Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Kaklatath Revitalized

Erevel led the way north from the Yithian guarded chamber.  Again the passage was covered with graffiti in the same language as before.  Gavril confirmed that it had the same dystopian view of the world and future.

The passage wound back and forth, up and down, and was crisscrossed in places by crevices, large and small. After twenty or thirty minutes of hiking Erevel saw the passage end at an east-west passage.  Moving slowly up toward the intersection Erevel saw the west end turn almost immediately to the north while the east passage continued but had a north passage off of it a few feet in.  She did not hear any noise, talking or smell anything unusual.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Necronomicon Found

The large Grave Knight strode out of the water toward Erevel who sprung her sudden strike on it.  To Erevel's surprise the monster then attacked Ciprian and nearly laid him out.

Erevel then attacked and had a critical but found that the Sonic damage no longer affected the monster!  Ciprian moved backward and cast a Greater Dispel Magic from a scroll.  The Grave Knight shrank back down to normal size before the party's eyes.

Ursina seeing her opening moved to Erevel and gave her healing while Gavril moved into position to flank with the demon.  His attack also landed as the thing seemed easier to hit now.