopefully someone else will be the good cop."

"Should we watch them as they enter.  One of them may try and trigger the trap, or maybe find out why it didn't work." added Ursina.

Armania was looking around at all the suspects plus Quaveandra with her gem of seeing.  It did not show her any thing out of the ordinary.  She then went to the private room and noted a secret door in the north wall, but not any way to open it.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Quaveandra's Problem

Striding across the rickety pier was a wide-eyed elf, his patched robe and mud-spiked hair swung around his rail-thin frame. A coterie of women followed a few paces behind him. The man thrust his hands into the air and shouted “The Water Rat delivers, but in his own time!  I have seen you in murky reflections and I would impart Hanspur’s sodden wisdom to you with private words—let us speak of strange dreams, red sails, and dead fisherfolk!”

Skywin jumped to the pier and approached the elf.

"Naerel, we are just here to resupply and make some quick repairs on the Sellen Starling.  We were attacked by some strange water creature.  There is a small amount of damage on the ship."

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Vagrant Attack

The party gathered around Ciprian worried about any effects from dying in the Dreamlands.

"I feel fine, just a headache.  What was that monster that hit me?" Ciprian said groggily.

"We didn't stay around to find out.  The whole city seemed as if it were going to be destroyed by huge waves from the lake.  Whatever the creature was, it was very powerful."  Paullus related.  "It seemed to affect our ability to wake up!"