Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Chaos's Calliope

In the morning the group stepped out of the tiny hut into seemingly normal light.  Looking up at the sky they saw two pitch black spheres surrounded by a nimbus of pale, yellow light.  Cassilda indicated that the twin suns of Carcosa never shed more light than they saw.  The daytime sky was alien, as the surrounding star field remained just as visible as it was at night.

"The suns are such that you can even look at them without damage," Cassilda assured the party, "Though doing so may lead to nausea, headaches and bad dreams."

After sharing a meal and memorizing spells, Cassilda addressed them once again.

"I bid you good luck and promise to watch out for you and aid you if I can.  You recall I cannot oppose Hastur directly. You should head to the east/southeast." She then teleported away.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Plaza of the Pallid Mask

 “I do not know how you are here, alive, but this is where your quest ends. I will see to it myself!” the Pallid Mask intoned before casting a spell at Erevel.

Ciprian identified the spell as Phantasmal Killer but Erevel withstood the horror for minimal damage.  Gavril had targeted the creature as his Quarry while Ursina moved out of direct line of sight.  Paullus fired his bow at the creature but did no damage and Armania tried to hit the enemy with Magic Missiles but the spell fizzled.

Erevel stood dazed, looking absently toward the sky.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Audience with the Queen

The party stood wondering where they actually were.  What were they supposed to do and how?  Where would they go next?

"I am in need of a restoration and can supply healing for everyone who was damaged," Ciprian began.

"I am in great need of healing," Armania said hurrying over to Ciprian.

The rest of the party moved to surround Ciprian as he began the Greater Paths of Glory.  After that was accomplished, Ursina cast a restoration on Ciprian healing his Wisdom damage.

"Do we need to squeeze through these cracks?" Erevel asked.

"There is a wider passage down here in the southeast," Gavril added.