Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ghoul Fever

 Hearing nothing beyond the door Erevel opened it revealing a small office setting.  A desk was smashed under rubble as the entire west wall had collapsed.  A door in the north wall was open to the outside and the room was filled with a sickly yellow mist.  In the room was a brightly colored, long-necked amphibian with six legs, a fanged snout, and numerous finlets running down its spine.

The sight of this unusual creature brought a little more instability to the to the minds of Erevel and Paullus.  Erevel immediately rushed in to attack and landed a blow on the creature.  Paullus fired an arrow which hit home while Armania could not find a good place to peer in the door.  The creature let out a Blood Freezing Howl and Erevel and Paullus were dazed.  Gavril rushed in and was bitten by the creature barely evading being tripped.  He then closed the door to the outside.  Ciprian entered the room and identified the creature as a Voonith, a magical beast, with a howl obviously.  He then began a Bardic Performance.  

Just as Ciprian had stared his performance the Voonith attacked with four claws and dropped Ciprian to the floor and his voice was stilled.  Erevel and Paullus stood still for the moment but were shaken by the experience.  Armania was energized by the Voonith and attacked with a Flame Strike at a higher skill level.  The Voonith took fire damage standing in the strike.  Ursina rebuked the death of Ciprian bringing him back to consciousness.   Gavril moved around behind the creature and slit down its spine with his sword.  Finally Erevel moved in and finished the creature off.

Healing was done for the adventurers who had taken damage.  Ursina scanned the room for magic but alas found none.  Gavril sauntered over to a hallway that led ten feet south to a door.  After the healing and searching was finished Gavril moved to the door and hearing nothing behind it opened the door to reveal a hallway leading south.  Slowly but noisily, Gavril moved down the and found a small T.  To the east were doors leading north and south, while the hallway led further west with several doors visible.  Gavril, Erevel and Paullus moved into the western hallway and were surprised as the south wall suddenly fell in on them.  This revealed a larger room where several workbenches lay crushed beneath the rubble of the room's collapsed ceiling.  In the room were four Ghouls, three of whom had just pushed the wall down.  

Rubble was now covering twenty feet of the hallway making movement difficult.  Armania moved down the hallway and cast a web into the room with all four Ghouls within the sticky tendrils of the web.  Gavril attacked the closest Ghoul.  Paullus not able to move well, took out his dagger and attacked another.   Ursina cast Disrupt Undead continually during the battle.   Ciprian started again his Bardic Performance.  Erevel raged and moved to attack one of the Ghouls.   Gavril, Paullus and Erevel were the recipients of Ghoul attacks, bites or claws doing damage indiscriminately.  Armania began firing magic missiles into the fray as the fourth Ghoul moved up to join the battle.  Ciprian moved down to attack, he was in front the south east door.  Suddenly there was snarling, growling and banging at both the north and south doors.  Worried, he announced to everyone that there might be more incoming.  Gavril dropped a Ghoul and then moved back from the web.  Another Ghoul fell from Paullus, Armania and Ursina's attacks.  

As the third Ghoul fell the final remaining Ghoul moved up to Gavril and bit him savagely.  Gavril stood stock still and the fear in his eyes was apparent but Erevel moved up behind the creature and slew it in one more attack.  Again some healing was applied, especially to Gavril after he moved again.  The pounding at the doors also stopped so the party again moved toward the northwest.

The hall came to a large X shape with several doors leading off to the south, east and north.  To the west was a large stairwell leading upward, but at the first landing it was again blocked by rubble from above.  Erevel listened at the north door and heard more growling, snarling noises.  Gavril went to the east doors and listened and heard more of the same with the addition of a dog's angry yelps and snarls.  As the group wished to get to the northwest tower Erevel opened the north door to reveal large room with a row of wicker rocking chairs faces this room’s tall windows, staring into the mist licking the outside of the glass. A heap of broken planks lies in one corner, the wreckage of a wooden stairwell that still partially clings to the wall above.

Inside were four Ghouls dressed in tattered patient gowns circling the room, their noses and tongues raised high.  Gavril suggested that the group let the Ghouls come to the door one at a time for the party to attack but of course there was little agreement.  Erevel rushed into the room and attacked the Ghoul furthest to the east.  Ciprian moved into the room and began his Bardic Performance again.  Paullus fired arrows into the room and Armania cast Rays of Frost into the fray.  After Erevel dispatched her Ghoul she headed back to the doorway as no one else had followed her in.  Ciprian moved over to attack another Ghoul as the three remaining had all moved toward the door.

Gavril continued to harangue the group about their incompetence as Erevel took opportunity damage moving back into the hallway.  Ciprian slew a Ghoul and sneaked back into the hallway.  The final two Ghouls were easy pickings as the party only had to fight them one at a time.  Gavril delivered the final blow saying "See I told you all along just let them come to us!"

The party now entered the chamber looking for magic items and found none.  Gavril found studs and holes left in the wall where the stairs collapsed that were successful in allowing him to move up to the landing of the remaining stairs.  Most of the party followed but a couple needed the help of patients gowns tied together to form a kind of rope.

The top of the tower was a room as large as the one below.  Broken windows looked out across a sea of churning saffron fog.   Inside, dusty crates of every size crowded the room.  In the northwest area yellow fog about twenty foot radius around the center.  The first five or so feet of fog were dense but could be seen through the rest was blocking, nothing could be seen in the center.  The fog wafted and flowed, much of the fog streamed out through the windows adding to the mist outside.

The party entered and warily moved around the room, Ciprian cast grease into the cloud of fog.  Gavril moved south and Erevel north.  Paullus fired an arrow into the fog but could not tell if it struck anything.  Armania searched for any magic in the chamber and Ursina was ready for any attack.  Gavril moved around the west of the fog, careful not to enter it.  Ciprian lined up three small chests to shove into the fog.  Erevel picked up a small trunk and threw it toward the center of the obscuring fog.  She heard it hit the floor, slide along the grease, but Gavril did not see it exit the fog on his side.

DM's Notes:  The party earned 800 XP for the night and now have 6197 XP needing 2803 more to reach 4th level. 

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