Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thorny Reception

"Can we push the wall in?" queried Erevel, "That should be easy with no mortar."

"It doesn't seem to move," answered Ciprian, "Can we use some of these barrels to try and bash the wall?"

Gavril and Erevel grabbed a barrel and ran at the wall breaking in down to reveal an area filled with bales of hay.  Beyond the hay there appeared to be a door.

Clearing the bales out of the way revealed what appeared to be another cell door, with a lock and a grate that could be opened from this side.  Ursina stated that there was a faint aura of magic shining through the door.

Ciprian moved up and slid the grate revealing a cell with cot and a desiccated corpse lying on the floor.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ghost in the Machine

"I don't see any magic in this place, I guess all that we found was on that exploding mirror creature," said Ciprian.  "I'll go make sure it can't regenerate by destroying or picking up some of the shards that remain."

Armania identified the amulet of Natural Armor +1.  When Ciprian returned he identified the two short swords as +1 each.

"Seems like we have pretty much cleared out this floor," Erevel interjected, "Of course some creatures could have gone upstairs."

"There are some areas we haven't investigated here yet," Ciprian stated.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Immediately the two Zombie bowmen shot arrows at Erevel.  The other started saying "Intruders, Intruders," while looking toward the stairs.

Armania cast haste and moved down the stairs next to a pile of gear.  Ciprian, hearing Erevel's description, started his Bardic Performance against the Zombies.  Then he moved past the Zombies to the eastern most door.  Erevel, raging moved forward to the southern Zombie and slashed with her greatsword.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Zombies on the Heights

"I need to rest.  I have used all of my offensive spells," Armania implored.

Ursina agreed while Ciprian indicated he was still willing to move on.

Erevel and Paullus began discussing where the best defensive position was here in Fort Hailcourse.  They were assuming there was no reason to leave and come back later.

"They will certainly find the bodies and be more prepared if we try to return," Erevel exclaimed.