Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Zombies on the Heights

"I need to rest.  I have used all of my offensive spells," Armania implored.

Ursina agreed while Ciprian indicated he was still willing to move on.

Erevel and Paullus began discussing where the best defensive position was here in Fort Hailcourse.  They were assuming there was no reason to leave and come back later.

"They will certainly find the bodies and be more prepared if we try to return," Erevel exclaimed.

"Should we go up to the Magistrate's room?" queried Ciprian.

"But it has only one exit, we can defend against somethings coming in but how could we get out if needed?" Erevel inquired.

"The room below that has no windows.  How can we see anyone surrounding us?" Ciprian asked.

"I could stay outside with Barnabas," Paullus volunteered.

The group locked the cabinets holding the Fort's Archive.  They then headed up to the room above.  Armania started to identify the objects she had collected from the spell using Skum and others.  Ciprian looked at the scrolls he had collected.  The items were distributed among the party along with potions and others items that had not been claimed yet.  The various healing items were important since there is no channeling ability in the party.

Final healing was given out to the various party members and the group settled down for a night's rest.  Erevel did not experience any Night Terrors and the party awoke refreshed.

As the party finished memorizing spells, Barnabas landed on Paullus shoulder, clawing with excitement.  Paullus shifted down to the south end of the building and peered around.  He saw a Undead Guard seemingly patrolling the battlements.  Erevel immediately crept out the door and

impatiently waited until the guard saw the party.  Gavril moved to the west door of the room to try and sneak out behind the monster.

Erevel was trembling as she waited, finally she gave in and charged the creature to her south.  Gavril opened the door and found another guard about 30 feet away.  Luckily he wasn't looking at Gavril who hid behind the parapets.  As the guards saw the party they shouted slowly "Intruders, Intruders."  Erevel found that his greatsword did not seem to damage the undead as much as she felt it should have.  Paullus fired an arrow which did not do any damage on a direct hit.  Ursina blessed the party while Ciprian moved out and identified the enemy as Juju Zombies who were immune to cold and electricity.  He then began his Bardic Performance.  Gavril snuck up behind the guard who was moving toward the sound of battle.  He then used sneak attack to improve the damage of Red Destiny.

Erevel and Paullus continued to attack one Zombie while the other moved up toward Ursina and Gavril to attack.  While the heroes were able to hit the monsters relatively easily they found that their weapons were not doing the damage they expected.  Their experience showed that magic and or slashing weapons seemed better.

Then two more Zombies appeared firing arrows at the party from distance.  Armania left the room to attack with acid darts.  The battle continued as Erevel raged and with Paullus' and Ciprian's help managed to down one of the creatures.  Gavril and Ursina, who used Disrupt Undead, managed to kill another thought they both were low on energy.  Erevel moved toward an arrow firing enemy and used renewed vigor to improve her health.  Gavril and Ursina retreated around the donjon while healing and dodging arrows from a Zombie.

Erevel, backed by Ciprian who wielded his wand of cure light wounds, attacked one of the two remaining Zombies.  She found she was very appreciative of the continued healing from Ciprian.  Paullus moved up but could not get close to attack the same creature.

Having lost sight of Gavril and Ursina the last Zombie moved toward the greater expanse of the party and fired arrows at Armania who returned Acid Darts.  As Erevel finally destroyed her guard she sat down fatigued to rest after her exertions.  Ciprian moved to block the last guard from moving further at the party, while Paullus fired arrows at it.  Ursina, feeling stronger, emerged from hiding to continue with Disrupt Undead and Gavril circled around behind the last creature and attacked with Red Destiny.

The last Zombie fell amongst the attackers and Ursina immediately looked for magic.  Without waiting Erevel claimed a fine looking longbow and arrows.  As no magic was found other party members took to stripping the bodies of their fine looking bows and swords.

Now what, was the question.  Should the party go downstairs right now, examine the remaining towers or try and quietly scout more.  Armania convinced the party to check out the remaining towers, it appeared that some had the door to the battlements left open.  So clockwise around the battlements the party trooped.  Each tower had a circular stairway going down and another circular staircase going up to a trap door, just like the first tower they had explored.  Each tower was empty, no more guards or enemies to be found.

As the party moved to each tower they could see down to a courtyard in the center of the Fort.  The ground was muddy, with patches of grass and weeds sprouting from the soil along the walls.  A brick well stood at the center of the courtyard with four hounds moving slowly around the whole area.  There were at least five doors entering the courtyard and a covered passageway leading toward the Fort entrance in the south.

Choosing the northwest tower, furthest from the rest of the Fort, the party went down the stairs to the first level.  They came upon an L-shaped room, which held a few neatly stacked piles of gear sitting against the walls.  A case of arrows sat near each of the two arrow loops.  An extinguished hooded lantern sat on the floor near the arrow loop on the western wall, where a Zombie stood looking out the loop.  Two more Zombies, bows in hand faced the party.

DM's Notes: The characters gained 800 XP for the night and now have 19,030 XP.

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