Thursday, March 30, 2023

Foggy Brains

"The angel heads are becoming more fierce and possibly evil," Ciprian observed. "The pointed teeth are interesting."

After a few minutes Erevel was raring to move forward once again.

"I am going to make a circuit around checking the heads on each angel.  Anyone want to come with me?"

"I'll go along," Ciprian answered.

Off the two went first to the eastern and northern angels.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Beast in the Broken Menagerie

Armania was being sickened by the colorful mushrooms growing from Paullus' and Erevel's skin.  "Can something be done to fix this?"

"Maybe they are a food source," Paullus surmised.

"I wouldn't try that!  They probably are poisonous," Ursina warned.  Let me check again to see is this is a disease or something else.

After studying his two affected heroes Ursina was at a loss, "I don't think this is a disease or infection.  I can't determine if I can help."

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Miacknian Mun and Friend

Gavril was hurting bad but went ahead and attacked the oozing monster in front of him.  With great aplomb he used both hands to inflict damage, though less than he wanted.

Armania finally was able to fire off a magic missile at the creature.  Then she moved south to get a view down the main hallway.  As she settled there the mate ooze slogged up around the corner and moved toward her.

Erevel and Gavril were the targets of the next attacks of the Proto-Shoggoth although neither ended up being grappled.

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Ciprian was worried about the staircase.  "Did Elder Thyrr tell us how to open the staircases from below?"

"She didn't tell me, and I didn't hear it during the conversation," Armania replied.

"Were we sure she had visited this level?" asked Erevel.

"She said she never was in the Soul, but I thought she knew the other levels," Ciprian responded.