Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Deadly Fog

It took five days for the party to completely recover from their sanity damage and regain some control over their minds.  Madnesses were pushed to the background or in some cases removed completely.  Discussion continued to ensue about what route to take, should they reenter the city or just leave and let everything be.

Erevel was adamant about heading back into the city.  She wanted so badly to get Lowls and maybe he was still here.  Even so his foul plan caused her to choke on her food.  No way could Golarion be drawn anywhere near more Flying Polyps or worse.

Ciprian found two Rituals marked in the large Tomb, Beckon the Stars to prime the Star Stelae and Path to the Black Stars to journey to Carcosa.  He felt that if he memorized the Rituals, not like a spell memorization, neither he nor Lowls would need to have the Necromonicon to cast the Rituals.  He was wondering why Lowls had left it in the camp.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Insanity at the Well

The party was fairly surprised and stunned at the appearance of the Flying Polyp.  Agna had already made it back to the doors into the tower and was ready to shut them at a moments notice.  Ciprian and Ursina were invisible somewhere on the battlefield.  Armania was prone and near the doors to the tower while Gavril lay close to the well after firing an arrow at the monster.

Erevel had headed toward the doors signalling here intention to get the hell out of Dodge, at least for now.  The situation looked bleak to the party as the huge aberration was surrounded by winds.

A whirlwind began over Gavril and the invisible Urisna, its winds were cyclonic in strength as in tapered from a ten foot width to thirty feet wide and the top of it's thirty foot height.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Lowl's Encampment

"Let's identify this new magic gear we found," Ursina suggested.

"Yes, maybe those magic boots were worth finding," Gavril added.

So Ciprian set about identifying the new items, nothing really stood out but a couple of items were given to Kaklatath to help improve her chances of surviving.

At this point Erevel was more than ready to get a good night's rest.  She was already itching to be back in the city and explore that camp outside the tower.

In the morning the crew again welcomed Agna to the fold and had to fill her in on the specifics as the spell casters memorized their new spells for the day.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Echoes of Ninshabur

"I am hurting pretty badly.  Does anyone else need some healing?" Ciprian inquired shortly after the battle.

"Yes, I am hurting too.  I'm feeling a little less intelligent also," Gavril quickly added.

"I think most of us could use some help," Erevel piped up.

Ciprian then set to healing everyone, followed by checking on Kaklatath and Havigan, in that order.  It seemed that both of them were blinded for a short time, as was Paullus but all seemed better now.

Armania and Erevel were still trying to make sense of the area outside the doors.  It was at street level at least as one looked away from the tower.  Looking toward the tower the doors were visible and the tower extended around 200 feet higher into the air.  But looking north, south or east from the street level seemed to indicate that the area was nowhere near the tower.  Erevel noted human footprints going in and out the doors and all around the tents.