Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Aevan-Vhor Star Stelae

Wrangling about the magic items took a while to complete.  As usual the group could not make definitive decisions on who wanted which items.  The most popular items were the more powerful Cloaks of Resistance.  The two Ioun stones were divided between Erevel and Ursina.

Erich found his tunic and dagger in the loot, but was left with a lesser Ring of Protection. Paullus took several items as he recovered his memories and ability to talk and woke up with his old self active once again.

The group took a night's rest and started out early for the vineyard following the directions of Lord Eldarius.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Lord Avaric's Might

The sarcophagus chamber was quiet and dusty.  No prints were evident in the room and the carvings on the walls were just unnerving.  Ciprian moved forward to the actual sarcophagus and noted that it was not sealed.  He could move in in gaseous form.  He whispered to the group as he entered the burial coffin.

Erevel kept watch on the chamber, while Gavril and Agna were busy looking back into the maze, sure that they would soon be attacked.

Gavril found the inside of the sarcophagus did not hold a body and he moved around in the dark.  He then decided to take time to become corporeal once again but before that he told Gavril and Erevel to check out the other doors.