Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Bag Lady Loomis

A stout canine torso topping a slimy mass resembling an earthworm appeared near the crate.  Disgusting veins dangled from its face.  Worse there were six creatures all together tightly packed in the space before the crate.  Ursina, Ciprian and Erevel felt the gaze of the creature and quickly averted their eyes narrowly avoiding whatever evil was thrown toward them.

Ciprian yelled out a distress call which Gavril responded to by entering the room and becoming shaken.  He still moved up toward the creature and threw a flask of Alchemist's Fire toward it which missed but splashed the outsider from behind.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rarified Air

 Ciprian pushed his line of crates into the fog where they hit something solid and slid sideways in the grease.  Clearly somebody or something was in the middle of the saffron fog.  Armania moved around for a closer look while Ursina was opening crates looking for rope or maybe something to throw.  Suddenly Gavril rushed into the mist wrapped his arms around the thing in the middle and pulled it backwards.  The fog moved with Gavril and the entity.  Gavril felt slightly sleepy as he stood in the fog but managed to shake it off.  Everyone noticed that the mist around the creature slowed their movement slightly and became slightly less obscuring.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Ghoul Fever

 Hearing nothing beyond the door Erevel opened it revealing a small office setting.  A desk was smashed under rubble as the entire west wall had collapsed.  A door in the north wall was open to the outside and the room was filled with a sickly yellow mist.  In the room was a brightly colored, long-necked amphibian with six legs, a fanged snout, and numerous finlets running down its spine.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Doctor Elbourne or Mr. Hyde

While in the Chapel for a rest interval the group took time to identify some of the items they had acquired over the last day or two.  Gavril's short sword was found to be a +2 item.  The Amulets of Gavril and Armania were of Natural Armor +1 and Ciprian had a Cloak of Resistance +1 and a Brooch of Shielding.  The candle from Losandro's office was a Candle of Spirit Protection.  Ciprian thought that it might be used against a haunt as the group still hadn't found a way to disrupt the blood flow and wall. Gavril thought otherwise and wanted to save it for a higher level use.  The tin of Incense was still unidentified.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Devil in the Dark

 Despite the screaming coming from beyond the door to the west, Erevel moved further into the large room with the blood stream crossing the floor.  Worn old chairs and small tables set with the scattered pieces of simple games lay scattered throughout this room. A serving hatch in the north wall opened into a darkened space beyond. Vast glass windows dominated the eastern walls, beyond which a jaundiced kaleidoscope swirls hypnotically.  A coppery smell permeated the room.  At the termination of the stream of blood stood a wheel chair which faced the wall of windows.  A body with its head lowered sat in the chair.