Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Jungle

Erevel and Gavril moved into the tower from the outer pathway.  Both were glad to be away from the barrierless walkway several hundred feet above the street level of Neruzavin.  The passage led into the tower toward the northwest but soon Gavril's sunrod illuminated a chamber.

Ropey strands of sickly fungus stretch across the rough-hewn chamber’s walls. Vine-like growths hung down from the ceiling, taut anchor lines that crisscrossed the area.  It was difficult to peer through the mass of fungus but Erevel could see the ceiling about 40 or 50 feet above.

The rest of the party followed slowly but everyone stayed in the short pathway.  Erevel took out a copper piece and threw it at the ropey strands.  The copper bounced off the strand which moved slightly like a harp string, the copper clanged off the floor as it dropped.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Twisted Hall

Gavril shifted over to flank the axe wielding woman and attacked with fury.  His thrusts were successful enough to drop her to the floor of the chamber.  As the body hit the floor it burst open releasing spores that Ursina and Gavril breathed in.

Armania again grabbed Ciprian and the two stepped to the highest stairway they could see.  With this vantage point they could see an undead man standing on that stairway somewhat lower than their height.  The creature was popping in and out of ethereal being as they watched it.  Armania fired magic missiles at the creature but they stopped short of its body.  She recognized this effect as a shield spell. The flaming sphere continued on the cocoon.

Meanwhile Erevel was watching her blood on the floor ooze toward the walls where it climbed upward in the etchings like it was being pulled upward.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

In Defiance of Heaven

"The city is certainly large.  How are we supposed to find Lowls, or the Star stelae?" Paullus wondered after Barnabas had returned from scouting.  "He says that there are toppled buildings and standing ones but it is very strange looking.  Twisted and abnormally formed buildings. If that is what they are."

"Do you know anything about where to go in Neruzavin," Ciprian asked of Mother Grim Moon.

"I know that one of the standing pillars is close to the western edge of the city.  But I will not give any more help to those who would prevent the condemnation of the world," Mother Grim Moon repeated again.

"The camels will not move any closer to the city.  I will have to keep them here away from the evil influence," Hassad noted with relief.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Sport and Savagery

"We should get going.  We probably need to make more tracks tonight," Gavril said encouraging the others to get moving.

"Do we know if this is the city?" Armania asked.

"We are not at Neruzavin yet.  I seem to recall a medium size trading post here.  It seems that the sands have recovered it," Kaklatath injected.

"Then let us be on our way," Erevel added while mounting her camel.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

A Test of Strength

"I said all along we should have killed that Gnoll," Ciprian fumed.  "Now she is still after us in the desert."

"This will be the last we hear from her," Gavril retorted.

"I'm sure she will do nothing when these creatures don't come back for their reward!" Ciprian clapped back.

"It is time to rest, even these nights in the desert are exhausting," Erevel added.

"Does anyone need healing or do you want any of your madnesses reduced?" Ursina queried.  As she received no response she was also ready for a rest.